GEP - Work-Life Balance Resources
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San FranciscoGender Equality Principles (GEP)
Work-Life Balance And Career Development Resource List
Table of Contents
A. Articles & Studies
B. Business Case
C. Implementing Programs and Policies
1. Sample Practices
2. Tools
3. Training and Development
4. Websites
A. Articles & Studies
The American Workplace is stuck in the 50's
In 70% of today's households, all adults work; however, the workplace has not shifted to accommodate work-life balance, as nearly half of all employees report conflicts between jobs and other responsibilities. This article outlines workplace trends and arguments for work-life balance policies.
Sattelmeyer, S. and Waller, M. (2008, June 25). The American workplace is stuck in the 50's. Alternet.
Escape from Corporate America
Women are starting businesses at twice the rate of men, leaving corporate America for entrepreneurship. 51% of women said flexibility was their main reason for leaving. This 2003 article drew tremendous attention from those concerned with poor retention of women in the corporations.
Delaney, L. (2003). Escape from corporate America. The Conference Board Review.
Work-Life Policies & Practices Survey
In 2001, the Department on the Status of Women released the San Francisco Work-Life Policies and Practices survey report examining how the City supports work-life balance for its employees.
San Francisco Department on the Status of Women. (2001). Work-Life Policies & Practices Survey Report. index.aspx?page=145.
Women, Minorities are Leaving Firms in Growing Numbers
This article explores the reasons why women lawyers are leaving law firms and the alternative work options firms are implementing to recruit and retain women.
Disylvester, B. (2004, May 28). Women, minorities are leaving firms in growing numbers. Central Penn Business Journal.
The Hidden Brain Drain: Off-Ramps and On-Ramps in Women's Careers
This study looked at the challenges and roadblocks women face when they re-enter the work force after taking time off due to life responsibilities.
Hewlett, S. A., Luce, C. B., Shiller, P., & Southwell, S. (2005). The hidden brain drain: Off-ramps and on-ramps in women's careers. Center for Work-Life Policy. Harvard Business Review Research Report.
Opening the On-Ramp for Women
With women entering the workforce at higher rates, incorporating flexibility is a necessity for marketplace survival. This article reviews and explores the work done by Dr. Sylvia Ann Hewlett in her study of work flexibility covering 34 companies employing 2.5 million people.
Kotkin, S. (2007, August 5). Opening the on-ramp for women. The New York Times.
Maternity Leave in the United States: Paid Parental Leave is Still not a Standard, Even Among the Best U.S. Employers
This article examines how much time parents are given for maternity leave, paternity leave, and adoptive leave from the top 100 best family-friendly companies to the entire private sector in the U.S.
Institute for Women's Policy Research. (2007). Maternity leave in the United States: Paid parental leave is still not a standard, even among the best U.S. employers.
The New Workforce Reality: Insights for Today, Implications for Tomorrow
This report with a large-scale national sample provides data and charts on the following topics: the changing workforce, the importance of job/life outside of work, and the ideal job and what it includes.
Stork, D., Wilson, F., Wicks Bowles, A., Sproull, J., and Vena, J. (2005). The new workforce reality: Insights for today, implications for tomorrow. Simmons School of Management and Bright Horizons Family Solutions.
Female Bosses Carry Childcare Burden
This article discusses and confirms that female bosses continue to bear the brunt of childcare duties compared to their male counterparts.
Linn, A. (2007). Female bosses carry childcare burden. MSNBC.
Study Disputes Opt-Out Trend for Women
This article shows data disputing the opt-out trend for working mothers. The article also urges employers not to let fears of women employees opting out limit them from hiring women, but to continue to make arrangements to recruit and retain women.
Workforce Management. (2008). Study disputes opt-out trend for women.
Wave Goodbye to the Nine to Five, and Say Hello to Virtual Enterprise
This article predicts the technological and cultural changes that will shape the workplace over the next decade. As virtual work and multi-employment become more popular, the new focus will be on work-life integration rather than work-life balance .
Carvel, J (2008, March 14). Wave goodbye to the nine to five, and say hello to virtual enterprise. The Guardian.
Career Advancement in Corporate Canada: A Focus on Visible Minorities ~ Workplace Fit and Stereotyping
This report identifies factors in the work environments of Canadian business organizations that contribute to or impede the retention, development, and/or advancement of visible minorities. This report examines crucial aspects of career success–how well visible minorities felt they fit into the work environment, whether and how they perceived being stereotyped by others in the workplace, and how they felt others perceived them as potential leaders.
Giscombe, K. (2008). Career advancement in corporate Canada: A focus on visible minorities – workplace fit and stereotyping. Catalyst.
Unwritten Rules: What You Don't Know Can Hurt Your Career
Catalyst research shows that lack of access to informal networks is one of the primary barriers to corporate advancement of women and women of color. Many talented women may not have the same access to their organization's unwritten rules as their colleagues, to the detriment of their career advancement.
Sabattini, L. (2008). Unwritten rules: What you don't know can hurt your career. Catalyst.
Women, Minorities are Leaving Firms in Growing Numbers
This article explores the reasons why women lawyers are leaving law firms and the alternative work options firms are implementing to recruit and retain women.
Disylvester, B. (2004, May 28). Women, minorities are leaving firms in growing numbers. Central Penn Business Journal.
2008 National Study of Employers (NSE)
This is a Families and Work Institute's study of the practices, policies, programs and benefits provided by U.S employers to address the changing needs of today's workforce and workplace. Because this study was designed to build on the Institute's 1998 Business Work-Life Study (BWLS), it provides trend data on changes that have occurred over the past ten years.
Galinsky, Ellen; Bond, James; Sakai, Kelly (May 2008), Families and Work Institute.
B. Business Case
Business Impacts of Flexibility: An Imperative for Expansion
This study of 29 American firms builds a strong business case for flexibility by outlining demonstrated improvements in talent management, human capital, and business performance. It also outlines measures used to analyze performance.
Corporate Voices for Working Families. (2005). Business impacts of flexibility: An imperative for expansion.
A Business Case for Work-Life
WorldatWork has compiled examples of companies with successful work-life programs. This report outlines the companies' initiatives and their demonstrated returns.
Alliance for Work-Life Progress. (2007). A business case for work-life. WorldatWork.
Time to Telecommute
The cost of gas is on the rise which leads HR managers to consider telecommuting options. Some companies allow employees the flexibility to decide when and where they will work which has created gains in productivity.
Sullivan, J. (2008, June 23). Time to telecommute. Workforce Management.
Flex Time can be on Small Business' Side: Productivity won't necessarily be Hurt if Employee, Boss Have Understanding
Bosses managing small businesses have found that giving employees the opportunity to have flexible schedules can lead to increased productivity.
Associated Press. (2008, July 9). Flex time can be on small business' side: Productivity won't necessarily be hurt if employee, boss have understanding. MSNBC.
A Business Case for Women
This article discusses research on how the gender gap in the workplace has negative implications for companies and what they can do to enhance their opportunities. (Free registration needed to view this article.)
Desvaux, G. & Devillard-Hoellinger, S. & Meaney, M. C. (2008). A business case for women. The McKinsey Quarterly.
The Bottom Line: Connecting Corporate Performance and Gender Diversity
This report describes the business case for gender equality in the workplace, researching companies who continue to develop and advance women and the successful outcomes of these companies.
Catalyst. (2004). The bottom line: Connecting corporate performance and gender diversity.
Beyond Reasonable Doubt: Building the Business Case for Flexibility
This paper looks at work-life balance in Canada, focusing on law firms.
Catalyst. (2005). Beyond reasonable doubt: Building the business case for flexibility.
Working 4 Utah, Initiative Performance Report Baseline Draft
Through the one-year Working 4 Utah Initiative, Utah state government strives to become a model employer, conserve energy for taxpayers and employees, and provide to the public extended hours of access to government services. The government does this by adjusting state agency employees' working hours from five eight-hour days a week to four ten-hour days a week. The purpose of this report is to present the methodology used to evaluate the collective impact of the initiative to adjust the business hours of state agencies.
Hansen Mike, Utah Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
C. Implementing Programs and Policies
Bosses Make Room at the Top for Flexible Working
There is a strong business case for offering flexible work options to senior managers; however, such options have been concentrated in low and middle-level jobs. This article addresses the growing utilization of flexible options by senior managers.
Ward. L. (2007, May 22). Bosses make room at the top for flexible working. The Guardian.
Work-Life Policies for the Twenty-First Century
This study analyses current work-life policies and how they fit the needs of the changing workforce. It suggests that companies offer a menu of options, suitable to diverse needs. It also advises advocates on how to address different stakeholder concerns.
The Mobility Agenda. (2008). Work-life policies for the twenty-first century.
Work-Life Benefits: Quick Takes
Catalyst examines work-life balance between men and women, and reviews companies' work-life balance options.
Catalyst. (2008). Work-life benefits: Quick takes.
Attraction and Retention: The Impact and Prevalence of Work-Life & Benefit Programs
This survey briefly presents the results of a 2007 survey on the prevalence and perceptions of attraction and retention programs, including work-life programs.
WorldatWork. (2007). Attraction and retention: the impact and prevalence of work-life & benefit programs.
The Opt-In Project: Project Report
As the retention and advancement of women is a universal challenge, this project brought together business leaders to share experiences and ideas. The report summarizes various roundtables and offers observations on the successful recruitment and retention of talented women.
Heller Ehrman, LLP. (2007). Opt-in project: Project report.
Statutory Routes to Workplace Flexibility
This report reviews statutory employment rights for work-life balance in 20 high-income countries.
Institute for Women's Policy Research. (2008). Statutory routes to workplace flexibility.
More Employers Embrace Flexible Scheduling
Employers reach out to their staff by allowing them flexible schedules to obtain a degree. In this article, employers share flexible work-life balance options.
Jackson, M. (2008, May 18). More employers embrace flexible scheduling.
Pension and Retirement Benefits: Phased Retirement, Firms Wing It
The 2006 Federal Pension law allowed companies to establish a phased retirement for employees who want to work a reduced schedule and draw from their pension. This same pension reform law requires more mandates unrelated to the phased retirement, which creates more work for companies to implement. The article looks at companies who choose a more informal approach.
Rafter, M. V. (2008, February 4). Pension and retirement benefits: Phased retirement, firms wing it. Workforce Management.
1. Sample Practices
Open Work at Sun Microsystems
Sun Microsystems's Open Work program allows employees to work anywhere, any time, using any device and was one of the top reasons 85% of the company's mobile workers said they would recommend Sun Microsystems to external people.
Sun Microsystems. (2008). Open Work.
Workplace Flexibility for Lower Wage Workers
This is a research article on work flexibility focused on how flexibility can work for lower wage employees and the companies that employee them.
Corporate Voices for Working Families. (2006). Workplace Flexibility for Lower Wage Workers. WFD Consulting.
2008 Guide to Bold New Ideas for Making Work Work
Families and Work Institute produces this annual guide, reviewing and examining award winning companies who are making progress in work-life balance options for their employees.
Galinsky, E., Eby, S., and Peer, S. (2008). 2008 Guide to Bold New Ideas for Making Work Work [Brochure]. Families and Work Institute.
Talent on Demand
This information brochure for companies focuses on a new strategy to recruit and retain talented employees called Talent on Demand.
Flexperience. (2008). Talent on Demand [Brochure].
The Initiative for the Retention and Advancement of Women
This brochure describes the successes and accomplishments by Deloitte's Initiative for the Retention and Advancement of Women.
Deloitte. (2006). The initiative for the retention and advancement of women. [Brochure].
Mass Career Customization: Aligning the Workplace with Today's Nontraditional Workforce
Mass Career Customization is a guide book developed by Deloitte for business leaders. Centered on the insight that today's career is no longer a straight climb up the corporate ladder but rather an undulating journey of climbs, lateral moves, and planned descents, the book provides a refreshing answer to attracting talent and strengthening leadership pipelines while providing more varied and paced career journeys. This mini book is available for download.
Benko, Cathy and Weisberg, Anne. (2007). Deloitte Development LCC.
2. Tools
Flex-Options Guide
The guidebook provides tools, advice, definitions and examples for flexible work arrangements.
WE, Inc. (2007). Flex-Options Guide.
Take a Reality Check: What's your Work+Life Fit ?
This quiz helps employees find out how they're progressing on achieving work-life balance.
Work+Life Fit, Inc. (n.d.). Take a reality check: What's your work+life fit ?
Taking Care: An Employer's Guide to Childcare Options
One Small Step & United Way. (2002). Taking Care: An Employer's Guide to Child Care Options [Brochure]. San Francisco: Elizabeth Cushing Payne.
Work-Life Self Audit
The Alliance for Work-Life Balance created a work-life self audit for companies to assess their progress with work-life balance options.
Alliance for Work-Life Progress. (2006). Work-life self audit. WorldatWork.
Best Practices: Flex Options for Women
This tool helps supervisors think through all of the issues that are most likely to come up when managing a mobile worker. For information on this tool contact Anne Palmer Worklife & Wellness Manager, 520-794-2190,
Center for Law and Social Policy. (2002). Best practices, flex options for women: Ratheon expands flexibility through comprehensive approach. WE, Inc.
What Workplace Flexibility Is Available To Entry-Level, Hourly Employees?
The initiative addresses the workforce challenges that employers face in recruiting,
engaging, developing, and retaining entry-level and hourly employees, particularly those from low income households. In an effort to find solutions that work for both employers and employees, special attention is given to identifying characteristics of jobs and workplaces that help employers meet their goals of stabilizing their workforce while also promoting the well-being of low-wage and low-income employees and their families.
Bond, James and Galinsky, Ellen. (November 2006). Families and Work Institute.
Raytheon Expands Flexibility through Comprehensive Approach
Raytheon Missile Systems has expanded their workplace flexibility programs by using an team approach that tackles management resistance to flexibility. The approach includes a comprehensive training program, and taps into a multi-department team of Human Resources, Information Technology and Facilities personnel, Raytheon developed a Mobility Potential Form to measure to help measure the possibility of flexible work option. For more information see
Overcoming Implementation Gap: How 20 Leading Companies are Making Flexibility Work
The Center has conducted a study of model programs for the implementation of flexible work arrangements (FWAs) in twenty-first century workplaces. The resulting report is entitled . The study is designed to get beyond simple lists of programs and policies to provide details as to how to implement and sustain FWAs. Some of the FWAs examined include: teleworking, part-time and reduced workload, job-sharing, on and off-ramp programs, alternative work schedules, and programs that link business results with flexible work arrangements.
Van Deusen, Fredrick, James, Jacquelyn, Gill, Nadia, McKechnie, Sharon. (2008). BostonCollege Centerfor Work & Family.
The 9 Essential Elements of Excellence
This study created the original Standards of Excellence (SOE) Index that includes 9 elements: leadership, strategy, infrastructure, accountability, relationship building, communication, and measurement. career/life planning and skills of work-life practitioners.
Boston College. 9 Essential Elements of Excellence.
Flex-Options Guide
The goal of the Flex-Options project is to help businesses create or enhance workplace flexibility policies and programs for their workforces. The project brings together corporate executives and employers who volunteer to mentor business owners interested in developing flexible workplace policies and programs. See for more information about the project.
Roundtree, Linda, Kerrigan, Karen. (2007). U.S Department of Labor, Women's Bureau.
3. Training and Development
Best Practices in Training and Development
A best practices guide for employers to support the development and potential of employees.
Workforce Management. (n.d.). Best practices in training and development.
National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology and Science
This website contains tools, trainings, and research findings for employers to support the advancement of women in careers of technology and science.
4. Websites
Expanding Opportunities for Women and Business. Founded in 1962, Catalyst is a leading membership organization working globally with businesses and the professions to build inclusive workplaces and expand opportunities for women and business. The website has an extensive compendium of diversity and inclusion practices that provides models for change.
The Gender Initiative
This initiative was established with the goal of promoting a greater understanding of women in the Information and Technology field, and creating additional opportunities for inclusion in the workplace worldwide.
Women's Bureau
This website describes and lists the Women's Bureau's strategic and performance plan to focus on better earnings and jobs for women.
Women Entrepreneurs Inc.
This website includes resources, toolkits and the latest news on flexibility options in the workplace.
When Work Works
This website looks at workplace effectiveness and flexibility including: helpful toolkits, research and reports, and flex tips for companies and supervisors.
Families and Work Institute
FWI is a nonprofit research center. The website looks at five main research areas: workforce/workplace, parenting, education, care, and communities.
Center for Work-Life Law, Hastings College of Law
The website for the Center describes and educates viewers about family responsibility discrimination. It lists helpful tools and support systems for employers to incorporate work-life balance in the workplace.
The Sloan Center on Aging and Work at Boston College
The website for the Sloan Center provides reports and publications on research findings concentrating on aging and work, and flexible work options.
Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)
The CLASP website offers recent publications and findings concerning work-life balance in the workplace.
Corporate Voices for Working Families
This national business organization representing private sector working families focuses on the following five pillars of work: workforce readiness, early childhood education, youth transition, mature workforce, and flexibility.
The Twiga Foundation
The Twiga Foundation website lists ongoing research and projects, which focus on creating national policy on workplace flexibility.
The Labor Project for Working Families
The Labor Project website provides flexible workplace and work-life balance resource guides and training material for employers. The website also describes their policy work with workplace flexibility.
Workplace Flexibility 2010
This website describes the Workplace Flexibility 2010 campaign to support a comprehensive national policy on workplace flexibility.
Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology (ABI)
ABI offers services for women in technology fields, including computer science and engineering, information technology, software, networking and electronics in both the public and private sectors. Its website gives detailed advice for job interviews and provides links to well-known job websites.
Mentor Net
Aimed at women and minorities, this agency offers a nationwide electronic mentoring network in the computer science field as well as a one-on-one email-based mentoring program and a detailed list of mentorship resources.
Building California Construction Careers (BC3)
BC3 provides information about pre-apprenticeship, which generally last 6-12 weeks, prepares candidates for the general apprenticeship entrance requirement with pre-apprenticeship programs, and also provides apprenticeship programs.