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Southeast Community Facility
Alex Pitcher Jr. Community Room
1800 Oakdale Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94124

Thursday, January 26, 2012 – 6:00 PM
Special Meeting

Members: Chair Eric McDonnell, Vice Chair, Jenny Lam,
Mike Alonso, Myong Leigh, Sonia Melara, Marily Mondejar, David Pilpel, Mark Schreiber, Melissa Tidwell


1. Call to Order and Roll Call (6:13 p.m.)

The meeting was called to order at 6:13 p.m. On the call of the roll, Member Tidwell was absent. Member Tidwell was noted present at 6:19 p.m.

Note: This item was taken out of order.

2. Voting Rights Act Analysis (9:34 p.m.)
a. Public comment on all matters pertaining to agenda item 2.
Chris Bowman, 1995 Redistricting Task Force member, suggested that it would be useful if the Task Force members would provide information on the Closed Session deliberations.

Member Leigh, seconded by Member Lam, moved to invoke the attorney-client privilege and go into closed session to confer with or receive advice from legal counsel.
The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: 8 - Alonso, Lam, Leigh, McDonnell, Melara, Mondejar, Schreiber, Tidwell
Noes: 1 - Pilpel
The Task Force convened in Closed Session at 9:40 p.m.

Present: Deputy City Attorney Jon Givner, Q2 Consultant Karin MacDonald,
Task Force members: Alonso, Lam, Leigh, McDonnell, Melara, Mondejar, Pilpel, Schreiber, Tidwell

The Task Force reconvened in open session at 10:57 p.m.
Member Pilpel, seconded by Member Leigh, moved not to disclose the closed sessions deliberations.
The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: 9 - Alonso, Lam, Leigh, McDonnell, Melara, Mondejar, Pilpel, Schreiber, Tidwell
Noes: 0.

Note: This item was taken out of order.

3. Approval of RDTF Minutes of January 9, 2012. (9:23 p.m. to 9:24 p.m.)
Member Pilpel, seconded by Member Mondejar, moved to approve the January 9, 2012 minutes with corrections. The motion passed without objection.

Public Comment:
Kristine Zaback corrected the spelling of Walter Caplan.

4. Mapping. (6:15 p.m. to 9:20 p.m.)
The Task Force received input from the public, made modifications to the January 4, 2012 working draft map and agreed to post the January 26, 2012 working draft map on the Redistricting Task Force website. The Task Force discussed the changing of the deadline for submittal of citywide maps.

Public Comment:
Marie Harrison, Bay View Hunters Point resident, requested a summary of the redistricting process to date.
Ace Washington, District 5 resident, invited Task Force Members to a meeting in District 5 to welcome Supervisor Olague as the new District 5 Supervisor.
Russell Morine, Visitacion Valley resident, requested that the Task Force keep Visitacion Valley in District 10 and indicated that having the Portola in District 11 would be acceptable to him if it is acceptable to residents of that neighborhood.
Jim Marks, the Portola resident, requested that the Task Force unify the Portola in a single district because currently the neighborhood is split among different districts. .
Tony Kelly, President of the Potrero Hill Boosters Association, supported Potrero Hill, Visitacion Valley, and Bay View Hunters Point all be included in District 10. He said that the hospital and other services in Potrero Hill draw neighbors from the Portola and Bayview, connecting the neighborhoods. He also said these neighborhoods are united by concerns about the environment and local hiring practices.
Karen Breslin, West of Twins Peaks Central Council, requested that the Task Force keep the Forest Knolls area in District 7 intact because the neighborhood has many single-family home and shares shopping districts, among other reasons.
Marlene Tran, Visitacion Valley resident, requested an explanation of the changes to District 10 which have been made to the January 4, 2012 working draft map.
Rose Hillson provided the Task Force a written summary and requested that Jordan Park area remain in District 2 and that Japantown remain in District 5. She said that Japantown and the Fillmore neighborhood share cultural interests.
Theresa Luki, District 10 resident, requested that the Task Force keep San Bruno Avenue in District 10.
Kathy Devencenzi requested that the Task Force keep Jordan Park and Laurel Heights in District 2. Residents of those neighborhoods have a close working relationship with their current Supervisor.
Ellen Zhou requested that the Task Force keep the SF Community Empowerment Environmental Center in District 10 and not in District 11.
Dan Dodt, District 10 resident and business owner, requested that the Task Force keep Bay View Hunters Point, Visitacion Valley, and Potrero Hill united in District 10. Dividing those neighborhoods would diminish the power of the neighborhoods to fight together on housing issues. He also requested that the Portola remain in District 10.
Edward Hatter requested that the Task Force keep the Portola, Potrero Hill, Little Hollywood, and Bay View Hunters Point intact in District 10 because these neighborhoods are now on the frontier of development after many years of neglect.
Mary Armstrong requested that the Task Force keep San Bruno Avenue part of District 10. She said that many neighborhood residents take Muni on San Bruno Avenue and consider it part of the neighborhood.
Chris Waddling requested that the Task Force keep Silver Terrace and the Portola in District 10 and stated that the Portola is part of the neighborhood. He also said that the Task Force should keep all of McLaren Park in one district.
Joe Boss, resident of the Dogpatch area, requested that the Task Force keep Bay View Hunters Point, Visitation Valley, Little Hollywood, and Potrero Hill united, even if the Task Force moves the Portola to another district. He also suggested that the northern boundary of District 10 should be 16th Street.
Otto Duffy stated that the biggest challenge is the growth of District 6 and side effects of moving populations from District 6 will affect the outcome of other district’s populations.
Steve Currier, Outer Mission resident, expressed concern that the Task Force decided to hold the closed session at the end of tonight’s agenda.
Ed Lauretz, requested that the Task Force keep Potrero Hill in District 10. He stated that the Potrero Hill and Bayview neighborhoods both have a high percentage of homeownership.
David Hooper, President, New Mission Terrace Improvement Association, requested that the Task Force keep OMI in District 11. He said that people on both sides of the freeway use the same services and both sides have high homeownership rates.
Kristine Zaback, President, Forest Knolls Association, provided the Task Force with draft maps keeping Forest Knolls in District 7. She noted that West of Twin Peaks Central Council includes 20 neighborhoods that share interests.
Hellyna Brooke requested that the Task Force keep Potrero Hill in District 10.
Chris Bowman suggested that Potrero Hill should be in District 6 to balance the population in District 10, because it is demographically very different from the other neighborhoods in District 10, based on voting patterns, race, and wealth. He also suggested that the submittal deadline for citywide maps be March 19, 2012 unless is fully operational.

Member Tidwell, seconded by Member Schreiber, moved to change the deadline for submittal of citywide maps from March 29, 2012 to March 19, 2012, with deadline for submittal of district maps and other recommendations to remain March 29, 2012.
Motion failed by the following vote:
Ayes: 4 - McDonnell, Mondejar, Schreiber, Tidwell
Noes: 5 - Alonso, Lam, Leigh, Melara, Pilpel

Member Lam, seconded by Member Leigh, moved to change the deadline for submittal of citywide maps from March 29, 2012 to March 2, 2012, with deadline date for the submittal of district maps and other recommendations to remain March 29, 2012.
Motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: 7 – Alonso, Lam, Leigh, McDonnell, Melara, Mondejar, Schreiber
Noes: 2 - Pilpel, Tidwell

5. Task Force Budget. (9:20 p.m. to 9:23 p.m.)
Chair McDonnell informed the Task Force that $45,000 had been allocated from the Clerk of the Board’s administrative budget for additional outreach, media, surveys, and community grants, and non-profits partnerships.
Public Comment:
Mary Armstrong informed the Task Force that she would be willing to assist in the phone surveys.

6. Community Outreach. (9:28 p.m. to 9:28 p.m.)
That that the Task Force did not review current and future community outreach activities.
Public Comment: None

7. Task Force Member Reports. (9:29 p.m. to 9:32 p.m.)
Member Leigh informed the Task Force that he would be making another presentation to the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club on the redistricting process on February 13, 2012.
Member Lam informed the Task Force that she and Chair McDonnell will be attending the Potrero Hill Democratic Club on February 7, 2012 to make a presentation on the redistricting process. She also reminded Task Force members to be aware of quorum guidelines if any other members would be attending the event. She also informed the Task Force and the public that there will be two in-person training sessions on on February 1, 2012 and February 2, 2012.
Member Pilpel informed the Task Force that he made a presentation to the San Francisco Green Party on January 25, 2012. Member Pilpel also informed the Task Force members that he would be making a presentation on January 28, 2012 at UC Hastings School of the Law.
Member Schreiber informed the Task Force that he would be making a presentation to the Human Rights Commission on February 9, 2012 on the redistricting process.
Public Comment: None

8. Public Comment. (9:32 p.m. to 9:33 p.m.)

9. Future Agenda Items. (9:33 p.m. to 9:34 p.m.)
Note: The Task Force returned to Item 2.

10. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:58 p.m.

Last updated: 2/3/2014 2:17:51 PM