Changes to the Preliminary Project Assessment (PPA) process Effective April 2, 2018
Effective April 2, 2018:
Effective April 2, 2018:
San Francisco Planning recently published resources and the application for the Senate Bill No. 35 Affordable Housing Streamlined Approval.
The following information is available:
Commerce & Industry Inventory 2016
Help identify housing needs at all income levels
The Department’s annual report covers the fiscal year from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016.
The ordinance amending the Planning Code to establish a citywide Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program was unanimously recommended for approval by the Planning Commission on August 4, 2016. Upon additional outreach with stakeholders and suggestions made at the Board of Supervisors Land Use and Transportation Committee hearings, staff proposed additional amendments to the TDM Program Standards that were unanimously approved by the Planning Commission on January 19, 2017.
Commerce & Industry Inventory 2015
Staff Contact: Paolo Ikezoe, Planner,