Asthma Network Forum 2016
Presentations from September 30, 2016 Asthma Network Forum
More Efficient Asthma Education During a Short Office Visit: Result from the PACE Study
Michael D. Cabana, MD, MPH (Professor of Pediatrics, Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Chief, Division of General Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco)
Learning Objectives:
1. Review NIH asthma guidelines
2. Discuss importance of adherence in management of asthma
3. Identify methods for improving communication
4. Discuss PACE (Physician Asthma Care Education) outcomes
Pulmonary Hypertension: The Asthma Masquerader
Sachin Gupta, MD (Pulmonary Medicine, Kaiser Permanente)
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand pulmonary hypertension - its physiology, symptoms, and diagnostic tests
2. Identify classes of pulmonary hypertension
3. Discuss preventive measures, and conventional and supportive therapies for pulmonary hypertension
Asthma Phenotypes
Neeta Thakur, MD, MPH (Professor of Pediatrics, Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Chief, Division of General Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco)
George Su, MD (Pulmonologist, Associate Professor of Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California, San Francisco)
Learning Objectives:
1. Evaluate the concept that asthma is not a single disease
2. Identify asthma phenotypes
3. Develop a treatment approoach based on the different phenotypes of asthma
What's New (and What Isn't) in Asthma Management
Andi Marmor, MD, MSEd (Professor of Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco)
Learning Objectives:
1. Classify asthma at acute and preventive visits
2. Identify treatment of asthma based on severity or control
3. Compare common medical asthma treatments
4. Discuss safe use of inhlaed steroids in children
5. Evaluate safety of long-acting beta agonists
6. Evaluate combined treatments
Sleep Apnea and Asthma (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)
Christopher Tyler, MD (Medical Director, Kaiser Outpatient Sleep Lab, Critical Care Physician, Kaiser, San Francisco)
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe history of sleep
2. Discuss importance of consolidated sleep
3. Describe history and physiology of sleep apnea
4. Identify modern definitions of sleep apnea
5. Identify risk factors, prevalence, diagnostic tests, and treatments of sleep apnea
Providing Care to LGBTQ Patients
Erica M. Metz, MD (Regional Medical Director for Transgender Health, Kaiser Permanente NCAL)
Learning Objectives:
1. Become familiar with definitions and terminology related to sexual orientation and gender identity
2. Examine health care dispartities that may affect LGBTQ patients and strategies to reduce them
3. Develop skills toprovide senasitive and respectful care to LGBTQ patients
4. Learn the basics of hormonal, surgical and prventive care for transgender patients
Improving Conditions in Public Housing for Residents with Asthma
Karen Cohn, MS, CIH (Acting Assistant Director, SFDPH Environmental Health Branch)
Learning Objectives:
1. Identify common environmental problems in public housing
2. Discuss connection between indoor environmental toxins and asthma
3. Describe SFDPH's Sunnydale Healthy Housing Project goals and services
4. Discuss policy changes achieved and lessons learned