The official fine and fee discount guide from The Financial Justice Project, housed in the San Francisco Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector
Is your animal at the SF Animal Care and Control Shelter and are you worried about the costs? Help is available!
We understand that caring for your furry friend can be expensive. The San Francisco Animal Care and Control's Guardian Assistance Program (GAP) offers eligible people fee waivers for the following animal care services if your pet is at the shelter:
- Spay/Neuter
- Dog Licensing (for Altered Dogs only)
- Euthanasia
- Dead Animal Disposal
- Eligible for 30 days Daily Care Fees waived within a 12-month period OR within 3 impounds
- Standard Treatments and Microchipping
- Redemption
- Field Transport
- Emergency medical bill waived up to $2,500 (one-time)
You may be eligible if you:
1. Receive public benefits, such as CalFresh, Medi-Cal, CalWORKS, or the County Adult Assistance Program; OR
2. Are currently experiencing homelessness in San Francisco and have worked with a Coordinated Entry Access Point in the last six months. For more information, go to tinyURL.com/CEAccessPoints.
Visit sfanimalcare.org/resources-for-pet-guardians for more information and additional assistance.
Contact San Francisco Animal Care and Control for questions:
1419 Bryant Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Email: acc@sfgov.org
Phone: (415) 554-636