Year 2005 Motions and Resolutions Passed

Motions and ResolutionsPassed

by the San FranciscoElections Commission in 2005



Date Subject Content Motion #





High School Students Resolution





Commending Student Poll Workers who served for the November 2, 2004 Consolidated General Election


WHEREAS, Poll Workers who serve as Precinct Board Election Officers are vital to effective election functions: and


WHEREAS, San Francisco’s Elections Department’s implementation of California State Assembly Bill 1856, permitted high school students the opportunity to participate in the election process; and


WHEREAS, almost 50 percent of the Election Staff consisted of high school volunteers; and


WHEREAS, the General Election on November 2, 2004 had the highest voter participation since 1968; 


NOW THEREFORE, the Elections Commission of the City and County of San Francisco recognizes, by this resolution, the outstanding contribution made by the high school student participants in the San Francisco General Election of 2004;


FURTHER, the San Francisco Elections Commission hopes such participation inspires the high school participants to become active participants in the United States electoral process both by voting and working in the elections themselves.


The Elections Commission presents this commendation to the Youth Commission of the City & County of San Francisco.  Let the positive actions of the young be an example to us all.



Done this 19th day of January 2005


I so attest: ­­­­­­­­­­­

Shirley Rodriques

Secretary, San Francisco Elections Commission




Commission Election

Richard P. Matthews was elected President and Sheila Chung was elected Vice President of the Elections Commission.



Adoption of Election Plan Template

The Commission adopted the template to be used per SF Charter section 13103.5 requiring the Commission to approve an Election Plan in advance of each election.



Approval of the 2004 Annual Report

The Commission approves the Annual Report covering the year 2004.



Introduction of discussion in meetings.


Announcement of new meeting procedure:

President Matthews announced that the Commission will no longer require a motion to introduce a discussion as long as that discussion is properly noticed on the agenda.  Additionally, items listed on the agenda for discussion no longer will be forwarded to Committee at the outset, he said, because the Commission owes the public the opportunity for discussion as posted on the agenda.  President Matthews added that the Commission will use two of Roberts’ Rules during discussions: Commissioners will be recognized before they are allowed to speak, and no Commissioner can speak twice on an issue until all Commissioners who wish to speak on the issue have done so.




Policy that voters can skip selections for candidates w/o ballot rejection.

The Roll Call Vote was UNANIMOUS that it be the “policy” of the Commission that the Department reprogram ballot reading equipment to allow voters to skip one or more selections for a candidate without the equipment rejecting the ballot as being under voted.
