The official fine and fee discount guide from The Financial Justice Project, housed in the San Francisco Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector
Can’t afford to pay your traffic ticket in San Francisco?
You can have your traffic court fines and fees reduced by 80% or more through the Court's Ability-To-Pay program.
Click below to learn how to apply!
You may pay the rest on a payment plan or with community service.
Step 1: Confirm that you are eligible
You are eligible for an ability-to-pay discount if you:
1. Receive public benefits such as: Medi-Cal, CalFresh, CalWORKS, OR SSI; OR
2. Have an income less than 250% of the Federal Poverty Level (about $32,200 for a single person); OR
3. Have a financial hardship that you can explain in your application, such as recent unemployment
Step 2: Apply for a discount
You can apply:
1. Online using the Court’s MyCitations Tool: mycitations.courts.ca.gov
2. In-person at San Francisco Traffic Court
3. By mail to San Francisco Traffic Court
You can print out a paper application here: sfsuperiorcourt.org/divisions/traffic/cant-afford-pay
If needed, you may pay the rest of your ticket on a payment plan or with community service.
Contact the San Francisco Traffic Court for questions:
Hall of Justice, Traffic Division
850 Bryant Street, Room 145
San Francisco, CA 94103
Hours available here: https://sfsuperiorcourt.org/divisions/traffic
Phone: (415) 551-8550
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