Environmental Review Process

The Environmental Review Process Summary provides more information regarding the CEQA review process conducted by Environmental Planning. The environmental review process can involve a number of steps, beginning with:

  1. The proposed action considered for review is screened to determine if it may be exempt from Environmental Review, known as a Categorical Exemption from CEQA. What's This?
  2. If a proposed action is determined to be exempt from CEQA, some or all of the following steps can be taken:
  3. If a proposed action is determined not to be exempt from CEQA, some or all of the following steps can be taken depending on the scope of the project:
    • Environmental Evaluation (EE) Application What's This?
    • Initial Study What's This?
    • Special Studies What's This?
      • Shadow Study
      • Transportation Impact Study
    • Negative Declaration What's This?
      • Preliminary Negative Declarations (PND) or Preliminary Mitigated Negative Declarations (PND)
      • Final Negative Declaration (FND) or Final Mitigated Negative Declaration (FMND)
      • Appeals of Negative Declarations- Includes a Public Comment period
    • Environmental Impact Reports (EIR) - Includes a Public Comment period What's This?