Civil Service Commission - July 18, 2022 - Agenda
Regular Meeting
July 18, 2022
2:00 p.m.
Room 400, CITY HALL
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
This meeting will be held in person at the location listed above. As authorized by California Government Code Section 54953(e) and Mayor Breed’s 45th Supplement to her February 25, 2020, emergency proclamation, it is possible that some members of the Civil Service Commission may attend this meeting remotely. In that event, those members will participate and vote by video. Members of the public may attend the meeting to observe and provide public comment at the physical meeting location listed above or by calling (415) 655-0001 and entering meeting id 2490 891 7308# #. Instructions for providing remote public comment are below.
USA is (415) 655-0001 | Access Code: 2490 891 7308# #
Vice President
Executive Officer
The public is encouraged to submit comments in advance of the meeting in one of three ways: (1) email, (2) leave a voicemail message in the CSC Office main line at 628-652-1100 or (3) use the Civil Service Commission’s dedicated public comment line 1-415-655-0001, Access Code 2490 891 7308 Comments submitted by 5:00 pm the Friday before the meeting will be included in the record.
Regular Meeting
July 18, 2022
2:00 p.m.
Agenda Language for In-Person or Partially In-Person Meetings
Phone Number Meeting ID
(415) 655-0001 2490 891 7308# #
- Enter the Phone Number above followed by the meeting ID = Then press #
- Press # again to be connected to the meeting (you will hear a beep)
- When you hear the beep:
- Stop and LISTEN to the meeting
- Wait for Public Comment to be announced by Item #
- When the Clerk calls Public Comment, dial *3 to be added to the speaker line.
- When you press * 3, you will hear “You have raised your hand to ask a question. Please wait to speak until the host calls on you” – WAIT for your turn to speak.
- When you hear that “your line has been unmuted” – THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO PROVIDE YOUR PUBLIC COMMENT
- Call from a quiet location
- Speak slowly and clearly
- Turn down any televisions or radios around you
- Address the Commission as a whole, do not address individual Commissioners
- Commission Office
The Civil Service Commission office is located at, 25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 720, San Francisco, CA 94102. The telephone number is (628) 652-1100. The fax number is (628) 652-1109. The email address is and the web address is Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
- Policy Requiring Written Reports
It is the policy of the Civil Service Commission that except for appeals filed under Civil Service Commission Rule 111A Position-Based Testing, all items appearing on its agenda be supported by a written report prepared by Commission or departmental staff. All documents referred to in any Agenda Document are posted adjacent to the Agenda, or if more than one (1) page in length, available for public inspection and copying at the Civil Service Commission office. Reports from City and County personnel supporting agenda items are submitted in accordance with the procedures established by the Executive Officer. Reports not submitted according to procedures, in the format and quantity required, and by the deadline, will not be calendared.
- Policy on Written Submissions by Appellants
All written material submitted by appellants to be considered by the Commission in support of an agenda item shall be submitted to the Commission office, no later than 5:00 p.m. on the fourth (4th) business day preceding the Commission meeting for which the item is calendared (ordinarily, on Tuesday). A staff report in pdf format and one (1) copy on 8 1/2-inch X 11-inch paper, three-hole punched on left margin, and page numbered in the bottom center margin, shall be provided. Written material submitted for the Commission’s review becomes part of a public record and shall be open for public inspection.
- Policy on Materials being Considered by the Commission
Copies of all staff reports and materials being considered by the Civil Service Commission are available for public view 72 hours prior to the Civil Service Commission meeting on the Civil Service Commission’s website at, and in its office located at 25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 720, San Francisco, CA 94102. If any materials related to an item on this agenda have been distributed to the Civil Service Commission after distribution of the agenda packet, those materials will be available for public inspection at the Civil Service Commission’s during normal office hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday).
- Policy and Procedure for Hearings to be Scheduled after 5:00 p.m. and Requests for Postponement
A request to hear an item after 5:00 p.m. should be directed to the Executive Officer as soon as possible following the receipt of notification of an upcoming hearing. Requests may be made by telephone at (628) 652-1100 and confirmed in writing or by fax at (628) 652-1109.
A request for a postponement (continuance) to delay an item to another meeting may be directed to the Commission
Executive Officer by telephone or in writing. Before acting, the Executive Officer may refer certain requests to another City official for recommendation. Telephone requests must be confirmed in writing prior to the meeting. Immediately following the “Announcement of Changes” portion of the agenda at the beginning of the meeting, the Commission will consider a request for a postponement that has been previously denied. Appeals filed under Civil Service Commission Rule 111A Position-Based Testing shall be considered on the date it is calendared for hearing except under extraordinary circumstances and upon mutual agreement between the appellant and the Department of Human Resources.
- Policy and Procedure on Hearing Items Out of Order
Requests to hear items out of order are to be directed to the Commission President at the beginning of the agenda. The President will rule on each request. Such requests may be granted with mutual agreement among the affected parties.
- Procedure for Commission Hearings
All Commission hearings on disputed matters shall conform to the following procedures: The Commission reserves the right to question each party during its presentation and, in its discretion, to modify any time allocations and requirements.
If a matter is severed from the Consent Agenda or the Ratification Agenda, presentation by the opponent will be for a maximum time limit of five (5) minutes and response by the departmental representative for a maximum time limit of five (5) minutes. Requests by the public to sever items from the [Consent Agenda or] Ratification Agenda must be provided with justification for the record.
For items on the Regular Agenda, presentation by the departmental representative for a maximum time of five (5) minutes and response by the opponent for a maximum time limit of five (5) minutes.
For items on the Separations Agenda, presentation by the department followed by the employee or employee’s representative shall be for a maximum time limit of ten (10) minutes for each party unless extended by the Commission.
Each presentation shall conform to the following:
- Opening summary of case (brief overview);
- Discussion of evidence;
- Corroborating witnesses, if necessary; and
- Closing remarks.
The Commission may allocate five (5) minutes for each side to rebut evidence presented by the other side.
- Policy on Audio Recording of Commission Meetings
As provided in the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance, all Commission meetings are audio recorded in digital form. These audio recordings of open sessions are available starting on the day after the Commission meeting on the Civil Service Commission website at
- Speaking before the Civil Service Commission
Speaker cards are not required. The Commission will take public comment on all items appearing on the agenda at the time the item is heard. The Commission will take public comment on matters not on the Agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the Commission during the “Requests to Speak” portion of the regular meeting. Maximum time will be three (3) minutes. A subsequent comment after the three (3) minute period is limited to one (1) minute. The timer shall be in operation during public comment. Upon any specific request by a Commissioner, time may be extended.
- Public Comment and Due Process
During general public comment, members of the public sometimes wish to address the Civil Service Commission regarding matters that may come before the Commission in its capacity as an adjudicative body. The Commission does not restrict this use of general public comment. To protect the due process rights of parties to its adjudicative proceedings, however, the Commission will not consider, in connection with any adjudicative proceeding, statements made during general public comment. If members of the public have information that they believe to be relevant to a mater that will come before the Commission in its adjudicative capacity, they may wish to address the Commission during the public comment portion of that adjudicative proceeding. The Commission will not consider public comment in connection with an adjudicative proceeding without providing the parties an opportunity to respond.
- Policy on use of Cell Phones, Pagers and Similar Sound-Producing Electronic Devices at and During Public Meetings
The ringing and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. Please be advised that the Chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person(s) responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices.
Information on Disability Access
The Civil Service Commission normally meets in Room 400 (Fourth Floor) City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place. However, meetings not held in this room are conducted in the Civic Center area. City Hall is wheelchair accessible. The closest accessible BART station is the Civic Center, located 2 ½ blocks from City Hall. Accessible MUNI lines serving City Hall are 47 Van Ness Avenue, 9 San Bruno and 71 Haight/Noriega, as well as the METRO stations at Van Ness and Market and at Civic Center. For more information about MUNI accessible services, call (415) 923-6142. Accessible curbside parking has been designated at points in the vicinity of City Hall adjacent to Grove Street and Van Ness Avenue.
The following services are available on request 48 hours prior to the meeting; except for Monday meetings, for which the deadline shall be 4:00 p.m. of the last business day of the preceding week. For American Sign Language interpreters or the use of a reader during a meeting, a sound enhancement system, and/or alternative formats of the agenda and minutes, please contact the Commission office to make arrangements for the accommodation. Late requests will be honored, if possible.0
Individuals with severe allergies, environmental illness, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities should call our ADA coordinator at (628) 652-1100 or email civilservice to discuss meeting accessibility. In order to assist the City’s efforts to accommodate such people, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical-based products. Please help the City to accommodate these individuals.
Know your Rights under the Sunshine Ordinance (Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code)
Government’s duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, councils, and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct the people’s business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people’s review. For more information on your rights under the Sunshine Ordinance or to report a violation of the ordinance, or to obtain a free copy of the Sunshine Ordinance, contact Victor Young, Administrator of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244, San Francisco, CA 94102-4689 at (415) 554-7724, by fax: (415) 554-7854, by e-mail:, or on the City’s website at
San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance
Individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance (San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code Section 2.100) to register and report lobbying activity. For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the San Francisco Ethics Commission at 25 Van Ness Ave., Suite 220, San Francisco, CA 94102, telephone (415) 252-3100, fax (415) 252-3112 and web site
(1) |
President Jacqueline P. Minor |
Vice President Kate Favetti |
Commissioner Douglas S. Chan |
Commissioner F. X. Crowley |
Commissioner Elizabeth Salveson |
(2) |
Resolution Making Findings to Allow Teleconferenced Meetings Under California Government Code Section 54953(E). (File No. 0091-22-1) – Action Item |
Recommendation: |
Adopt the report. |
(3) |
(4) |
Regular Meeting of June 6, 2022 – 2:00 p.m. |
Recommendation: |
Adopt the Minutes. |
Special Meeting of June 22, 2022 – 1:00 p.m. |
Recommendation: |
Adopt the Minutes |
(5) |
Announcement of changes to the agenda. |
Other announcements. |
All matters on the Ratification Agenda are considered by the Civil Service Commission to be non-contested and will be acted upon by a single vote of the Commission. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a request is made; in which event, the matter shall be removed from the Ratification Agenda and considered as a separate item. Each individual addressing the Commission will be limited to a maximum time limit of five minutes for all items severed from the Ratification Agenda. |
(9) |
Review of Request for Approval of Proposed Personal Services Contracts. |
Department |
Amount |
Type of Service |
Type of Approval |
Duration |
49305-21/22 |
City Administrator |
$250,000 |
The City’s Sweatfree Contracting Ordinance (Administrative Code Section 12U) authorizes the Office of Labor Standards Enforcement (OLSE) to monitor contractors’ compliance with the Ordinance. The Ordinance provides that until such time as the City determines it is able to adequately monitor compliance using City personnel, the City shall enter into a professional services contract with an independent nonprofit organization for assistance in monitoring compliance. The vendor will monitor compliance by contractors located outside of the Bay Area and abroad that provide goods to the City. Currently, the Ordinance applies only to apparel, garments (uniforms), related accessories and textiles. |
Regular |
7/31/2025 |
33016-21/22 |
Environment |
$1,500,000 |
Conduct highly specialized market research on behalf of the department, with special experience managing projects in the areas of recycling, toxics reduction, renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste reduction, environmental justice, transportation and climate change. Conduct market segmentation studies, attitude and usage research, and qualitative and quantitative studies |
Regular |
6/30/2027 |
46639-21/22 |
Environment |
$1,000,000 |
As-needed assistance to the department as directed by task order to provide specialized community outreach expertise in the areas of recycling, toxics reduction, renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste reduction, environmental justice, transportation and climate change. Conduct public engagement, specifically with underserved communities of San Francisco; design and deliver technical assistance to San Francisco businesses; facilitate technical and/or culturally competent discussions; design meetings, workshops, and designing participatory planning processes. |
Regular |
8/31/2027 |
Health Service System |
$700,000 |
SFHSS is seeking a vendor to (i) develop new content and functionality for the SFHSS Website (, (ii) develop a new solution to allow SFHSS to deliver sensitive Member-specific digital communications in a HIPAA-compliant manner, (iii) ensure the Website meets the City’s Digital Accessibility and Inclusion Standard ( by or before November 18, 2023, and (iv) provide ongoing support, maintenance and subject-matter expertise to SFHSS for Website improvements, and expand SFHSS’ ability to communicate directly and effectively with Members. The vendor selected as a result of this RFP will also (v) ensure Drupal core and contributed module security, (vi) keep Drupal code up-to-date, (vii) develop improved and equitable access to the Website, (viii) improve Website usability, (ix) provide Users with a secure log-in to access User-specific documents, (x) provide SFHSS with a platform for secure communications with Users or subpopulations of Users, (xi) improve Website analytics and performance,(xii) work to upgrade the Website from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10, and (xiii) develop and improve upon SFHSS staff training and provide documentation for future staff training. |
Regular |
6/30/2027 |
Department |
Amount |
Type of Service |
Type of Approval |
Duration |
44872-21/22 |
Municipal Transportation Agency |
$460,989 |
Determine the existing conditions of San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency subway stations by conducting on-site inspections and audits, examining maintenance documents and records, and consulting with San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency staff and other tasks as required. Investigate and make maintenance recommendations on subway station components. Recommend and prioritize corrective, maintenance, and rehabilitation measures, estimate the costs of the items, and provide comparisons and evaluations among ranges of possible actions. Recommend and prioritize upgrades and enhancements, estimate the costs of the items, and provide comparisons and evaluations among ranges of possible actions |
Regular |
7/19/2026 |
48002-21/22 |
Municipal Transportation Agency |
$35,000,000 |
The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) is self-insured for Workers' Compensation (Workers' Comp) and existing claims are currently adjusted by a third party administrator (TPA). The contractor will provide claims adjusting and consulting services for existing and new claims for Workers' Comp benefits filed by SFMTA employees. Services include claims review and compensability determination; payment of statutory benefits, medical providers, and ancillary claims services; vendor management for bill review; investigative services; coordination of claims defense with the City Attorney; management of benefit delivery system; and data collection and management. |
Regular |
9/30/2031 |
43567-21/22 |
Port |
$500,000 |
This contract will be used for the services needed related to the habitat around the Heron's Head Park. The needed services include seed collection, cultivation of plants in a greenhouse, planning, and habitat stewardship in phases over a four-year period. |
Regular |
6/30/2026 |
40920-21/22 |
Public Health |
$1,000,000 |
The San Francisco Department of Public Health (DPH) ZSFG is currently seeking a software application that will generate a “Choice List” for patients of services that accept their insurance and meet their specific needs. The Choice List will refer the patient to the selected SNFs or Home Health Providers with other documentation in Epic required for the referral (Face Sheet, Med orders, Discharge Summary, etc.). The Choice List for the patient and/or the patient’s family will be provided electronically or as a hard copy that will include up-to-date quality data. This software should be fully integrated into Epic and allow the identification of Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) and Home Health Agencies in California that accept a patient’s payor (and meet other patient identified parameters) and have bed availability. This will assist in 1) meeting State Medi-Cal requirements and 2) meeting guidelines of the Federal Impact Act by setting up an interface with Epic that allows for clinical documents and patient demographic information to be accessed and attached to referrals that can be electronically sent to qualified providers. |
Regular |
5/31/2031 |
48509-21/22 |
Public Health |
$8,000,000 |
This PSC is for a system to monitor and track the temperature of equipment, including scientific, diagnostic, kitchen, medical and other equipment. In addition, contractors may support building thermostat, environmental climate, or other temperature monitoring, control, and related systems. System(s) may also include hosted or on-premises IT solutions specific to temperature and climate control systems. The proposed services are above and beyond routine maintenance and repairs performed by City workers. |
Regular |
12/31/2027 |
Department |
Amount |
Type of Service |
Type of Approval |
Duration |
49818-21/22 |
Public Health |
$490,000 |
The contractor will complete a landscape analysis of the current state of Breast Feeding/ Chest Feeding in the City and County of San Francisco and help initiate the San Francisco Breast Feeding Capacity and Coalition project. This is a one-time project to assess the needs of maternal health – Breastfeeding/Chest feeding in the City and County of San Francisco. The landscape analysis will be focused and centered around identifying current conditions and strengths, identify service gaps among communities with the greatest breastfeeding/ chest feeding disparities. The strategic plan and coalition building activities will be focused to address unique challenges of lactating families to reframe and dismantle systems that perpetuate privilege, to ensure Policy, Systems, and Environment (PSE) activities address disparities. These requested services from professional research and data analysis experts will assist in the continued goal to identify and improve areas where there are inequities in health outcomes for newborns, infants and their families. |
Regular |
6/30/2027 |
44914-21/22 |
Public Utilities Commission |
$1,800,000 |
Fish screen cleaning and DSOD valve exercising at raw water supplies including: San Antonio Reservoir, Calaveras Reservoir, Crystal Springs Reservoir, and San Andreas Reservoir. Perform required treated water tanks and reservoir inspections and cleanings as required. Tanks and reservoirs to be inspected and cleaned are: Castlewood Reservoir, Tesla Treatment Facility domestic water tanks, Sunol Town Tanks, SVWTP Chlorine Contact Tank, SVWTP Treated Water Reservoir, The Balancing Reservoir, HTWTP Chlorine Contact Chamber, and HTWTP Treated Water Reservoir. **Inspection and cleaning including the removal of sediments and debris as well as necessary underwater repairs from pump sumps, tunnels and terminus's from and leading to SF Bay at and from: AWSS Pump Station # 1, 698 2nd. St, SF, CA. AWSS Pump Station # 2, 3455 Van Ness Ave. SF, CA. ** Limited Underwater Emergency inspections and underwater repairs for CDD potable water assets. |
Regular |
8/30/2027 |
47601-21/22 |
Public Utilities Commission |
$2,925,850 |
The proposed work includes regular monitoring and maintenance of stream and reservoir real-time gauging instruments and reporting this information collected by the gauging instruments on the USGS public website, which is updated every 15 minutes. This information is provided to the SFPUC so it can comply with federal and state regulatory requirements, including California water rights reporting and federal/state environmental compliance permits. |
Regular |
9/30/2027 |
37012-18/19 |
Current Approved Amount $300,000 Increase Amount Requested $300,000 New Total Amount Requested $600,000 |
San Francisco International Airport (SFO or Airport) has a legacy software license which is now cloud-based to support the Airport's business processes in our Facilities Maintenance division. The Airport has a need to supplement that system to include an additional module for asset tracking with work orders to include some software configuration and training of staff. Additional functionality is required to be able to track the receiving, storing and issuing of all purchased inventory at any given time. This module will enable the Airport to track purchased items within a computerized maintenance management system. |
Modification |
6/30/2025 |
49345-16/17 |
Airport |
Current Approved Amount $1,045,000 Increase Amount Requested $850,000 New Total Amount Requested $1,895,000 |
The San Francisco International Airport (Airport) is seeking consulting services for concessions development and related operational and planning issues; evaluation of the Airport’s aesthetic design; retail master planning; creation of concession merchandising standards and quality assurance and control services; evaluation of customer service conditions at the Airport; and analysis of options for hotel development on Airport property. |
Modification |
12/31/2029 |
Department |
Amount |
Type of Service |
Type of Approval |
Duration |
47879-17/18 |
City Administrator |
Current Approved Amount $4,050,000 Increase Amount Requested $650,000 New Total Amount Requested $4,700,000 |
This contract will establish a list of vendors in different parts of the City to perform as needed/seasonal car washing/detailing services (including some biohazard decontaminants) for the City's fleet of cars, sedans, pickups and SUVs. Additionally, mobile car washing services will be available for vehicles and equipment including street sweepers, tractor and aerial trucks. |
Modification |
2/28/2025 |
49582-19/20 |
City Administrator |
Current Approved Amount $2,000,000 Increase Amount Requested $1,000,000 New Total Amount Requested $3,000,000 |
Work to be performed is to dry dock the City’s Fire Department (SFFD) boats for repairs and maintenance services. The immediate need for these services is for SFFD’s three boats. All three boats are in rotation but Fire Boat #1 (the Phoenix)has not been out of the water for five years and is overdue for repairs and maintenance. In addition, having the City’s fleet of vessels dry docked and out of water will give the City full access to repairs that cannot easily be identified and serviced when boats are in the water. |
Modification |
3/31/2025 |
2014-08/09 |
Public Health |
Current Approved Amount $781,600 Increase Amount Requested $300,000 New Total Amount Requested $1,081,600 |
Contractors will provide 24-hour perinatal, neonatal and pediatric consultation and transport services, consultation services: nursing, social services and respiratory therapy. They will also provide preceptorship programs to the perinatal outreach program, and full-day didactic classes to UCSF's Nursing Education and Training Program. Included will be comprehensive maternity care, e.g., physicians and certified nurse midwives for outpatient obstetrical visits, antenatal assessments, labor, delivery, obstetrically-related inpatient visits, and postpartum outpatient visits within eight weeks of delivery. |
Modification |
Continuous |
4065-10/11 |
Public Health |
Current Approved Amount $57,167,907 Increase Amount Requested $50,000,000 New Total Amount Requested $107,167,907 |
Contractor will provide intermittent, as needed temporary, on-call professional radiology technologists with on-call availability, 7 days per week. Registry personnel will be available on 24-hour notice to back-up civil service employees during scheduled and unscheduled staff absences. |
Modification |
12/31/2027 |
4164-08/09 |
Public Health |
Current Approved Amount $6,500,000 Increase Amount Requested $1,000,000 New Total Amount Requested $7,500,000 |
The Contractor will provide custom fitting, modifications, and custom manufacturing of orthotics and prosthetics for patients of San Francisco General Hospital, Laguna Honda Hospital, Jail Health Services, and other clients of the Community Health network. The contractor will a/so take an active role in the education of medical residents at SFGH in the proper use, prescribing, and manufacturing of prosthetics and orthotic devices. |
Modification |
6/3-/2027 |
33861-16/17 |
Public Health |
Current Approved Amount $99,000 Increase Amount Requested $100,000 New Total Amount Requested $199,000 |
The contractor will perform as-needed analytical laboratory services for the hospital pharmacy to test compounded products for drug stability, sterility, product validation, and drug investigations. |
Modification |
12/31/2027 |
Department |
Amount |
Type of Service |
Type of Approval |
Duration |
46291-18/19 |
Human Services |
Current Approved Amount $575,025 Increase Amount Requested $525,000 New Total Amount Requested $1,100,025 |
Contractor will collaborate with HSA to conduct trainings in these 2 specific areas: (1) Training of Social Work and Related Skills focused on social work intervention skills, risk assessment and case management, deep crisis intervention, and clinically-focused field experiences. Participants will include HSA trainers and to San Francisco City employees and social workers across several departments (HSA, DPH, Dept. of Child Support, OECE) who works with the P500 population, a cohort of 500 families on welfare in the City of San Francisco aiming to lift out of poverty. There will be a total of 30 full training days on-site in San Francisco with up to 35 HSA staff per training session. (2) Training for Welfare Fraud Detection and Prevention Techniques to HSA staff in roles of eligibility and welfare investigators. Participants will include approximately 600 SF HSA eligibility workers and 100 non-eligibility staff/investigators who administer, review, and investigate public benefits across programs. Trainings are conducted via online modules in 4-hour training session. Welfare Fraud trainings are annual compliance requirements as mandated by the State. |
Modification |
6/30/2024 |
47589-21/22 |
Public Utilities Commission |
Current Approved Amount $9,900,000 Increase Amount Requested $6,000,000 New Total Amount Requested $15,900,00 |
This contract entails the processing of Class B biosolids into Class A biosolids. Class B biosolids have undergone a reduction in pathogen content to the point where they are safe for certain types of reuse while Class A biosolids have had pathogen content eliminated. There are several technologies which can be used to achieve this under Code of Federal Regulations Title 40 Part 503, the federal regulations which govern biosolids. Once the Class A biosolids product is produced, the contractor is responsible for the distribution of the product to farmers and ranchers. New regulations stemming from SB 1383 restrict the use of biosolids used as cover material in landfills. Alternative, non-landfill uses for biosolids are needed and Contract 63002 ensures there is a management option for biosolids during certain parts of the year. |
Modification |
8/19/2027 |
(10) |
Appeal by Thomas A. Bower of the Director of transportation’s Determination to Administratively Close His Complaint of Harassment and discrimination. |
Recommendation: |
Postpone to a future meeting at the request of the appellant. |
Copies of all staff reports and materials being considered by the Civil Service Commission are available for public view 72 hours prior to the Civil Service Commission meeting. |
(11) |
Review of Personal Services Contract #40159 - 21/22 from the Public Utilities Commission. (File No. 0094-22-8) – Action Item |
Recommendation of the Human Resources Director: |
Adopt the report. Approve the request for proposed Personal Services Contract; Notify the Office of the Controller and the Office of Contract Administration. |
(12) |
Request for a Hearing by Derrick Baxter on his Citywide Future Employment Restrictions with the City and County of San Francisco Recommended by the Department of Public Works. (File No. 0181-20-7) – Action Item |
Recommendation from the Department Public Works: |
Uphold the Department’s decision to restrict the future employment for Derrick Baxter with the City and County of San Francisco and deny the appeal. |
(13) |
(14) |