Civil Service Commission - February 3, 2020 - Agenda
Regular Meeting
February 3, 2020
2:00 p.m.
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
A request to hear an item after 5:00 p.m. should be directed to the Executive |
A. Commission Office
The Civil Service Commission office is located at, 25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 720, San Francisco, CA 94102. The telephone number is (415) 252-3247. The fax number is (415) 252-3260. The email address is and the web address is Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
- Policy Requiring Written Reports
It is the policy of the Civil Service Commission that except for appeals filed under Civil Service Commission Rule 111A Position-Based Testing, all items appearing on its agenda be supported by a written report prepared by Commission or departmental staff. All documents referred to in any Agenda Document are posted adjacent to the Agenda, or if more than one (1) page in length, available for public inspection and copying at the Civil Service Commission office. Reports from City and County personnel supporting agenda items are submitted in accordance with the procedures established by the Executive Officer. Reports not submitted according to procedures, in the format and quantity required, and by the deadline, will not be calendared.
- Policy on Written Submissions by Appellants
All written material submitted by appellants to be considered by the Commission in support of an agenda item shall be submitted to the Commission office, no later than 5:00 p.m. on the fourth (4th) business day preceding the Commission meeting for which the item is calendared (ordinarily, on Tuesday). An original and nine (9) copies on 8 1/2-inch X 11-inch paper, three-hole punched on left margin, and page numbered in the bottom center margin, shall be provided. Written material submitted for the Commission’s review becomes part of a public record and shall be open for public inspection.
- Policy on Materials being Considered by the Commission
Copies of all staff reports and materials being considered by the Civil Service Commission are available for public view 72 hours prior to the Civil Service Commission meeting on the Civil Service Commission’s website at, and in its office located at 25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 720, San Francisco, CA 94102. If any materials related to an item on this agenda have been distributed to the Civil Service Commission after distribution of the agenda packet, those materials will be available for public inspection at the Civil Service Commission’s during normal office hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday).
- Policy and Procedure for Hearings to be Scheduled after 5:00 p.m. and Requests for Postponement
A request to hear an item after 5:00 p.m. should be directed to the Executive Officer as soon as possible following the receipt of notification of an upcoming hearing. Requests may be made by telephone at (415) 252-3247 and confirmed in writing or by fax at (415) 252-3260.
A request for a postponement (continuance) to delay an item to another meeting may be directed to the Commission
Executive Officer by telephone or in writing. Before acting, the Executive Officer may refer certain requests to another City official for recommendation. Telephone requests must be confirmed in writing prior to the meeting. Immediately following the “Announcement of Changes” portion of the agenda at the beginning of the meeting, the Commission will consider a request for a postponement that has been previously denied. Appeals filed under Civil Service Commission Rule 111A Position-Based Testing shall be considered on the date it is calendared for hearing except under extraordinary circumstances and upon mutual agreement between the appellant and the Department of Human Resources.
- Policy and Procedure on Hearing Items Out of Order
Requests to hear items out of order are to be directed to the Commission President at the beginning of the agenda. The President will rule on each request. Such requests may be granted with mutual agreement among the affected parties.
- Procedure for Commission Hearings
All Commission hearings on disputed matters shall conform to the following procedures: The Commission reserves the right to question each party during its presentation and, in its discretion, to modify any time allocations and requirements.
If a matter is severed from the Consent Agenda or the Ratification Agenda, presentation by the opponent will be for a maximum time limit of five (5) minutes and response by the departmental representative for a maximum time limit of five (5) minutes. Requests by the public to sever items from the [Consent Agenda or] Ratification Agenda must be provided with justification for the record.
For items on the Regular Agenda, presentation by the departmental representative for a maximum time of five (5) minutes and response by the opponent for a maximum time limit of five (5) minutes.
For items on the Separations Agenda, presentation by the department followed by the employee or employee’s representative shall be for a maximum time limit of ten (10) minutes for each party unless extended by the Commission.
Each presentation shall conform to the following:
- Opening summary of case (brief overview);
- Discussion of evidence;
- Corroborating witnesses, if necessary; and
- Closing remarks.
The Commission may allocate five (5) minutes for each side to rebut evidence presented by the other side.
- Policy on Audio Recording of Commission Meetings
As provided in the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance, all Commission meetings are audio recorded in digital form. These audio recordings of open sessions are available starting on the day after the Commission meeting on the Civil Service Commission website at
- Speaking before the Civil Service Commission
Speaker cards are not required. The Commission will take public comment on all items appearing on the agenda at the time the item is heard. The Commission will take public comment on matters not on the Agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the Commission during the “Requests to Speak” portion of the regular meeting. Maximum time will be three (3) minutes. A subsequent comment after the three (3) minute period is limited to one (1) minute. The timer shall be in operation during public comment. Upon any specific request by a Commissioner, time may be extended.
- Public Comment and Due Process
During general public comment, members of the public sometimes wish to address the Civil Service Commission regarding matters that may come before the Commission in its capacity as an adjudicative body.The Commission does not restrict this use of general public comment.To protect the due process rights of parties to its adjudicative proceedings, however, the Commission will not consider, in connection with any adjudicative proceeding, statements made during general public comment.If members of the public have information that they believe to be relevant to a mater that will come before the Commission in its adjudicative capacity, they may wish to address the Commission during the public comment portion of that adjudicative proceeding.The Commission will not consider public comment in connection with an adjudicative proceeding without providing the parties an opportunity to respond.
- Policy on use of Cell Phones, Pagers and Similar Sound-Producing Electronic Devices at and During Public Meetings
The ringing and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. Please be advised that the Chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person(s) responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices.
Information on Disability Access
The Civil Service Commission normally meets in Room 400 (Fourth Floor) City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place. However, meetings not held in this room are conducted in the Civic Center area. City Hall is wheelchair accessible. The closest accessible BART station is the Civic Center, located 2 ½ blocks from City Hall. Accessible MUNI lines serving City Hall are 47 Van Ness Avenue, 9 San Bruno and 71 Haight/Noriega, as well as the METRO stations at Van Ness and Market and at Civic Center. For more information about MUNI accessible services, call (415) 923-6142. Accessible curbside parking has been designated at points in the vicinity of City Hall adjacent to Grove Street and Van Ness Avenue.
The following services are available on request 48 hours prior to the meeting; except for Monday meetings, for which the deadline shall be 4:00 p.m. of the last business day of the preceding week. For American Sign Language interpreters or the use of a reader during a meeting, a sound enhancement system, and/or alternative formats of the agenda and minutes, please contact the Commission office to make arrangements for the accommodation. Late requests will be honored, if possible.
Individuals with severe allergies, environmental illness, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities should call our ADA coordinator at (415) 252-3254 or (415) 252-3247 to discuss meeting accessibility. In order to assist the City’s efforts to accommodate such people, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products. Please help the City to accommodate these individuals.
Know your Rights under the Sunshine Ordinance (Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code)
Government’s duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, councils, and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct the people’s business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people’s review. For more information on your rights under the Sunshine Ordinance or to report a violation of the ordinance, or to obtain a free copy of the Sunshine Ordinance, contact Victor Young, Administrator of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244, San Francisco, CA 94102-4689 at (415) 554-7724, by fax: (415) 554-7854, by e-mail:, or on the City’s website at
San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance
Individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance (San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code Section 2.100) to register and report lobbying activity. For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the San Francisco Ethics Commission at 25 Van Ness Ave., Suite 220, San Francisco, CA 94102, telephone (415) 252-3100, fax (415) 252-3112 and web site
City and County of San Francisco
Civil Service Commission
Agenda for Regular Meeting
February 3, 2020
2:00 p.m.
(1) |
President Elizabeth Salveson |
Vice President Kate Favetti |
Commissioner Douglas S. Chan |
Commissioner F. X. Crowley |
Commissioner Jacqueline P. Minor |
(2) |
(3) |
Regular Meeting of January 6, 2020 |
Recommendation: |
Adopt the minutes. |
(4) |
Announcement of changes to the agenda. |
Other announcements. |
(5) |
Report on the Status of De-Identification for Class-Based Testing Recruitments. |
Recommendation: |
Adopt the report. |
(6) |
Fiscal Years 2020-22 Mayor’s Budget Instructions and Department Budget Preparation. (File No. 0338-19-1) – Action Item |
January 6, 2020: |
Directed the Executive Officer to: continue to negotiate with the Office of the Mayor and the Controller to ensure that the Commission’s budget sufficiently supports anticipated service and staff to continue its Charter mandated functions; finalize the Fiscal Years 2020-22 Budget Request; incorporate changes made by the Commission and submit the Fiscal Years 2020-22 Budget Request to the Controller and the Mayor by February 21, 2020. |
Recommendation: |
Direct the Executive Officer to: continue to negotiate with the Office of the Mayor and the Controller to ensure that the Commission’s budget sufficiently supports anticipated service and staff to continue its Charter mandated functions; finalize the Fiscal Years 2020-22 Budget Request; incorporate changes made by the Commission and submit the Fiscal Years 2020-22 Budget Request to the Controller and the Mayor by February 21, 2020. |
All matters on the Ratification Agenda are considered by the Civil Service Commission to be non-contested and will be acted upon by a single vote of the Commission. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a request is made; in which event, the matter shall be removed from the Ratification Agenda and considered as a separate item. Each individual addressing the Commission will be limited to a maximum time limit of five minutes for all items severed from the Ratification Agenda. |
(7) |
Review of Request for Approval of Proposed Personal Services Contracts. (File No. 0016-20-8) – Action Item |
PSC# |
Department |
Amount |
Type of Service |
Type of Approval |
Duration |
41183-19/20 |
Public Health |
$85,000,000 |
Contractor will provide check writing services for the Department's Behavioral Health Services (BHS) to enable the Department to provide the following services:Residential Care Facility services ("mom-and pop” board and care homes);reimbursement to out-of countymental health service providers when children and adolescents are placed outside of San Francisco; intermittent and as-neededreimbursements of providers who are members of the San Francisco Mental Health Plan's Private Provider Network (PPN); provision of wraparound July 1, 2020 services (occasional food, tutoring, and other services) for children and adolescents served in San Francisco; assistance with client stabilization in emergency housing, a needed; support of the Parent Institute's trainings, and other as-needed services such as one-time or limited consultation related to the needs of clients with mental health issues and/or substance use disorder diagnoses, as well as as-needed treatment related to eating disorders at Psychiatric Emergency. |
Regular |
6/30/2025 |
PSC# |
Department |
Amount |
Type of Service |
Type of Approval |
Duration |
43888-19/20 |
Public Health |
$10,000,000 |
As part of the optimization phase of the Department of Public Health's roll-out of its new Electronic Health Record system, "Epic," contractor(s) are needed to provide integrated solutions to automate migration and conversion of medical and pharmaceutical prescription data and drugs from the Department's legacy systems and paper or film records to Epic. For paper and film documents such as patient photos, X rays, insurance cards, identification cards, handwritten chart notes, or prescription use instructions, contractor(s)'s integrated solution will scan and migrate documents directly from end users into Epic. Contractor(s) will assess the Department's data structures, platforms, business goals, and project timeline requirements and extract legacy system data into Contractor(s)'s solution for customization and conversion. Once the data ls inspected for quality and compliance, contractor(s) will complete a final extraction into Epic and business as usual will resume, Contractor(s) will execute services for the Department while complying with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). To ensure a fully supported process with minimal interruptions, contractor(s) will provide intermittent, comprehensive professional services for its proprietary software on an as-needed basis, including implementation support, project management, training, and other as-needed services. Services may also include access to hosted, web-based Software As A Service (SAAS) applications. |
Regular |
6/30/2024 |
48849-18/19 |
Public Health |
$3,000,000 |
Contractor will provide food service for Laguna Honda Hospital (LHH) residents while the LHH kitchen floor ls being remodeled. Repairs to the LHH kitchen floor are needed in order· to mitigate workplace and sanitary hazards that have developed in the tiling and drainage system after eight years of preparing 2,300 meals daily, The contractor will work with LHH Dietitians to provide therapeutic meals tailored to patients' nutritional needs, providing support as needed for menu planning and ordering, and utilizing LHH's existing food and nutrition management system, CBORD (a product of the CBORD Group, a branch of Oracle Hospitality). Repairs are anticipated to take approximately 4-6 months; the 2 year duration shown above is submitted for the period of 1/1/20·12/31/21, which represents the window of time during which the repairs are planned to be made. |
Regular |
12/31/2021 |
45869-19/20 |
City Administrator |
$250,000 |
The Contractor will provide as-needed maintenance services on city-owned vehicle service equipment on two new City fleet maintenance facilities: 555 Selby Street and 450 Toland Street, San Francisco. |
Regular |
1/31/2025 |
49016-19/20 |
City Administrator |
$550,000 |
GSA Fleet Management Division has an ongoing need to provide comprehensive services for emergency and non-emergency hazardous waste management. The service is needed at our 6 shop locations for labor, materials, and equipment necessary to collect a wide range of used motor oil and industrial wastes, to provide transportation, and delivery of environmental sustainable washing and maintenance service with specialty equipment and chemicals for proper recycling, reuse, or disposal to permitted disposal facilities On an intermittent and as-needed basis. Additionally, hazardous waste emergency spill response service is needed on an as needed basis, |
Regular |
6/30/2024 |
PSC# |
Department |
Amount |
Type of Service |
Type of Approval |
Duration |
42029-19/20 |
Public Works |
$400,000 |
Professional consulting services for the San Francisco Public Library (SFPL) to create a comprehensive Library Facilities Masterplan to assess the existing network of library locations and guide SFPL's response to community needs for library services through year 2040.
Regular |
5/1/2022 |
45672-19/20 |
Public Utilities Commission |
$800,000 |
The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) requires the services of four (4) consultants to increase participation of small and micro construction, construction management, and related professional services firms for the advancement of the Water System Improvement Program, Sewer System Improvement Program, Hetchy Capital Improvement Program, Water Enterprise Capital Improvement Program, and Auxiliary Water Supply System Projects. The As needed Contractor Outreach and Local Business Enterprise (LBE) Certification Services will include work in the following areas: - Marketing and promoting contracting opportunities - Regional Construction Contractors Services, SFPUC-LBE Site Visits. |
Regular |
6/1/2023 |
48280-19/20 |
Public Utilities Commission |
$20,000,000 |
This as needed PSC will be made up of four (4) contracts, each at a value of $5 million. Work will consist of specialized and technical as- needed se1v1ces ln the areas of water supply, storage, and transport services; water quality services; water treatment services, wastewater treatment services; power; and division operations and management services for the Hetch Hetchy Water and Power Division of the SFPUC Water Enterprise (HHWP). |
Regular |
8/31/2025 |
49037-19/20 |
Port |
$1,350,000 |
Independent construction management and environmental monitoring services to oversee the proposed construction work at the Mission Bay Ferry Landing (MBFL) to ensure compliance with plan/project specifications, construction and environmental regulatory requirements, and quality assurance. |
Regular |
3/16/2023 |
PSC# |
Department |
Amount |
Type of Service |
Type of Approval |
Duration |
46057-19/20 |
Port |
$34,000,000 |
The Port is soliciting a construction manager general contractor (CM/GC) for the design and construction of the Mission Bay Ferry Landing (MBFL) at Terry Francois Boulevard and 16th Street The work will proceed in two phases, pre-construction and construction. For the pre-construction professional services phase, the Port is seeking the services of a construction manager to design and value engineer the project in preparation for the second phase which is the actual construction. The Port will require assistance in the form of specialized knowledge, expertise, and state-of-the-art techniques that It may not be able to meet from within its own staff. The services are highly spec1allzed because they require marine and over-the-water design services. The value of tl1e PSC for these pre-construction services will not exceed $750,000 over the anticipated seven {7) month duration. The balance of the PSC amount stated above Is for the actual construction of the project which is not subject to the PSC. |
Regular |
3/16/2023 |
40494-19/20 |
Police |
$525,000 |
The contractor will provide maintenance and support of the San Francisco Police Department's (SFPD) Body Worn Camera (BWC) System, a law enforcement video data infrastructure with 2200 deployed units. Contracting staff will maintain and support the BWC eco-system of cameras, charging stations, fiber ring network, Azure cloud for evidence, evidence management through the portal and user/device management, desktop and mobile applications for uploading/tagging of metadata, and integrations with Computer Aided Dispatch for Records Management System. |
Regular |
2/26/2021 |
41155-19/20 |
Municipal Transportation Agency |
$375,000 |
The contractor (Replica) will provide the Replica Travel Model software-as-a-service, which is a fully calibrated travel model to the San Francisco Bay Area that will allow the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) to monitor what share of trips taken within San Francisco occur via sustainable modes (e.g., biking, walking, transit), This tool will help the SFMTA measure San Francisco's progress towards the City's Climate Action Strategy goal for 80% of trips to be taken by sustainable modes (e.g., walking, biking, public transit) by 2030. Mode share data has typically been collected via a phone survey of Bay Area residents asking them questions about the\r travel. In order to collect all the needed information, these surveys are lengthy and costly to collect, and the small sample sizes do not provide the full level of detail needed to fully understand travel behavior in San Francisco. For instance, in its last round of mode share data collection, the margin of error for bicycling mode share was too large to adequately answer whether bicycle usage has increased. The SFMTA plans to evaluate the Replica tool against other alternatives for measuring mode share to inform how it will monitor this key metric in the future. |
Regular |
6/30/2023 |
43672-18/19 |
Municipal Transportation Agency |
$155,000,000 |
The scope of tills project is to perform system replacement and midlife overhaul of 160 standards (40') Hybrid Electric New Flyer vehicles, 111 articulated (60') Hybrid Electric New Flyer vehicles and 60 articulated (60') Electric Trolley vehicles. The Contractor will provide all repairs, warranties, labor, Inspections, engineering, tools, materials, parts, facilities and equipment required to complete this work, which includes removing and replacing major vehicle systems such as engines, traction motor, energy storage system, cooling system, axles, brakes, air systems, interior and exterior body work, exterior painting, including pick-up and delivery of the coaches. All rehabilitation work will be performed off-site. The contractor will prepare all required detailed drawings, schematics, design calculations, stress analysis, and other specified technical documentation in connection with this project. The contractor will also support warranties on all rebuilt components. |
Regular |
6/30/2024 |
PSC# |
Department |
Amount |
Type of Service |
Type of Approval |
Duration |
42247-19/20 |
Human Resources |
$4,000,000 |
The contractors will conduct nation-wide executive searches to identify highly qualified candidates to participate in the selection processes. In collaboration with the Department of Human Resources (DHR), the contractor shall identify, recruit, screen, recommend candidates, coordinate the interview process, conduct detailed reference checks, and provide assistance during the hiring process for the City and County of San Francisco (City). The contractor will develop a detailed candidate profile for the recruitment and selection process. The contractor will perform the initial selection and assessment of candidates and present top candidates to the City for final selection. |
Regular |
3/31/2025 |
41892-19/20 |
Adult Probation |
$3,150,000 |
The expertise of the professionals sought is unique and greatly needed by the Adult Probation Department (APD). APD seeks specially certified Batterer Intervention Programs (SIPs) that provide comprehensive domestic violence prevention and treatment services to its clients and other justice-involved San Francisco residents. To get prequalified, applicants will be required to offer very specialized and confidential services, namely court-mandated batterer intervention programs (BIPs) to APD clients under the supervision of the Domestic Violence Unit (California Penal Code 1203.097). Clients will receive adequate programming and services in response to their domestic violence offense, and Probation Officers will be better equipped to perform their duties. |
Regular |
10/31/2024 |
43621-19/20 |
Public Utilities Commission |
$550,000 |
The purpose of this contract is to provide limited Preventive Maintenance, Inspection and As-Needed Repair Services of multiple Standby Generators and Cc Generation equipment throughout the City and County of San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Wastewater Enterprise (SFPUC-WWE) facilities. Work will entail work that is beyond the expertise, knowledge, and specialized tools needed for specific services and emergency repairs. This scope of work includes specialized knowledge of the existing generator engines, including engines using biogas methane (a biproduct of wastewater treatment) mixture as an engine fuel (cogeneration). Services will be required for a Waukesha cogeneration engine which requires a specialized certification and other miscellaneous engines and equipment. |
Regular |
3/1/2023 |
43867-19/20 |
Public Utilities Commission |
$1,170,000 |
Maintenance and testing of existing switchgear and switchboard at various East Bay and West Bay Water Supply and Treatment Facilities, This contract is for maintenance and testing Of seventeen (17) switchgear and (22) switchboards with estimated cost of $30,000 per switchgear 1 switchboard or $1,170,000 for the entire contract. |
Regular |
3/2/2022 |
4126-11/12 |
Adult Probation |
Current Approved Amount $1,390,000 Increase Amount Requested $0 New Total Amount Requested $1,390,000 |
San Francisco Adult Probation Department (APD) needs individuals that have dual expertise in reentry and evidence based criminal justice strategies and technical service: facilitation, grant writing, strategic planning, evaluation, capacity building and communications. The expertise of the technical services providers ls unique, unrepresented and greatly needed ln APD. |
Modification |
12/31/2020 |
PSC# |
Department |
Amount |
Type of Service |
Type of Approval |
Duration |
4043-12/13 |
Airport |
Current Approved Amount $1,500,000 Increase Amount Requested $100,000 New Total Amount Requested $1,600,000 |
During the PBMS Phase II project, SFO would like to implement several enhancements and new functionality to address inefficiencies; optimize system performance and integrate enhanced reporting features; minimize manual entries and error risks, especially for high volume activity billings; address audit concerns and recommendations regarding statistical data reporting; develop policies and procedures; and prepare for external system improvements that impact PMBS. This phase of the project will enhance existing and create new functionality in the Airport's enterprise-wide Ptv1BS used to monitor, track and report revenue and other key business statistics on all SFO property leases, space permits, and other property contracts, See attachment |
Modification |
12/31/2021 |
33836-18/19 |
Public Works |
Current Approved Amount $99,000 Increase Amount Requested $101,000 New Total Amount Requested $200,000 |
This is for design development, documentation, and installation of furnishings for new homeless shelter capital projects, This involves development of a furniture plan for dormitories, offices, and community spaces and furniture specifications to procure the furnishings, and overseeing the installations and completion of punch list items prior to occupancy. |
Modification |
1/2/2021 |
40949-16/17 |
Ethics |
Current Approved Amount $1,374,750 Increase Amount Requested $0 New Total Amount Requested $1,374,750 |
The Ethics Commission currently contracts with a- private vendor to provide an electronic filing system to file ethics forms and maintain its filing records databases. The forms include fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) and local campaign finance forms, Statement of Economic Interests, lobbyist reports and campaign consultant repo1ts. The Secretary of State's approval is required for filing systems that submit electronic FPPC campaign finance forms and the Ethics Commission can only contract with vendors on the Secretary of State's certified vendor list. The FPPC's approval is required for filing systems that submit electronic Statement of Economic Interest fillings. The Ethics Commission requires a service that includes web based filing software for filers, a back-office administration system, a database, and a search engine for online public disclosure. This system must be hosted by the vendor's server infrastructure. This personal services contract will include developing additional components for the Ethics Commission's existing electronic filing system, technical support, and system maintenance. The new components include new reporting requirements for Expenditure Lobbyists as required by Measure C (adopted by San Francisco voters in the November 3, 2015 election), new electronic forms required by the Committee on Information Technology (COIT)-funded Efiling Conversion Project, and new lobbyist registration requirements included in Measure T (adopted by San Francisco voters in the November 8, 2016 election). On January 20, 2017, the Mayor signed into law an ordinance requiring the electronic filing of behested payment reports by City boards and commissions, which becomes operative on January 11 2018. The new contract will also provide flexibility to add additional forms and functionality to the system when new legislation [s passed during the contract term. |
Modification |
6/30/2022 |
PSC# |
Department |
Amount |
Type of Service |
Type of Approval |
Duration |
44181-15/16 |
Public Health |
Current Approved Amount $2,500,000 Increase Amount Requested $1,250,000 New Total Amount Requested $3,750,000 |
The contractor will perform coding and abstracting of inpatient accounts using International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision-Clinical Modification (ICD 10 CM) and International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision Procedure Coding System ICD-10- PCS) classification systems and Diagnosis- Related Group (DRG) expertise; assign codes for diagnoses, treatments, and procedures according to the appropriate classification system for complex inpatient encounters; follow Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)/American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) coding guidelines; review provider documentation to determine principal diagnosis, comorbidities and complications, secondary conditions and surgical procedures; ensure accurate coding by clarifying diagnosis and procedural information through a query process; assign Present On Admission (POA) values 'for inpatient diagnoses; abstract required information from source documentation and enter into encoder and abstracting system; identify non-payment conditions Hospital Acquired Conditions (HAC) and, when required, review documentation to verify and, as necessary, correct the patient disposition upon discharge. |
Modification |
1/31/2023 |
32475-17/18 |
City Administrator |
Current Approved Amount $100,000 Increase Amount Requested $330,000 New Total Amount Requested $430,000 |
The contractor will provide the system maintenance, software version upgrade, and onsite training for updated features of The contractor will provide the system maintenance, software version upgrade, and onsite training for updated features of data related to vehicle repairs conducted by General Services Agency (GSA)-Fleet. The 2010 and GSA-Fleet wish to continue utilizing this software. This is as-needed base maintenance service required by the software version upgrade and training to cover the City’s expanded fleet. |
Modification |
1/31/02025 |
47383-17/18 |
Human Services |
Current Approved Amount $407,014 Increase Amount Requested $0 New Total Amount Requested $407,014 |
The contractor will develop a cohesive brand and external communications plan for the Department of Human Service to better identify the three distinct divisions (DAAS) HSA, and OECE) and the services each offers. In order to better engage stakeholders, shape public perception, and to provide quality human services, the contractor will provide the following service: ð - Conduct research - ð -Facilitate interviews and focus groups-ð- Develop the brand strategy ð -·Formulate an external communications plan ð-Compile response data and analyze research findings ð- Deliver final brand strategy and communications plan. |
Modification |
6/30/2020 |
33989-14/15 |
Department of Emergency Management |
Current Approved Amount $233,952 Increase Amount Requested $369,854 New Total Amount Requested $603,806 |
Hardware maintenance services and monitoring 24x7 on Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD). |
Modification |
12/31/2024 |
32974-18/19 |
Sheriff |
Current Approved Amount $100,000 Increase Amount Requested $400,000 New Total Amount Requested $500,000 |
The San Francisco Sheriff’s Department (SFSD) seeks proposals to provide janitorial services for the Woman’s Resource Center, located at 930 Bryant Street., and the San Bruno Training Center, located at 1 Moreland Dr. The janitorial services will be required 2 days per week during normal business hours. |
Modification |
1/31/2024 |
PSC# |
Department |
Amount |
Type of Service |
Type of Approval |
Duration |
43317-17/18 |
Fire Department |
Current Approved Amount $98,000 Increase Amount Requested $952,000 New Total Amount Requested $1,050,000 |
Provide mobile hearing screening tests for all firefighters to determine if they meet NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) Standard 1582 Section 6.5.1 to be able to perform effectively as firefighters and mobile Tuberculosis (TB) screening (using Quantiferon gold TB blood test or equivalent) to ensure members have not been exposed to TB. |
Modification |
12/31/2022 |
Recommendation: |
Adopt the report. Approve the request for proposed Personal Services Contracts; Notify the Office of the Controller and the Office of Contract Administration. |
All matters on the Consent Agenda considered by the Civil Service Commission will be acted upon by a single vote of the Commission. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a request is made; in which event, the matter shall be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as a separate item. Each individual addressing the Commission will be limited to a maximum time limit of five minutes for all items severed from the Consent Agenda.
Copies of all staff reports and materials being considered by the Civil Service Commission are available for public view 72 hours prior to the Civil Service Commission meeting and are located in the Civil Service Commission office at 25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 720, San Francisco, CA 94102. |
(8) |
Report on MTA Service-Critical Appointment Exempt from Civil Service under Charter Section 10.104-16 through 10.104-18. (File No. 0019-20-1) |
Recommendation: |
Adopt the report. |
(9) |
Update of Proposed Personal Services Contracts Number 40794-19/20 to Correct Union Notification and Modify Duration to Five Years. (File No. 0009-20-8) – Action Item |
Recommendation: |
Approve the report. |
(10) |
Appeal of the Rejection of Application by Daniel Boreen for 7251 Track Maintenance Supervisor I – Cable Car Specialty. (File No. 0241-19-4) – Action Item |
Recommendation: |
Postpone to the meeting of March 16, 2020 at the request of Daniel Boreen. |
(11) |
Annual Review of Exempt and Non-Exempt Classifications at the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. (File No. 0012-20-1) – Action Item |
Recommendation: |
Adopt the report and amend the reporting requirements to a February meeting of the Commission each calendar year. |
Copies of all staff reports and materials being considered by the Civil Service Commission are available for public view 72 hours prior to the Civil Service Commission meeting and are located in the Civil Service Commission office at 25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 720, |
(12) |
Five-Year Update on PaybyPhone Smartphone Parking Application Agreement PSC Number 48657-14/15. (File No. 0018-20-8) – Action Item |
Recommendation: |
Approve the report. |
(13) |
Request to Grant Continuing Approval for or Exclude from CSC Review Proprietary Software Maintenance, Software as a Service and Equipment Maintenance. |
Recommendation: |
Accept the report and, subject to the reporting requirements referenced above, grant Continuing Approval for City contracts involving: (i) Proprietary Software Maintenance, (ii) Proprietary Cloud-Based Software; or (iii) Proprietary Equipment Maintenance. |
(14) |
Appeal by Ronnie Jones of the Human Resources Director’s Determination to Administratively Close His Complaint of Harassment. (File No. 0232-19-6) – Action Item |
December 2, 2019: |
Postponed to the meeting of January 6, 2020 at the appellant’s request. |
January 6, 2020: |
Postpone to the meeting of February 3, 2020 at the request of Lee Maranto, Attorney representing Ronnie Jones. |
Recommendation: |
Adopt the report; sustain decision of Human Resources Director; deny appeal by Ronnie Jones. |
(15) |
Public comment on all matters pertaining to Items #16 and #19. |
(16) |
Vote on whether to hold Item #19 in closed session. (Action Item) |
Basis for closed session: Peace Officer Confidentiality Statutes (Penal Code §§ 832.5, 832.7, 832.8)); Personnel Exception (Gov. Code §54957(b)(1), Admin Code §67.10(b)); California Constitution Art. I, sec. 1. |
(17) |
Public comment on all matters pertaining to Items #18 and #20 |
(18) |
Vote on whether to hold Item #20 in closed session. (Action Item) |
NOTE: The Commission may hold Items #19 and #20 in open session, closed session, or partial open/partial closed session. It has been agendized as a closed session item to preserve the Commission’s ability to go into closed session if the Commission so decides.
(19) |
Closed Session – Request for Hearing by Alison Berry Wilkinson on Behalf of a former employee on the employee’s Future Employment Restrictions. (File No. 0296-19-7) – Action Item |
Recommendation: |
Adopt the report and deny the appeal. |
(20) |
Closed Session – PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT. (File No. 0029-20-1) – Title: Executive Officer |
(21) |
Reconvene in Open Session. Vote to elect whether to disclose any or all discussions on |
(22) |
(23) |