Use of Force Documents and Meetings

Below you will find documents related to the COPS/DOJ Collaborative Reform Initiative recommendations regarding Use of Force.

  1. DOJ Collaborative Reform - Use of Force Executive Working Group Meetings
  2. Use of Force Data


1. DOJ Collaborative Reform - Use of Force Executive Working Group Meetings

The DOJ-COPS office issued its report in October 2016, indicating that the SFPD needed to modernize and improve its policies, procedures, and data collection in order to better serve the people of San Francisco. The report divided the Findings and Recommendations into five "objectives" that included: Bias Accountability Recruitment, Hiring and Personnel Practices, Community Policing and Use of Force.

Click here to view the Complete DOJ Report

Use of Force Objective covers Findings 1 through 23.

DOJ Collaborative Reform – ESWG Quarterly Meetings 2019

First Quarter

DOJ Collaborative Reform – ESWG Monthly Meetings 2018




  • (No Meeting)



  • (No Meeting)




DOJ Collaborative Reform – ESWG Monthly Meetings 2017





(No Meeting)




(No Meeting)


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2. Use of Force Data

Per DGO 5.01 (VII. C. 6). The Department will collect and analyze its use of force data in the Risk Management Use of Force database. The Use of Force statistics and analysis will include at a minimum:

a. The type of force
b. The types and degree of injury to suspect and officer
c. Date and time
d. Location of the incident
e. Officer's unit
f. District station where the use of force occurred
g. Officer's assignment
h. Number of officers using force in the incident
i. Officer's activity when force was used (ex. Handcuffing, search warrant, pursuit)
j. Subject's activity requiring the officer to use force
k. Officer's demographics (age, gender, race/ethnicity, rank, number of years with SFPD, number of years as a police officer)
l. Suspect demographics including race/ethnicity, age, gender, gender identity, primary language and other factors such as mental illness, cognitive impairment, developmental disability, drug and alcohol use/addiction and homeless.

The Department will post on a monthly basis on its website comprehensive use of force statistics and analysis and provide a written use of force report to the Police Commission annually.”

Use of Force Data Details Summary 2018

Use of Force Data Details Summary 2017

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