RFP for Municipal Housing Agency Study

Originally Posted: Febraury 9, 2024
Updated: June 27, 2024

The San Francisco Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) seeks proposals to conduct a study to determine the viability and recommended structure of a Municipal Housing agency pilot.

For the purposes of this study, “Municipal Housing” is housing owned and operated by the City that is permanently affordable and serves all income qualified households with a maximum average of not more than 80% of median income across all units in a project.

The study will have two primary goals: first, define and outline a structure for a pilot phase of a Municipal Housing enterprise agency to create and manage cross-subsidy, mixed income, City-owned housing. This study will include the number of full-time equivalent positions per subdivision and the total departmental cost estimate; and second, provide recommendations on centering tenant perspectives in execution and structure of department, especially low-income tenants.

The outcomes of this study, and the final deliverable, will be a report used to inform budget recommendations for implementation of November 2020’s Proposition K, which authorized the City to own, develop, construct, acquire or rehabilitate up to 10,000 units of low-income rental housing and potentially inform the actions of the Housing Stability Fund Oversight Board.

Additional deliverables include, convening and staffing a working group of local housing experts with the goal of soliciting feedback and input for the final report; and a symposium of experts on housing in San Francisco and experts on municipal housing globally after the final report.

About LAFCo

San Francisco LAFCo is an independent public agency separate and apart from the government of the City and County of San Francisco. State law gives LAFCos broad authority to conduct studies of existing government services, and this has been the primary function of the SF LAFCo, including studies on electricity services, refuse, undergrounding of utility wiring, and municipal financial services. As part of its special studies authority, the LAFCo is studying municipal housing services.


  • Apr 22, 2024: RFP Issued                         
  • May 6, 2024 at 5PM: Deadline for Questions        
  • May 22, 2024 at 5PM: Deadline for Proposals

RFP Documents

Substantial Revisions to RFP #LAF2024-02

  •  A not-to-exceed of $200,000 has been added. Proposers are required to provide a budget, which will factor into the proposal’s scoring.
    • (RFP, page 1) Anticipated Contract Budget: For the contract resulting from this RFP, the total anticipated not-to-exceed project budget is to be $200,000. However, the evaluation panel will score proposals on their fiscal responsibility and the actual contract budget will vary, depending upon service and project needs at the LAFCo’s sole and absolute discretion, and funding availability.
  • The symposium component has been removed. The previous RFP included both a study on a Municipal Housing Agency and a subsequent symposium on that same study. The revised and reissued RFP does not include a request for a symposium.
  • Additional language has been added to provide clarity on public disclosure limitations of confidential information.
    • (RFP, page 16, Section 5.3) Public Disclosure:
    • All documents under this solicitation process are subject to public disclosure per the California Public Records Act (California Government Code Section §6250 et. Seq) and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance (San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 67). Contracts, Proposals, responses, and all other records of communications between the City and Proposers shall be open to inspection immediately after a contract has been awarded. Nothing in this Administrative Code provision requires the disclosure of a private person’s or organization’s net worth or other proprietary financial data submitted for qualification for a contract or other benefit until and unless that person or organization is awarded the contract or benefit.
    • If the City receives a Public Records Request (“Request”) pertaining to this solicitation, City will use its best efforts to notify the affected Proposer(s) of the Request and to provide the Proposer with a description of the material that the City deems responsive and the due date for disclosure (“Response Date”). If the Proposer asserts that some or all of the material requested contains or reveals valuable trade secret or other information belonging to the Proposer that is exempt from disclosure and directs the City in writing to withhold such material from production (“Withholding Directive”), then the City will comply with the Withholding Directive on the condition that the Proposer seeks judicial relief on or before the Response Date. Should Proposer fail to seek judicial relief on or before the Response Date, the City shall proceed with the disclosure of responsive documents.

Archived Documents from RFP #LAF2024-01


Proposers are specifically directed NOT to contact any employees or officials at LAFCo other than those specifically designated in this RFP and its Attachments. Prospective proposers who would like to notified of any changes or addenda to this RFP can be added to a notification list by emailing jeremy.pollock@sfgov.org. Proposals and questions must be emailed to jeremy.pollock@sfgov.org.