FY2006-07 Strategic Plan


2004-2008 Strategic Plan

Revised for FY2006-07


A. The U.N. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

In April 1998,San Francisco became the first municipality in the country to adopt local implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). A CEDAW Task Force, chaired by the Commission and composed of other city agencies and community stakeholders, conducted gender analysis of 6 city departments to examine budget, services, and employment within a gender-based human rights framework. In April 2003, then-Supervisor Gavin Newsom sponsored the CEDAW Gender Analysis Resolution at the Board of Supervisors, requesting that city departments conduct a gender analysis of budget cuts, including layoffs. Since then, the Commission on the Status of Women appointed a CEDAW Committee, chaired by Commissioner Angela Williams and staffed by the Department, to continue cutting edge work to promote the human rights of not only women, but all people.

1. Goals

a. Transition the CEDAW Committee to an Advisory Council. Provide training and support to Commissioners to serve in a CEDAW oversight role.

b. Gender Analysis - Monitor departments that have undergone gender analysis. Complete the DOSW gender analysis. Simplify the gender analysis guidelines. Strategically select new department programs to undergo a gender analysis based on the simplified guidelines. Strategically partner with a for-profit and non-profit organization toundergo gender analysis.

c. Training - Continue to outreach to and train government agencies andprivate sector organizations (both for-profit and non-profit) with a focus on areas

in which women and girls have been marginalized.

d. Combating Stereotypes – Develop a program to address media perceptions of women and girls and explore options for future policy and public outreach to combat stereotypes.

e. Promoting CEDAW - Develop a plan to encourage other municipalities, national, state, and local agencies, to promote CEDAW. Take positions on issues related to CEDAW principles.

2. Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Accomplishments

a. Training

The Mayor's Office resisted having each department head trained at this time and we refocused out efforts. Two trainings were developed. The first training gave an overview of human rights and international treaties including a focus on CEDAW. The second training focused specifically on CEDAW in San Francisco and included a gender analysis component. Both these trainings were given to DOSW staff and to the CEDAW Committee. The CEDAW Committee training included representatives from Mayor's, City Attorney's and Controller's offices.

b. Gender Parity Report

A draft of a gender parity report was completed but not released due to methodology issues. The highlights of the findings were shared, along with additional resources and recommendations, with key staff of the Human Resources Department: the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer and the new Recruitment Officer who is mandated to encourage a broader recruitment of women, especially in non-traditional areas.

c. Community Outreach

The Department participated in a number of community events, including a conference on human rights sponsored by the Women's Foundation. The Department has partnered with the Women's Institute for Leadership Development to conduct an analysis of CEDAW implementation in San Francisco. Department staff also met with international representatives to discuss our CEDAW work, including a delegation from Japan and a European researcher looking at how different cities, including San Francisco and Barcelona have implemented CEDAW. Department staff met with the Commission on the Status of Woman in Alameda and Santa Clara Counties to present information regarding local implementation of CEDAW.


d. Gender Analysis

The CEDAW Committee requested updates from 3 departments that underwent gender analysis: the Department of Environment, the Juvenile Probation Department, and Department of Public Works. DOSW staff has been working with each of these departments to offer technical assistance for their updates. In addition, staff have begun a gender analysis of the Department, collecting disaggregated data, reviewing the budget, services and programs, as well as employment practices using a human rights approach.

e. Promoting CEDAW

Department staff met with the New York City Human Rights Coalition working to implement local legislation modeled, in part, on the San Francisco Ordinance. The National Association of Counties (NACo), the only national organization that represents county governments in the United States, recognized San Francisco's CEDAW work with its Annual Award for innovative programs. In particular, the award was given for the Department's gender analysis of budget cuts in 2003, initiated by then-Supervisor Gavin Newsom. This pioneering approach was recognized as a valuable tool for other government bodies to utilize because it provides key information for policymakers to ensure that government upholds the human rights of women in their workforce.

3. Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Accomplishments
In the addback process for the FY2005-2006 budget, the Board of Supervisors restored 1.0 FTE for a Senior Policy Analyst to support the work of CEDAW. This position will be staffed by 2 partial time policy analysts beginning October 1, 2005. This is an addition to the 0.5FTE currently assigned. In 2004, the Department convened regular meetings of the CEDAW Committee to implement the Five-Year Action Plan. Women's health was identified as a priority area. Department staff worked closely with the Department of Public Health Office of Women's Health and participated in a landmark health summit co-sponsored by the Department of Public Health and University of California at San Francisco in June.

a. Team-Up for Youth Grant

The Team-Up for Youth Foundation announced an initiative to fund programs specifically designed to promote gender equity in youth recreation and sports programs. San Francisco was awarded a $30,000 grant to fund an afterschool athletics program for 50 young girls in the Bayview/Hunter's Point neighborhood. The Department worked closely with Department of Children Youth and Their Families and the Mayor's Office of Community Development on the grant application. As a result of this initiative, a cohort of girls will have improved access to playing fields, recreational opportunities, and supportive social services. A follow-up grant of up to $50,000 may be available to further address gender equity, in competitive sports in particular.

b. Gender Parity Report

In the past, the Department has issued gender parity reports that provide basic statistical information about the workforce composition from all City departments as well as the demographic profiles of boards and commissions. These are important measures of gender equity within the government agencies of the City and County of San Francisco. Our summer CEDAW Intern put together a draft report based on statistics provided by the Department of Human Resources. Results from the gender parity report can provide important planning data for recruitment and hiring efforts at City departments. They are also means by which the City can reduce its liability against class action discrimination lawsuits.

c. Public Outreach

This past year included several important opportunities to showcase CEDAW work in San Francisco. Executive Director Murase participated in the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women meetings in January 2005, testified before the New York City Council in April 2005, presented at the Institute for Women's Policy Research International Conference in Washington, DC in June, and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom International Congress in August in San Francisco on our work. By sharing our CEDAW success stories with representatives of other countries, states, and municipalities, we underscore the cutting edge human rights policy work that is being conducted as part of the Newsom Administration.

4. Resources & Assignments

Commissioner: TO BE ASSIGNED.

Staff: Executive Director (as needed), 1.0 FTE Policy Analyst.

With the support of Executive Director Murase, Policy Analysts Ann Lehman and Carol Sacco will work with City Departments and other organizations on gender analysis and monitoring. Ms. Lehman's training efforts will be expanded. Executive Director Murase will continue to work with other government entities to promote the adoption of CEDAW locally.

5. Administrative Code Requirements

This work meets the following areas of the San Francisco Administrative Code:

33.4(d), 33.4(e.3), 33.4(e.4), 33.4(h), 33.4(i), 33.4(j), 33.4(o), 33.5, 33.6.



Last year, the Commission established this as a new area for policy development to reflect concerns brought before the Commission. Commissioner Andrea Evans has provided leadership in addressing the exploitation of the female workforce in San Francisco's adult entertainment industry, and Commission Jing Xu Lee has expanded language access to key city services.

1. Goal(s)

a. Oversee the successful adoption of legislation to combat unsafe working conditions in San Francisco's adult entertainment industry. Partner with the Entertainment Commission and other key agencies to address appropriate enforcement of the legislation.

b. Continue to target outreach to underserved communities, with a special emphasis on multilingual communities, by convening an ethnic media roundtable to publicize the problem of domestic violence and available prevention and intervention services and other strategies.

c. Enhance language access to City services by making information about the Commission and the Department available in other languages.

2. Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Accomplishment

a. Labor and Safety Conditions of Exotic Dancers

In June 2006 and with the leadership of Commissioner Evans, the Commission adopted legislation to address the labor and safety conditions of San Francisco exotic dancers. This adoption followed intense efforts over the past year to gather testimony from dancers at public meetings and partner with local stakeholder agencies to create strong legislation. Outreach was conducted to a variety of agencies including the State Labor Commission and the State Office of Alcoholic Beverage Control, as well as public officials such as members of the Board of Supervisors. The Commission will now focus efforts on passage of the legislation by the Board of Supervisors.

b. Ethnic Media Roundtable

Commissioners Keehn and Lee led the efforts to convene an ethnic media roundtable in March 2006. The focus of the event was on Asian/Pacific Islander media outlets. Participants represented print and TV media from the Filipino, Chinese, and Japanese communities. The agenda focused on the problem of domestic violence and available prevention and intervention services. The tremendous success of the event has led plans to conduct another roundtable in July 2006, this time targeting media related to Spanish-speaking communities.

c. Language Access to City Services

For the first time, the Commission appointed a monolingual citizen to one of its committees. In October 2005, Juana Flores, Executive Director of Mujeres Unidas y Activas, was appointed to the Justice & Courage Oversight Panel. She has already contributed a great deal of her expertise in community advocacy to the Panel. At the April 2006 community meeting of the Commission, convened in the Visitacion Valley neighborhood, extensive outreach about the meeting was conducted in Spanish and Chinese. Language interpretation was also provided at the meeting.

Finally, the Department secured monies to purchase language interpretation headsets and software.

These tools will enable the Department to translate its brochures and other literature into Spanish and Chinese, and facilitate language interpretation at Commission meetings in the community.

3. Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Accomplishments

The Commission has been holding hearings since August of 2004 on the labor conditions of exotic dancers in San Francisco, who have been bringing formal complaints to the City since 1996. The Commission and the Department have enlisted assistance from other City, state, and federal agencies. The Commission has spearheaded the introduction of new legislation that would create better labor conditions for exotic dancers in San Francisco.

The Commission and Department recognize the need to develop an outreach plan that will address the needs of immigrant women in the areas of violence, trafficking, housing, economics, legal status, and other areas. The Commission and the Department will partner with ethnic media and non profit and non-governmental organizations to develop outreach ideas.

4. Resources & Assignments

Commissioner: Andrea Evans, Jing Xu Lee.

Staff: Executive Director (as needed), 1.0 FTE Administrative Support.

Department Secretary Jennifer Baker has primary responsibility on the draft legislation. She and Commission Secretary Cynthia Vasquez will both staff efforts to expand language access to Commission and Department materials.

5. Administrative Code Requirements

This work meets the following areas of the San Francisco Administrative Code:

33.4(a), 33.4(e.7), 33.4(l.1), 33.4(l.2), 33.4(p), 33.5.



Based on Commissioner Angela Williams' leadership, the Department has undertaken a program to identify areas where the agency can promote women's economic development.

1. Goals

a. Continue to partner with the Small Business Commission on local initiatives

to promote women's economic development.

b. Consult with community-based organizations on areas of need. In particular, work in partnership with Women's Initiative and Assemblymember Leland Yee's Office on a Women's Micro-Enterprise Conference to be held in September 2006.

c. Work in partnership with the Sweatfree Procurement Advisory Committee to ensure that those conducting business with the City and County of San Francisco do not rely on workforces that are under-aged, underpaid, coerced to work, or otherwise exploited.

2. FY 2005-2006 Accomplishments

The Commission and Department engaged in a variety of community events related to women's economic development. The Department participated in the grand opening celebration of La Cocina, a community-based kitchen incubator, providing not only low-cost access to a commercial kitchen, but also provides training and technical assistance to participants as well (October 2005). We have utilized the services of La Cocina graduates at three events. Staff attended the Women's Initiative Cheers to Our Year breakfast (December 2005) which showcased the agency's work and highlighted recent graduates. The Department met with staff from Urban University about employment strategies and networking opportunities between business and community based organizations (March 2006). In May of 2006, the Department and Commission participated with the Small Business Commission and the Chamber of Commerce in the Small Business Week Celebration.

Women's Initiative presented at the May 2006 Commission meeting and the Commission presented Women's Initiative with a Resolution at their June Gala Event. Commissioner Katherine Munter and Department Secretary Jennifer Baker attended the launch of Local Chapter of Dress for Success (June 2006). The Department is a recent member of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, will attend new-member orientation, identify key issues affecting women, and work collaboratively with the Chamber. Finally, Commissioner Williams was sworn-in as a member of the Sweatfree Procurement Advisory Committee that will report to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors.

3. Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Accomplishments

Staff began outreach in August of 2004 to community-based organizations. This is a new initiative.

4. Resources & Assignments

Commissioner: Angela Williams.

Staff: Executive Director (as needed), 0.5 FTE Policy Analysts.

Policy Analyst Carol Sacco will work with the Small Business Commission, the Sweatfree Procurement Advisory Committee, and community-based organizations improve the economic development of women and girls in San Francisco.

5. Administrative Code Requirements

This work meets the following areas of the San Francisco Administrative Code:

33.4(a), 33.4(e.7), 33.4(l.1), 33.4(l.2), 33.4(p), 33.5.




Historically, the vast majority of the Department's funds have been earmarked to underwrite community programs specifically designed to address violence against women. For example, in this fiscal year, $1.8 million of our overall budget of $2.6 million is dedicated to the Violence Against Women Grants Program. Categories of funded programs include: 1) Crisis Lines, 2) Intervention/ Advocacy, 3) Legal Assistance, 4) Shelter Services, 5) Transitional/Advocacy, and 6) Prevention Education. Commissioner Katherine Munter has engaged the Department in strategic planning around the VAW Grants Program.

1. Goals

a. Initiate and complete a needs assessment to evaluate current funding allocations to meet community needs and identify ways to strengthen the VAW Program, to be concluded by June 2007.

b. Continue to convene an annual conference of Partner Agencies to facilitate capacity-building.

c. Work with Partner Agencies on on-going technical assistance and begin site visits utilizing the Standard Fiscal and Compliance Monitoring Process led by the Controller's Office, in conjunction with the Department of Children, Youth, and Their Families (DCYF), Human Services Agency (HSA), and the Department of Public Health (DPH), to be completed by June 2007.

d. Lead the efforts to reinvigorate the Family Violence Council and re-introduce draft legislation amending the existing ordinance by October 2006; and utilize the Council as the vehicle to analyze potential funding sources including the Marriage License Fee and advocating for the increase in the collection and allocation of batterers' fees by June 2007.

e. Complete the Request for Proposal Process related to the Anti-Human Trafficking Education

and Outreach Services grant and monitor services.

2. Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Accomplishments
For the first time in several years, the Department processed all grant agreements before the onset of the new fiscal year, enabling service providers to be reimbursed for services rendered in July 2005. Department staff continues to provide technical assistance to Partner Agencies in areas including budgeting, fiscal analysis, program analysis, performance evaluation, and fundraising. In addition, in June 2006, the Department convened a spring conference, Fundraising from Individuals and Effective Board Recruitment, focusing on diversifying funding and strategies to successfully cultivate major donors, for all Partner Agencies, in anticipation of a significant city budget shortfall (projected to be $173 million) in FY2007-2008.

Department staff completed a summary of 12-month performance by funded agencies for FY 2004-2005 and a performance summary report through the third quarter of FY05-06, and established guidelines for the use of a one-time $800K supplemental appropriation, assembled 21 grant agreements with attachments and appendices, and successfully encumbered and posted funds prior to the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006.

The Department successfully developed, issued, and implemented a sexual assault request for proposal process, resulting in two new providers of sexual assault prevention and education services. as well as a request for proposal process for anti-human trafficking education and outreach services.

Once the Commission reviews the funding recommendation for the anti-human trafficking services, a contract is scheduled to be concluded for a November start date.

Beginning in October 2005, a planning group to reinvigorate the Family Violence Council met

8 times to identify new stakeholders and redefine the mission of the organization. Mandated by the State Attorney General's Office, each county is responsible for maintaining a Family Violence Council. In San Francisco, the Council had lost some of the initial momentum of original members and community members approached the Department to see if it would be willing to staff an effort to reinvigorate the body. With the Commission's support and the leadership of Commission Evans, the Department convened a planning group that has redefined the membership of the organization to include not only the domestic violence prevention and intervention community, but the communities supporting efforts to combat child and elder abuse that occurs within families.

3. Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Accomplishments
Given the many issues that contributed to the delayed conclusion of the VAW grant agreements, the Department convened a post-mortem in November to review the issues and solicit feedback on improving the process. The Department invested considerable time into technical assistance and capacity-building with the Partner Agencies. In May 2005, the Department held a spring conference Capacidad: Building Capacity Workshop focusing on diversifying funding, and overview of available resources, including affordable healthcare and housing. Department staff has provided technical assistance for individual Partner Agencies in areas including budgeting, fiscal analysis, program analysis, performance evaluation, and fundraising. Department staff has eliminated an 18-month backlog of Partner Agency service data for FY2004-2005 and FY2003-2004.

4. Resources & Assignments

Commissioner: Andrea Evans, Jing Xu Lee, Katherine Munter

Staff: Executive Director (as needed), 1.0 FTE Grants Administrator

Grants Administrator Richard Eijima will focus on all goals with the assistance of Department Intern Miwa Hashimoto and Graduate Intern Laura Marshall, beginning in fall 2006.

Although the Department did not receive a requested allocation to fund a needs assessment of anti-violence services, there may be sufficient carry-forward monies to conduct this important study. It is estimated that the study will cost $70,000. However, in light of the fact that our VAW Grants Program represents an annual investment of $1.8 million per year, spending $70,000 in advance of decisions governing the allocation of the Grants Program for another 3-year cycle, a total investment of roughly $5.4 million, is being recommended as cost effective.

5. Administrative Code Requirements

This work meets the following areas of the San Francisco Administrative Code:

33.4(a), 33.4(e.5), 33.4(h), 33.4(l.1), 33.4(l.2), 33.5.


Now 5 years since the tragic murder of Claire Joyce Tempongko, allegedly by her ex-boyfriend, the Justice & Courage Project has a number of achievements to share. These achievements reflect the recommendations of the 2002 Justice & Courage Report: A Blueprint for San Francisco's Response to Domestic Violence, which represents an in-depth review of City policies and procedures within the criminal justice system and calls for improved responses to prevent domestic violence homicides, including the creation of an Oversight Panel to monitor reforms. The Justice and Courage Oversight Panel convened for the first time in October 2002, and initiated 4 working committees as part of the Justice and Courage Project. Currently, Commissioner Dorka Keehn chairs the Oversight Panel and Supervisor Fiona Ma serves as an Honorary Chair. The overarching goal of the Justice and Courage Project is to prevent domestic violence by creating a seamless system-wide response to domestic violence.

1. Goal(s)

a. Complete the Domestic Violence Safety & Accountability Audit, develop an implementation plan, and initiate implementation of recommendations arising from the Audit.

b. Maintain funding for Justice & Courage Projects.

c. Monitor implementation of the domestic violence data module of JUSTIS.

d. Continue outreach efforts to diverse and underserved communities. .

e. Develop curriculum for Domestic Violence Cross-Training Institute and provide training to first-year cohort.

f. Advocate for appropriate and adequate staffing and resources to support the San Francisco criminal justice system's response to domestic violence.

2. Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Accomplishments

a. Departmental Justice & Courage Progress Report

The Protocol Committee has been reviewing the domestic violence protocols and procedures of each of the following City departments: Adult Probation, District Attorney, Emergency Communications, Human Services, Medical Examiner, Police, Sheriff, Superior Court, The Protocols Committee is prepared to issue a progress report on the implementation of recommendations. The report will outline the areas in which departments have made progress and that need areas attention and/or improvement.

b. Domestic Violence Response Cross Training Institute

Following a Funders Summit in early 2005, the Department submitted a proposal to the Blue Shield of California Foundation to fund a Domestic Violence Cross Training Institute for first-response criminal justice personnel. The proposal of $200,000 to fund the development and implementation of the institute over 2 years was awarded to the Department in March 2006.

c. Domestic Violence Safety & Accountability Audit

After submitting an unsuccessful proposal to the National Institute of Justice for funding to support the Domestic Violence Safety & Accountability Audit, the Department secured $59,900 from the General Fund per approval of the Mayor's Office. The Department received approval for a sole-source contract with Audit Coordinator, Dr. Trish Erwin. The Department is working in coordination with Dr. Erwin to conduct the Audit. All of the relevant public safety agencies, including Adult Probation, District Attorney, Emergency Communications, Police, and Sheriff are all fully committed to the Audit process and have assigned staff resources. Additionally, the Audit Team is beginning to gather text for analysis. The Audit Week will be held during the week of September 18, 2006.

d. Violence Prevention Supplemental Appropriation

Due to a surplus within the City's FY 05/06 budget, the Board of Supervisors approved a nearly $6.4 million supplemental appropriation to fund violence prevention programming and investments across eight City Departments. Thanks to the hard work and persistence of the Domestic Violence Consortium and interventions by key Commissioners, the Department received $800,000 to distribute to its funded agencies for one-time capital costs and service augmentations.

e. Justice & Courage Committees Sunset

Both the Protocols and Resources Committees of the Justice & Courage Oversight Panel sunset in July 2006. The Committees were created in 2002 and were charged with specific goals set forth by the Justice & Courage Report. The Protocols Committee will issue its final progress report in August 2006. The Resources Committee, after submitting a successful proposal to the Blue Shield of California Foundation, will transition into a Training Institute Working Group to be convened in the fall of 2006.

f. Arrest of Tari Ramirez

In July 2006, Tari Ramirez, the suspected murderer of Claire Joyce Tempongko, was apprehended in Mexico and is scheduled for extradition. The continued focus on the Tempongko domestic violence homicide by the Justice & Courage Project was a key element in the arrest. The Justice & Courage Oversight Panel increased the reward money from $10,000 to $25,000 under the leadership of Commissioner Keehn and then Co-Treasurer Susan Leal. Later, Commissioner Keehn worked with Supervisor Fiona Ma to double the reward to $50,000. Tari Ramirez was one of San Francisco's most wanted fugitives from the law.

g. It's Never this Obvious Conference on Domestic Violence

With support from the Department and in coordination with the School of Social Work at San Francisco State University, Graduate Intern Lisa Sapiro organized a successful conference on domestic violence in March 2006. The conference was attended by over 200 service providers, students, advocates, and survivors and included presentations by La Casa de las Madres, Asian Women's Shelter, Communities United Against Violence (CUAV), and the Domestic Violence Consortium. Additionally, Assemblymember Leland Yee addressed attendees and invited them to join his White Ribbon Campaign, which encourages men to actively participate in the movement against domestic violence.

3. Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Accomplishments

As of September 2006, the federal grant from the Department of Justice Violence Against Women Office will conclude. This grant has funded 1.0 FTE at the 2998 classification for a Justice & Courage Policy Analyst. In order for the policy reform of San Francisco's response to domestic violence to continue, it is essential that this position remain funded. Therefore, the Commission is identifying this as an area requiring additional budgetary resources. Specifically, we would request that the position be funded for the entirety of FY06-07. The position, including benefits, is roughly $100,000. Since the first quarter would be grant-funded, the request would be for the remaining $75,000, to be annualized to $100,000 in FY-07-08. Key components of this work include the following projects:

a. Domestic Violence Query and Reporting Service

A key recommendation arising from the 2002 report was to create a seamless response system to domestic violence among City agencies. A major milestone was achieved when, in August, the Department of Telecommunications and Information Services demonstrated a working model of the Domestic Violence Query and Reporting Service, a subproject of the multi-agency JUSTIS computer program. This service, scheduled to be deployed in early 2006, will greatly enhance the Department's ability to focus the investment of public monies to those areas in greatest need. For example, based on statistical data generated by the service on specific variables such as past history of domestic violence, stalking, and firearms possession, the Department can better understand the causes and effects of domestic violence.

b. Domestic Violence Training Consortium

To address the fact that key law enforcement agencies, among them the District Attorney, Adult Probation, and the Sheriff's Department, have all lost most, if not all, of their training budgets, the Justice & Courage Oversight Panel proposed a training consortium including all relevant agencies be convened. Private monies would be solicited from foundations to underwrite this training consortium. A Funders Summit was convened in April and a proposal has been submitted to local funders. The training consortium would enable district attorneys, probation officers, and sheriffs to comply with existing laws governing training requirements, thereby reducing the City's liability. More importantly, the training consortium affords law enforcement officials who do not normally train together the opportunity to sit side-by-side and acquire the same basic information. This could serve as a national model for training of law enforcement officials.

c. Safety & Accountability Audit

Cities such as St. Louis, Knoxville, and Colorado Springs have undertaken a cutting edge approach to evaluating the criminal justice system as it relates to domestic violence in their respective cities by employing a safety and accountability audit. This innovative approach, pioneered by veteran domestic violence advocate Dr. Ellen Pence of Praxis International, requires a systematic, not episodic, evaluation of the institutions and practices that surround the handling of domestic violence cases from beginning to end. In January, the Department submitted a concept paper to the National Institute of Justice for funding to support this project. The Institute requested a full proposal in April, signaling that the proposed audit passed the first hurdle towards funding. However, in September, the Department was notified of a denial of funding. Implementing a safety and accountability audit in the City and County of San Francisco would be a major undertaking, involving roughly $260,000 to complete.

d. Evaluation of Batterer's Programs

Dr. Joanne McAllister, who has over 10 years of experience in the development and evaluation of prevention and intervention programs for domestic violence offenders, completed a report, funded in part by the Department, that examined batterers programs contracted by the City and County of San Francisco. This study revealed that over 60% of those mandated to complete batterer's programs fail to do so and that efforts to track non-compliant offenders are ineffective.

e. Filipina Advisory Council

The Department partnered with West Bay Multi-Services to convene a working group of community members from the Filipino community which has met 3 times. The working group is in the process of detailing goals and strategies in the effort to combat domestic violence, in light of recent high-profile domestic violence homicides of Filipina women.

4. Resources & Assignments

Commissioner: Dorka Keehn.

Staff: Executive Director, 1.0 FTE Policy Analyst.

Policy Analyst Colleen Montoya is responsible for the Justice & Courage Project.

On September 30, 2006, the federal grant from the U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women will conclude. The grant presently funds the Justice & Courage Policy Analyst, Classification 2998, at 1.0 FTE. In order to sustain the work of the Justice & Courage Project and to move further towards realizing the City's goal of creating a seamless system response to domestic violence, the Department requested that the City fund the position for the remainder of FY 06/07. The position, including benefits, is roughly $100,000. Since the first quarter of the fiscal year will be grant-funded, the request was for the remaining $75,000 in FY 06/07, and for the position to be annualized at $100,000 in FY 07/08. The FY 06/07 DOSW budget including the 2998 position was approved by the Board of Supervisors Budget and Finance Committee on June 28, 2006.

5. Administrative Code Requirements

This work meets the following areas of the San Francisco Administrative Code:

33.4(a), 33.4(b), 33.4(f), 33.4(h), 33.4(l.2), 33.5, 33.6.



The Commission recognizes the importance of health in the lives of women and Commissioner Carolene Marks has played a lead role in this issue area. Together with the Department, the Commission has initiated important new partnerships in the healthcare field.

1. Goals

  1. Continue to collaborate with University of California San Francisco and community-based agencies in support of the new City Health Access Program (HAP) and Senate Bill 840 Kuehl, Single Payer Legislation which establishes universal health care state-wide. We will be aware of the impact of HAP on Women Small Business Owners and introduce suggestions to ameliorate the impact. Then, if the study shows this to be necessary, we will request the COSW inclusion on the Health Access Working Group.

b. Seek funding from the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, the 49ers, Blue Shield and others to revitalize positive prevention and treatment of breast cancer in African American women in San Francisco. This includes earlier diagnosis by various means including the Mammogram Van.

c. Help women in the Bayview/Hunter's Point, Western Addition, and Ingleside neighborhoods, immigrant women, and underserved women to combat breast cancer. Specifically, participate in California's Breast Cancer Research Grant Program to conduct a pilot study for women with breast cancer living in the Bayview/Hunters Point neighborhood of San Francisco.

2. Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Accomplishments

In January 2006, Mayor Gavin Newsom convened a Universal Health Care/Access Task Force composed of a variety of health care professionals from city government, community organizations, as well as union and small business owners. Separately, Supervisor Tom Ammiano drafted legislation that would require small businesses with more than a 20 employees to pay for health insurance to cover those employees. These proposals were merged into the San Francisco Healthcare Security Ordinance.

In addition to working with Universal Health Care/Access working groups, the Commission and the Department have met with various Breast Cancer Support Networks throughout the San Francisco-Bay Area. Those meetings have developed into collaboration on 2 studies. The first study, being conducted by the San Francisco State University's Cesar E. Chavez Institute on Social Justice, is intended to monitor African American breast cancer survivors based on statistical data. In the second research study, to be led by Commissioner Marks, the Department will spearhead a partnership with a "research entity" and a "community-based organization" to employ a community-focused participatory research model. In June 2006, the California Breast Cancer Research Center conducted an annual research paper instruction seminar to prepare applicants to apply for grant opportunities available through the Center.

In summer 2006, the Department will present a 3-page paper regarding the proposed process of obtaining the grant and next steps. By the end of October 2006, the Department will have a draft research proposal and have partnered with the researcher and community-based organization. Research papers are due in November of 2006. Commissioner Marks will be working closely with Department staff to secure a Pilot Study grant from the Research Center.

3. Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Accomplishments
In September 2004, the Department sent materials to Partner Agencies informing them of health insurance through the City and County of San Francisco's San Francisco Health Plan which offers three plans to meet the needs of no- and low-income families and individuals.

The Commission released the 2005 Social Services Director for Women, an update of the 2000 Directory. This has been distributed to over 100 local organizations.

4. Resources & Assignments

Commissioner: Carolene Marks.

Staff: Executive Director (as needed), 0.25 Policy Analyst.

CEDAW Policy Analyst Kim-Shree Maufas with the assistance of Department Intern Miwa Hashimoto will staff this area.

5. Administrative Code Requirements

This work meets the following areas of the San Francisco Administrative Code:

33.4(a), 33.4(c), 33.4(e.3), 33.4(h), 33.4(l), 33.4(p), 33.5.


The holistic policy approach of the Commission is to address not only the needs of women, but also girls. In 2003, the Commission released A Report on Girls in San Francisco: Benchmarks for the Future. With the leadership of Commissioner Andrea Shorter, strategic plan goals in this area are based on the work of the 2003 report.

1. Goals

a. Convene the Girls Committee in order to identify key priorities impacting girls and young women and develop action plans to address these priorities. Seek preliminary input in updating the Girls Report.

b. Work with the San Francisco Unified School District and Board of Education to address sexual harassment and violence prevention in San Francisco schools. In particular,

provide resources of sexual harassment trainings throughout the district.

c. Continue outreach to girl-focused community-based agencies and events. In particular,

collaborate with GirlFest 2007 Conference as a sponsor and participant.

d. Assist the Recreation and Park Department to develop a gender equity program for youth

that targets expanding opportunities for girls in competitive sports.

e. Request a briefing from the Human Services Agency and Child Protective Services on foster care.

2. Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Accomplishments

a. Girls Committee

The Department reprinted copies of the Girls Report and provided over 300 copies to school district administrators and principals in August 2005. Beginning in fall 2005 and with the leadership of Commissioner Andrea Shorter, the Department began the groundwork for convening the Girls Committee to follow-up on the work of the Girls Report. The Department conducted targeted outreach to identify girls normally not associated or affiliated with the Department and/or other traditional outlets for youth advocacy. The Committee, chaired by President Shorter, consists of 3 seats designated for the Center for Young Women's Development, the school district's Student Advisory Council, and the San Francisco Youth Commission, with the remaining 3 seat reserved for members-at-large. The Committee is scheduled to begin meeting in City Hall once a month before the Commission meetings.

b. Partnering with the San Francisco Unified School District on Sexual Harassment

The Commission and the Department met with members of the school board and school district to discuss sexual harassment and violence prevention programming. In April 2006, the Department accompanied 2 Partner Agencies to the sexual harassment trainings given by the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Civil Rights to the school district. The purpose was for administrators and principals to receive training that they were expected to use in training teachers, support staff, and students at their home schools or work environments. In response to this imperfect process, the Department embarked on distributing curriculum developed by Student Leaders Against Sexual Harassment, which had already been approved by the school district, to Partner Agencies who provide direct services to San Francisco schools.

3. Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Accomplishments
In June 2005, the Department reprinted copies of A Report on Girls in San Francisco, Benchmarks for the Future and provided over 300 copies to San Francisco Unified School District's administrators. The Commission and the Department met with members of the school board and school district to discuss sexual harassment and violence prevention programming.

4. Resources & Assignments

Commissioner: Andrea Shorter

Staff: Executive Director (as needed), 0.25 FTE Policy Analyst

CEDAW Policy Analyst Maufas will work in these areas. CEDAW Policy Analyst

Carol Sacco will staff the gender equity program development.

5. Administrative Code Requirements

This work meets the following areas of the San Francisco Administrative Code:

33.4(a), 33.4(e.7), 33.4(l.1), 33.4(l.2), 33.4(p), 33.5.


1. Goals

See attached budget documents for budget figures and goals related to the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 budget.

2. Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Accomplishments

The overall Department budget was $2,575,456, of which $1,858,361 (72%) were allocated to the VAW Grants Program.

a. Additional Monies Secured

During the fiscal year, the Department augmented its budget in the following ways:

1) $59,900 for the Domestic Violence Safety Audit

2) $800,000 in a one-time supplemental appropriation

3) $200,000 for the 2-year Blue Shield Foundation Grant to develop

the Domestic Violence Response Cross-Training Institute

b. Additional Staffing Secured

The Department secured permanent funding for the Justice & Courage Policy Analyst and Department Secretary positions, bringing the staff total to 7.0 FTE.

c. Performance Measures

The Department worked closely with the Controller's Office to complete an overhaul of the annual performance measures required as part of the budget process. The revised measures reflect the 5 key CEDAW principles that organize the work of the Department.

3. Fiscal Year 2004-2005 Accomplishments

The overall Department budget was $2,421,235, of which $1,761,255 (73%) were allocated to the VAW Grants Program. The Department successfully secured $123,000 in addback monies from the Board of Supervisors in order to 1) restore $35,000 cut from the VAW Grants Program, and 2) fund, for the first time ever, a Department Secretary position, and 3) restore funding for the CEDAW Policy Analyst position.

4. Resources & Assignments

The Executive Director is primarily responsible for goals in this section.


1. Goals

a. Reach full-staffing of 7.0 FTE by filling all positions by December 2006.

b. Complete annual performance reviews, including training goals, of all staff by June 2006.

c. Create and maintain a healthy work environment.

d. Improve services to Commissioners, including scheduling, meeting reminders, and timely response to requests for information.

2. Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Accomplishments

a. Health Workplace

The Department continues to distinguish itself as one of the few departments without any worker's compensation costs. In order to keep this record, staff is engaged in a "Health Workplace" effort that included the purchase of new ergonomic chairs.

b. Performance Reviews

As part of a new mandate, the Executive Director completed initial work plans for all permanent staff that form the basis for an annual performance review.

3. Resources & Assignments

The Executive Director is responsible for all of the goals in this section.