Year 2007 Motions and Resolutions Passed

Motions andResolutions Passed

by theSanFrancisco Elections Commission in 2007



Date Subject Content Motion #



Election of Commission Officers.


Jennifer Meek was elected President; Arnold Townsend was elected Vice President









Bylaws Amended

Amendments to do the following were approved:

-          Set a date for presentation of the Annual Report

-          Have and Report annually the attendance record of all Commissioners.








Bylaws Amended

to include a policy requiring Commissioners to forward correspondence addressed to a majority of the Commission to the Commission Secretary for inclusion in the public review file.






Supplemental Budget request to include Commission activities.

to approve the inclusion of appropriations for Elections Commission activities in the Department of Elections’ Supplemental Budget request for fiscal year 2006-07.






To have a line item in the Department’s annual budget regarding the Commission’s expenses/activities.

to approve the inclusion of appropriations for Elections Commission activities in the Department of Elections’ Proposed Budget for fiscal year 2007-08.






To resume one meeting per month

for the full Commission.

to resume one meeting a month for the full Elections Commission.



Commission Policy on Transparency and security in Voting Systems.


Commission general policy statement

regarding transparency in voting systems technologies

as well as providing for voting systems security


Whereas California Secretary of State Debra Bowen has expressed strong support for a move towards open source election software;


Whereas members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors have recently raised concerns about ratifying a contract for voting machines which did not allow for open source software;


Pursuant to Section 13.105.5, San Francisco Charter which authorizes the Election Commission to establish general policies for the Elections Department, the Elections Commission establishes the following general policies;


First, the Elections Commission endorses the policy of using voting system technologies and software that maximize voting system security while at the same time providing the maximum level of transparency possible to assure voters that their votes will be counted as cast. 


            Specifically, to ensure the integrity of our elections and to increase public    confidence in our government, the Commission endorses the policy that the           Department of Elections should make reasonable efforts to select and use voting             systems technology, including hardware and software, that at a minimum, is     publicly disclosed. 


            In this context, public disclosure means that members of the public should have at          least the right to inspect, test, and comment on such technology in a procurement             process and as configured for a specific election independent of the San Francisco           Department of Elections or other government agency of the City and County of         San Francisco,


Second, the Commission adopts as policy that the Election Department shall endeavor in contracting to prioritize and select if possible, voting systems and vendors which provide the maximum level of security and transparency possible consistent with the principles of public disclosure.  This policy will enable the citizenry to understand the methodology involved in the election process, in a manner consistent with ensuring secret ballot protection and voting system security.





Policy regarding Elections Commissioner Duties on Election Day is Adopted






Charter section 13.103.5 provides that the Elections Commission's duties include assessing "how well the [election] plan succeeded in carrying out a free, fair and functional election."  Additionally, Charter section 13.104.5, which restricts most City employees and officers from performing certain functions relating to the conduct of elections, exempts members of the Commission from those restrictions. 


It is the policy of the Elections Commission that Commissioners have no mandatory responsibilities on Election Day.  Commissioners may choose to act as observers at one or more locations, to serve as poll workers, or to play no role.  Regardless of their Election Day activities, all Commissioners should remain mindful that individual Commissioners may not initiate or take action in their official capacity without Commission authorization, and that the Commission gives direction to the Department of Elections only through the Director and cannot interfere with the day-to-day operations of the Department.


If a member of the Commission chooses to work as a poll worker, that member must comply with all rules and laws applicable to poll workers and should not use his or her status as a Commissioner for any purpose when acting as a poll worker.  When acting as a poll worker, a Commissioner is required to follow the direction and supervision of the Department's employees, including the inspector, field election deputy, and full-time staff.  Failure to follow these directions or otherwise attempt to use one's status as a Commissioner to supersede such supervision is prohibited.


At the Commission meeting immediately preceding Election Day, the Commission will attempt to coordinate Election Day activities to the extent possible.


Commissioners with questions or concerns about potential conflicts arising from their Election Day activities should contact the City Attorney's Office.




Bylaw Amendment to conduct annual performance reviews for Director and Commission Executive Secretary


Section 3.  Annual Reviews of Director of Elections and Commission Executive Secretary.

                    The Commission shall conduct performance reviews for the Director of Elections and the Executive Secretary during each fiscal year.  Each such review shall include, but need not be limited to, a self-assessment and a written or in-person evaluation of that individual’s performance by the Commission.




New Start Time for Full

Commission Meetings

Full Elections Commission Meetings will start at 6:00 pm rather than 7:00 pm.



New Commissioner Joseph

B. Phair

President Meek introduced the Commission’s newest appointee, Joseph B. Phair.  Commissioner Phair gave a brief history of his employment and said that he was happy to be on the Commission.