Southeast Community Facility Commission - April 14, 2022 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
April 14, 2022 - 4:00pm
Virtual Teleconference Advisory Committee Adopted Minutes
San Francisco, CA 94124



Facility and Design Advisory Committee

Thursday, April 14, 2022

4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.


This was held by Teleconference Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20 and the Twelfth Supplement to Mayoral Proclamation Declaring the Existence of a Local Emergency Dated February 25, 2020


During the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) emergency, the Southeast Community Facility Commission’s (SECFC) Facility and Design Advisory Committee regular meeting room, 1800 Oakdale Avenue, is closed.  Commissioners and SECFC staff will convene Committee meetings remotely by teleconference.


1.  Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 4:04 p.m. by Commissioner Sanchez


2.  Roll Call:

Present:  Chung, Satele, Sanchez, Hunnicutt, Richardson (arr. 4:24 p.m.)

Absent: Tiell, LeBlanc


3.  General Public Comment: None


4.  Approval of the Minutes of the March 10, 2022 Virtual Meeting:

Moved:  Hunnicutt  Second:  Chung

Public Comment:  None

Ayes:  Chung, Satele, Sanchez, Hunnicutt


5.  Presentation: (discussion only) (Jimenez)

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Performance Metrics for future Tenant Partners at the new SECC at 1550 Evans

Amanda Jimenez, SECC Partner Liaison

Ms. Jimenez indicated that in order to evaluate the success of a participating organization staff will look at the number of community members being served and the demographics they represent.  This is how tenant partner participation and community engagement would be measured and our referred to as KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).  Ms. Jimenez provided the structure of KPIs as follows:

  • A Measure – Every KPI must have a measure.  The best KPIs have more expressive measures.
  • A Target – Every KPI needs to have a target that matches your measure and the time period of your goal.  These are generally a numeric value you’re seeking to achieve. 
  • A Data Source – Every KPI needs to have a clearly defined data source so there is no gray area in how each is being measured and tracked. 
  • Reporting Frequency – Different KPIs may have different reporting needs, but a good rule to follow is to report on them at least monthly.  Staff has decided to initially provide reports quarterly.


Ms. Jimenez provided the following suggestions for areas of focus and programming as required through the mitigation agreement to be – Education/ Childcare for Bayview Residents/ Job, Internship, and Employment Opportunities/ Senior Services/ Arts Programming/ Financial Empowerment/ Economic Development/ Community Stabilization/ Family, Youth, and Senior Services/ Health and Wellness/ Environmental Education


Regarding the implementation process Ms. Jimenez advised staff will work with the tenants to understand what data they are currently collecting on their own and then align that data with the Community Benefits/Southeast Community Cen developed metrics.  This information will be used to develop a reporting timeline.  After receiving feedback from the Commission, the KPI’s will be built into the tenant lease agreements and an interactive dashboard will be created to show the impact of the programming in the Center for the community.  This will also allow an understanding of where more capacity can be built.Ms. Jimenez provided an example of KPIs and information currently collected for other Community Benefits Programs.

(For the complete list please contact the Commission Secretary at (415) 821-2041 or send email to


      Questions and Comments from Commissioners and Community Committee Members:


Executive Director Pharr noted the importance of regularly reporting the tracking of the KPIs to the Committee so oversight could be provided.


Commissioner Sanchez said we should be mindful that the booking of major spaces in the new building by non-tenant organizations could limit the capacity of programming for the tenants therefore prioritizing was important.  She also suggested Local Hiring be added as a KPI.

  • Staff responded one of the exercises used to create the reservation policy was to develop a priority list for activities at the new Center between tenants outside organizations doing programming.  For-Profit organizations may want to utilize a room for different activities and that is something that we are keeping in mind.


Dr. Veronica Hunnicutt, Community Committee Member had a question regarding the purpose of gathering the information and the criteria currently being used, she also noted there were a lot of categories and she asked if any of them had more primary importance and she requested a copy of the presentation? 

  • Staff responded the information would be used to ensure the programming provided would be impactful for the community and would indicate the success of the tenant performance.  Staff noted the areas of focus provided in the presentation were identified through the mitigation and through a community survey taken in 2020.  It was noted the information provided was meant to be used as a template.  Staff advised the outcomes would be different for each category and staff will narrow down the indicators for each organization and will be able to tell how they are performing and serving the community based on their criteria. Staff will also provide a copy of the presentation as requested.


Executive Director Pharr said everything is tied to the mitigation and the expectations of the founding document.  The areas of focus were verified through an outreach and engagement process over the last several years.


      Dr. Hunnicutt thanked staff for advising the information would be provided on a regular basis.


Community Committee Member Linda Richardson said the educational component was top priority and noted it is the core responsibility of the Commission to make sure the youth of the community receive every opportunity available including employment.  

  • Staff responded once the specific indicators for each tenant organization are developed, they will be a part of their lease agreement and will be reported quarterly and presented to the Commission for their assessment. 


Public Comment:  None.   


  1. Update: (discussion only) (Pharr)

Tenant Partner Solicitation Process

       Emily Pharr, SECFC Executive Director

Executive Director Pharr reported the RFP pre-submittal meeting was a success.  There were 20 plus organizations that participated which shows the outreach efforts were effective.  There are two  different ways to become a resident organization so there were questions regarding becoming an anchor tenant or a hub tenant.  Staff provided the information addressing each option.  The Executive Director noted our partnership with the Real Estate Department who has insured an affordable 50%  market rate with 3 or 4 anchor tenants receiving 3-year leases, and hub tenants receiving a license on  a month-to-month basis up to 18 months as long as they continue to meet the pre-agreed standards.  There will be a public engagement process for renewal.  The RFP will close mid-May and the evaluation process will begin.  All of the organizations have received invitations to tour the Center.  Seven individuals which include community members, our Commission Chair, and City Employees with expertise in finance, real estate, community service and program development will sit on the panel and lead the evaluation process.  When their recommendations are made the names of the organizations being considered will be brought before the Commission for recommendation to the SFPUC before leases are executed.  The Executive Director reported the opening will take place in August and we plan to open with tenant partners in place. 


Questions and Comments from Commissioners and Community Committee Members:

Linda Richardson, Community Committee Member said the panel should be more reflective of the Commission and the community.  She noted it was a good idea to remind everyone of the mitigation details.  She highlighted the need to maintain institutional knowledge because new people in the SFPUC may not be aware of the history and she said it was important for the community to retain decision making capabilities per the mitigation.

  • Staff advised the actual cost of office space at the new Center would be $1.67 per square foot and space would be allocated for anchor tenants and community hub tenants who would have access to workstations ranging from $437 to $450 per month.  These below market rates will increase by 3% each year, well below market rate.


There was a discussion regarding fees for the anchor tenants and it was determined the actual amounts will be verified after the square footage use is provided.  Community members were interested in knowing the amount of money needed to run the new Center.  Staff advised the mitigation was set by law and the programming would be determined by the Commission and the community.


Staff said the overall purpose of the Center would not be for-profit, but for the betterment of the community.  It was also noted over 20 organizations took part in the RFP pre-submittal meeting and there is a lot of interest in the new Center.  Staff also noted the diversity of the organizations that participated in the RFP pre-submittal meeting.


The Community Committee Members said the data that would be collected was very important and would help to link the community to the services needed.


Public Comment:  None


7.  New Committee Business: (Discussion and Possible Action)

Vice-Chair Sanchez said the Committee is still waiting to hear from the new City College Chancellor.  There was a brief discussion regarding the rental arrears that were recently paid.  And the passing of  the recent bond measure was noted.  There was a suggestion from Community Committee Members to escalate the conversation.

  • Staff noted the partnership could be redefined due to the new aspects of hybrid remote learning.


​​​​​​​Public Comment:  None.


8.  Announcements: (discussion only)

Vice-Chair Sanchez asked if tours of the new Center were available.

  • Staff advised tours would be available mid-May and dates would be provided.


Community Committee Member Linda Richardson requested the next meeting of the full Southeast Community Facility Commission adjourn in the memory of Pat Hall, a role model in the Bayview Community and the mother of Paul Henderson.


Public Comment: None


​​​​​​​9.  Adjournment:     The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.


The next Facility & Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 12, 2022, at 4 p.m.