The official fine and fee discount guide from The Financial Justice Project, housed in the San Francisco Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector
Was your car towed or booted and you cannot afford the tow or boot fine?
If your car was towed or booted in San Francisco and you cannot afford to pay the towing or booting costs, you may be able to receive the following discounts:
1. A one-time, 80% or more discount on your towing or booting costs if you have a low income
2. A ONE-TIME, FREE removal of all towing or booting costs if you are experiencing homelessness in San Francisco
If you think your car is towed, immediately call the City and County of San Francisco Impound at (415) 865-8200. You can retrieve your car at AutoReturn.
450 7th St. (between Bryant St. and Harrison St.)
San Francisco, CA
Hours: Open 24/7
Click the sections below to learn more!
Step 1: Confirm that you are eligible
You can apply to pay a discounted $100 tow fine or $75 boot fine if:
1. You receive Medi-Cal, CalFresh, SFMTA Lifeline, Unemployment benefits; or
2. Your income is at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (about$25,500 for a single person); or
3. You are experiencing homelessness in San Francisco, and have worked with a Coordinated Entry Access Points in the last 6 months.
If you are experiencing homelessness in San Francisco, please call or visit a Coordinated Entry Access Point to confirm your eligibility. The Coordinated Entry Access Points and their hours can be found here: tinyURL.com/CEAccessPoints
Step 2: Apply
If your car was towed, bring the documents below to AutoReturn to retrieve the vehicle.
If your car was booted, bring the documents below to the SFMTA Customer Service Center to remove the boot.
1. A completed copy of SFMTA’s Income Verification Form (copies available at AutoReturn)
2. A valid driver's license, AND
3. A proof of ownership if the vehicle isn’t registered in California. (Ex: the vehicle’s registration or rental contract)
If you have questions, you can call 311, 24/7, or contact the SFMTA Customer Service Center.
450 7th St. (between Bryant St. and Harrison St.)
San Francisco, CA
Hours: Open 24/7
SFMTA Customer Service
11 South Van Ness Ave.
San Francisco, CA
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m
Phone: (415) 701-3000
Step 1: Determine if you are eligible
You may be eligible to receive a ONE-TIME, FREE removal of all towing costs if:
1. You are experiencing homelessness in San Francisco, AND
2. You have worked with a Coordinated Entry Access Point in the last 6 months.
Please call or visit a Coordinated Entry Access Point to confirm your eligibility.The Coordinated Entry Access Points and their hours can be found here: tinyURL.com/CEAccessPoints
Step 2: Retrieve your vehicle from AutoReturn
Once you have confirmed your eligibility with a Coordinated Entry Access Point, you can retrieve your vehicle from AutoReturn by bringing:
1. A valid driver's license, AND
2. A proof of ownership.
If the vehicle is registered in California, people can prove ownership of their vehicle by showing their valid driver’s license and the keys to the vehicle.
If the vehicle is not registered in California, people can prove ownership of their vehicle by showing their valid driver’s license and demonstrating that their name is on the registration or rental contract.
If you have questions, you can call 311, 24/7, or contact the SFMTA Customer Service Center.
450 7th St. (between Bryant St. and Harrison St.)
San Francisco, CA
Hours: Open 24/7
SFMTA Customer Service
11 South Van Ness Ave.
San Francisco, CA
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m
Phone: (415) 701-3000
Download the flyers below to learn more.
SFMTA's Discounts for People with Low Incomes