Southeast Community Facility Commission - March 10, 2022 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
March 10, 2022 - 4:00pm
Virtual Teleconference Adopted Minutes



Facility and Design Advisory Committee

Thursday, March 10, 2022

4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.


This was held by Teleconference Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20 and the Twelfth Supplement to Mayoral Proclamation Declaring the Existence of a Local Emergency Dated February 25, 2020


During the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) emergency, the Southeast Community Facility Commission’s (SECFC) Facility and Design Advisory Committee regular meeting room, 1800 Oakdale Avenue, is closed.  Commissioners and SECFC staff will convene Committee meetings remotely by teleconference.


1.  Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at 4:06 p.m. by Commissioner Sanchez.


2.  Roll Call:

Present:  Chung, Satele, Sanchez, Richardson

Excused:  Hunnicutt

Absent: Tiell, LeBlanc


3.  General Public Comment: None


4.  Approval of the Minutes of the February 10, 2022 Virtual Meeting:

Moved:  Richardson  Second:  Satele

Public Comment:  None

Ayes:  Satele, Chung, Sanchez, Richardson


5.   Presentation: (discussion only) (Pharr)

Tenant Partner Solicitation

Emily Pharr, SECC Executive Director

Director Pharr led a discussion regarding the Tenant Partner Solicitation.  She reported three organizations will be solicited to serve as anchor tenants and up to 14 as licensees to share workstations. All commentaries and past concerns of the Committee were taken into consideration to develop the RFP.  It is the desire of the team to attract organizations that have strong capacity, not just financially but with proven service levels in the community along with a fair competitive opportunity.  A resolution was  adopted, and the information will be available on the Southeast Community Facility Commission website.

The partnership will consist of 14 workstations that be a Community Hub.  It will be shared by nonprofit organizations that want to have a presence at the new Center and can off services that align with our programming.  The rent will be affordable and below market rate.

The 3 anchor tenants will have a three-year lease agreement and the Community Hub tenants will be on a monthly  agreement for up to 18 months.  Director Pharr reminded everyone that all questions regarding this opportunity should be provided in writing and forwarded to the Real Estate Services Division.

Staff added an email would be provided with links to the RFP, a flyer,  and all the attachments.  The Commissioners and Committee Members were encouraged to distribute the opportunity to their networks, and it was noted staff would be attending community meetings to get the word out as well.


Questions and Comments from Commissioners and Community Committee Members:

Ms. Linda Richardson, a Community Committee Member said this is a substantial opportunity for small businesses in the area.  She said the Local Business Enterprise at City Hall should be made aware of the opportunity to provide workshops and resources at the new Center.


Public Comment: None


6.  Presentation: (discussion only) (Jimenez)

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and Performance Metrics for future Tenant Partners at the new SECC at 1550 Evans

Amanda Jimenez, SECFC Partner Liaison

This item was moved forward to the April 14 Committee Meeting


7.  Presentation: (discussion only) (Berry)

Update on Access Program

Larry Berry, SECC Deputy Director

Mr. Berry reminded the Committee that the Access Program will take unused space in the Community Center and turn it into co-working space for community members.  Laptops will be available to work on personal or professional projects.  A draft for proposal is being reviewed by the Contracts Administrative Bureau.  The Office of Digital Equity is our partner in this program and the RFP will be administered directly by IBM who will provide a grant fund to whomever the recipients will be.  Mr. Berry said we are working with the City Attorney and our IT Department to resolve issues regarding equipment ownership and maintenance.  We expect to reach a resolution soon and then will be ready for the Office of Digital Equity to administer the RFP in early to mid-April.  Mr. Berry said the budget for administering the program would be approximately $100,000 per year with the expectation that staff would be on site daily.


Comments and Questions from Commissioners and Community Committee Members:  None.


Public Comment: None.


Vice-Chair Sanchez moved the meeting forward to Item #9 New Committee Business


9.  New Committee Business (Discussion and Possible Action)

Staff advised the Key Performance Indicators would be available at an upcoming meeting along with progress updates on the Tenant Partner Solicitation process.


There was a suggestion to invite Christopher Kidd, SFMTA to provide updates on the Bayview Hunters Point Transportation Plan to the Committee prior to his full Commission presentation in April.


Vice-Chair Sanchez requested forwarding an invitation to the new CCSF Chancellor David Martin.


Director Pharr announced the new analyst managing the reservation systems and program will be on board soon and there will be discussions at upcoming meetings regarding reservation policies, rental rates for the event spaces on the second floor, the Alex Pitcher room, and the outdoor spaces.


Staff advised there was a delay in receiving an updated timeline for the business plan however, it would be available in April and could be presented at the April 14 meeting.


Community Committee Member Linda Richardson requested a checkpoint on the goals, objectives, and job opportunities being offered at the new Center.  She referenced previous job and health fairs that successfully engaged the community because they were targeted events.  She noted they did not have to be the same type of events but should provide updates to the community regarding what has been accomplished and what opportunities are available. 


8.  Presentation: (discussion only)(Ly & Berry)

Secondary Land Use Program

Jennifer Ly, SFPUC/CB Environmental Justice and Land Use Manager

Larry Berry, SECC Deputy Director

Ms. Ly provided an invitation to brainstorm on the topic of temporary secondary land use for 15,000 square feet that would eventually be an education building.  It has been noted the success of any ideas will rely on an organizational partner that is aligned with the new Center.  Ms. Ly said any feedback from Commissioners on partnerships that could be envisioned would be appreciated.  There is interest in layering different activation uses and knowing what types of youth development programs might align with these uses.  The brainstorming also looks at logistical questions like installation costs, and what it would take to initiate and maintain ongoing activities.  The slides provided showed plans that would provide temporary use and could be easily removed when the education building is available.  Currently the idea of an open court or pavilion is suggested.

(To view the complete presentation please contact the Commission Secretary at (415) 821-2041 or Jennifer Ly at; )

Executive Director Pharr reminded the Committee this is a temporary installation opportunity and is not intended to replace the idea of a second building which is the education building.  However, in the interim we plan to maximize and take advantage of every opportunity to activate the space, both indoors and out.


Questions from Commissioners and Community Committee Members:

Linda Richardson said the temporary use and duration needed to be defined.  She said the permanent space had been released to City College therefore it is important to bring them back to the Community and advise precisely what the permanent space will look like.  She noted Bayview Hunters Point is an African American Cultural area so the theme should reflect that.  She said temporary programs would need help relocating and the duration time was very important and should not be open-ended.

  • Director Pharr said there were not specific conversations around duration and timeline.  At some point we will be looking forward to the education building.  Currently the start date is unknown.  Once there is clarity regarding the time-line planning can start, right now it is still conceptual.  She said future conversations will be added to the agenda.

Vice-Chair Sanchez had a question regarding the bandwidth of managing the program and who would be responsible for doing so?

  • Ms. Ly responded the conversations had not proceeded that far but an example of an initial idea was the secondary land use would be a Community garden but we are now moving away from that idea and there is a need to consult with an engineer noting the pavilion concept would require a lot of scheduling and these are conversations for future brainstorming meetings.
  • Larry Berry said the person begin onboarded to be responsible for controlling all of the digital reservations around the center would also be responsible for scheduling the pavilion or temporary space.  The same digital reservation system would be used, and additional personnel would be available to help with setup and breakdown of light equipment.


Vice-Chair Sanchez said a temporary plan for a farmer’s market might work in this scenario because it would give the farmers an opportunity to see if it would work and if not, they could opt out.

  • Ms. Ly responded the ideas would continue the conversation and provide the ability to design something different from what had been done before and create a space that people will use and make financial sense for a business.


10. Announcements:

Executive Director Pharr reminded the everyone the RFP would go live tomorrow, and the Grand Opening is tentatively scheduled for the end of August.  She asked everyone to keep their Saturdays open.


There was a question regarding the possibility of tours for the new Center and the Executive Director advised tours could begin as soon as the flooring was completed.


11. Adjournment:  The meeting adjourned at 5:09 p.m.


The next Facility & Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 14, at 4 p.m.