Community Feedback of First Draft

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Market St. & Octavia Blvd.

Written Comments on the First Public Review Draft

Below are written comments that have been sent to the Planning Department.

Quick Links:
Local Groups | Written Comments | Comments from Pre-Adoption Workshop May 2006 | Comments from January 28th Workshop | Public Comments from March 20th Planning Commission | Comments from Workshop #4 | Press Coverage


Local Groups Comment on the Draft

Hayes Valley Neighborhood Association
Resolutions Approved by HVNA Membership

San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association
Article by Jim Chappell, president of SPUR

Sierra Club
Letter from Howard Strassner, Chair of the Transportation Committee

Duboce Triangle Neighborhood Association
DTNA Web Page

San Francisco Bike Coalition
SFBC Discussion Board


Written Comments from the Community
Written Comments

Comments from January 28th Workshop
Transcript of Open Mic Comments - PDF

Public Comments from March 20th Planning Commission
March 20, 2003 Planning Commission Minutes

Pre-Adoption Workshop May 2006
Public Comments | Written Comments