Fines and Fees Task Force Meeting Minutes March 29, 2017

Fines and Fees Task Force Meeting
March 29, 2017, 3:00-5:00pm 
City Hall, Room 278


Task Force Members Present:

Anne Stuhldreher (SF Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector), Dion Libutti (Community Housing Partnership), Scott Nelson (Coalition on Homelessness), Diana Hammons (MTA), Kendra Amick (Bay Area Legal Aid), Jim Whelly (HSA), Ruth Sappelt (Office of Economic and Workforce Development), Elisa Della-Piana (Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights), Tara Anderson (District Attorney’s Office), Carmen Aguirre (Public Defender’s Office), Lee Ann Hudson (Adult Probation)

Members of the Public:

Tanea Lunsford (SF Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector), Asher Waite-Jones (Legal Services for Children), Christa Brown (SF Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector, Tara Agnese (SF Adult Probation Department),Sacha Steinberger (Project Legal Link), Alexandra Bastein (PolicyLink), Lewis Brown, Jr. (PolicyLink), Susie Smith (HSA), Mark Culkins (SF Superior Court), Karen Roy (Child Support Services)

1. Agenda Review and Approval

Anne called the meeting to order at 3:03pm. She reviewed the agenda and background materials. The agenda was approved by Task Force Members. Updates and announcements were shared with Task Force members.

2. Group Agreements

Tanea reiterated the Group Agreements as best practices for ways of being together during Task Force meetings. No one added to the living document.

3. Discussion of Potential Reforms for Child Support

Anne gave background on child support and the function of the system.  Group discussed potential reforms for child support.

4. Discussion of Task Force Recommendations

  • Ability to Pay
  • DL Suspensions
  • Quality of Life Citations
  • Transportation Related Fines and Fees
  • Bail Reform

5. What’s Next Steps

Christa gave background on proposed next steps for the Task Force and inquired about what would be most useful for the group and their department(s).

6. Public Comment

The public participated throughout agenda item discussions.

7. Closing

The meeting was adjourned at 5:00pm