2016 Earthquake Retrofit Fair
Thank You For Joining Us!

April 18, 2016
Bill Graham Civic Auditorium99 Grove Streedt
Free to the Public
An owner retrofitting their property
Complying with the new Mandatory Soft Story Ordinance
A Lender, contractor, or design professional connecting to owners
An owner selecting a design professional, lenders, or contractor
An owner looking to make their building safer
This is a trade show style event open to the public, connecting property owners with all the professionals they need to make San Francisco safer, one building at a time. All the services you will need and the right people will be at this event to answer all the questions you might have--from start to finish. The fair will run from afternoon to evening with tables representing City officials, design professionals, lending institutions, manufacturers, contractors, and other services--all ready to answer your questions about retrofitting your property.
In addition to the many banks that will be in attendance, the City has also launched its own finance program through AllianceNRG. Owners who sign up with our finance program at the retrofit fair will be eligible for a $2700 rebate on engineering and evaluation costs.
Thank you to our 2016 sponsor!
Here's a look at San Francisco's first Earthquake Retrofit Fair back in 2014, which brought thousands of property owners and retrofit vendors together under one roof so owners could have a one-stop shop to learn how they can meet the new San Francisco soft-story ordinance.