City and County of San FranciscoAsthma Task Force


Environmental Committee - May 12, 2010



SFATF Environmental Mtg. 5/12/2010, 3-5 pm Fox Plaza,1390 Market St., Suite 410 at the conference room of Children's EnvironmentalHealth Promotion, Environmental Health Section, San Francisco Department ofPublic Health.



Introductions:Sarah Aird, Herman Cowan, Krista Ward, Karen Cohn, Cynthia Knowles, SraddhaMehta

· Reviewdraft letter of support for SB928 (

·  Discussed drafting resolution for Board of Supervisorsto sign support.  This is a timeconsuming process and only increases awareness.  Alternative option: get City Departments to ask the city to support bill. SFATF members willfollow up on the latter. 

·   Discusslocal policy strategies to reduce consumer exposure to asthmagens in cleaningsupplies

·   Approach HA to pass voluntary policy on IPM. Getsupport from federal EPA.  Thismight be a good follow-up to May 13th Northeastern training.  Other follow-up ideas (including findingout about thermographic cameras) may come out of the RAMP grant.  


Move forward with idea for stores to voluntary postsigns about asthma-friendly and unfriendly products.  Need next stage of research analyzing products claiming tobe green.  Create comparison sheetof green cleaners to highlight ingredients/products to avoid.  Use WVE worksheet.  Possibly get interns from SFSU healtheducation dept.


Question: Is vinegar recognized on AOEC list as asthmagen or is there just arelated product on the list?  Answer:  According to CADPH follow-up phone call, acetic acid andperoxyacetic acid/peracetic are on the AOEC list.   Qualifying case study = pickle packers who usedglacial acetic acid (concentrated form of acetic acid) and developedasthma.   For this reason, CADPH does not recommend using vinegar. They recommend microfiber cloth & water for glass.  Baking soda, soap & water ok(although dbl check soap ingredients with AOEC list).  Additional resource for asthmagen evidence is a French site:

·  GrantOpportunities:

· RAMP Legacy Grant:  SFATF help offered at the African American HealthDisparities Conference.

· CA Breathing: Discussed idea to modify “Go Green Rating Scale” for child careproviders.  At this time, it makesmore sense to focus modifications on IPM rather than on cleaning/disinfectingwhich is already being addressed through the schools/childcare committee work. 

·  DollarStore update & Next Steps: Several attempts made to contact Dollar Store managers between 16thand 24th street on Mission. Managers are reluctant to talk and be involved in the project.  Re-focus on Walgreens and other largerstores.

·  ReviewStrategic Plan – Tabled for next meeting

·  Memberupdates/announcements – Schedule next meeting for June 9th 1:30-3:30