Monday, April 11, 2012 - 6:00 p.m.
City Hall, Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102
Special Meeting
Members: Chair Eric McDonnell, Vice Chair Jenny Lam,
Mike Alonso, Myong Leigh, Sonia Melara, Marily Mondejar
David Pilpel, Mark Schreiber, Melissa Tidwell
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 6:09 p.m. Member Leigh was present at 6:12 p.m.
2. Approval of Task Force Minutes of March 17, 2012 and March 22, 2012.
(6:12 p.m. to 6:13 p.m.) Member Melara, seconded by Member Schreiber, moved to approve the minutes for the meetings of March 17, 2012 and March 22, 2012. The motion passed without objection.
Public Comment: None
3. Mapping. (6:14 p.m. to 11:15 p.m.) The Task Force heard public input and made modifications to the April 9, 2012 working draft map. The Task Force agreed to post the April 11, 2012 working draft map to the Task Force website.
Note: The Task Force called a recess twice during this item. It recessed at 8:10 p.m. and reconvened at 8:28 p.m. and recessed at 10:18 p.m. and reconvened at 10:35 p.m.
Public Comment:
District 11 Supervisor John Avalos thanked the Task Force for its hard work and for listening to public input. He thanked them for not making drastic changes to districts and trying to keep districts intact as much as possible. He requested that the Task Force keep north of Cayuga and northeast of Tingley in District 11.
District 5 Supervisor Christine Olague provided the Task Force copies of correspondence she received from residents of District 5 requesting that NOPA remain in District 5. She stated a preference for keeping precincts that have historically been in District 5 instead of adding new precincts to District 5. She stated that 55 Laguna could be in District 5 or District 8 as either Supervisor will respond to future issues related to the proposed project. She requested that the Task Force keep NOPA in District 5.
Reverend Will Scott thanked t he Task Force for keeping North of the Panhandle and St. Cyprians Episcopal church in District 5.
Lisa Spinali, Sunnyside Neighborhood Association, thanked the Task Force for keeping the Sunnyside neighborhood in District 8.
Jaime Whitaker thanked the Task Force for keeping the SOMA and Tenderloin area intact in District 6.
Caroline Hsu, Asian Law Caucus, thanked the Task Force for keeping District 5 communities of interest united in District 5, and for keeping Yick Wo in District 3
J. Desai requested that the Task Force keep NOPA in District 5.
Mary Stoepper requested that the Task Force keep the Panhandle area united in District 5.
Mary Ellen Briscoe requested that the Task Force keep Fell Street between Masonic and Stanyan in District 5.
Karen Fishikin requested that the Task Force keep Fell Street from Masonic and Stanyan in District 5 with NOPA (North of Panhandle Association).
Doug Comstock requested that the Task Force keep Fell Street from Masonic and Stanyan in District 5 with NOPA.
Gary Selintick, Guerrero/Duncan resident, requested that the Task Force keep the block shown on the screen with District 8 instead of District 9.
Steven Currier, Outer Merced Merchants and Residents Association, thanked the Task Force for its hard work and for keeping Chicago Way in district 11.
Joelle Kenealey thanked the Task Force for keeping Chicago Way in District 11.
Monica Yungela thanked the Task Force for keeping Chicago Way in District 11.
Jarie Bolander requested that the Task Force keep NOPA in District 5.
Allan Manulo, Filipino Arts Media, thanked the Task Force for keeping most of the Filipino Community united in District 6, and he requested that the Task Force extend the boundaries for District 6 to 15th Street between Harrison and Valencia Streets.
John Osaki, Executive Director of Japanese Youth Council, thanked the Task Force for their tireless efforts and for being responsive and listening to the community. He urged the Task Force to adopt the April 9, 2012 working draft map.
Jim Cowan requested that the Task Force keep NOPA in District 5.
Kristine Zaback thanked the Task Force for being responsive to the residents of District 7 and for keeping communities of interest united in District 7.
John Nulty stated that the April 9, 2012 working draft has a good balance for District 6. He also thanked the Task Force for keeping the North of Market united in District 6 and urged the Task Force to add a few more blocks from Geary.
Chris Bowman, past 1995 Task Force member, made suggestions to the Task Force for drawing lines for Districts 1 2, 3 and 8.
Larry Griffin requested that the Task Force keep NOPA in District 5.
Jim Worshell requested that the Task Force keep NOPA and 55 Laguna in District 5.
Charlie Chumas requested that the Task Force keep Tingley and Cayuga in District 11.
Michael Sanchez requested that the Task Force keep Cayuga in District 11.
Ron Kingston, San Francisco Association of Realtors, urged the Task Force to consider moving the NOPA block back to District 1, add more blocks to Sea Cliff, and restore the Financial District south of Market.
Tad Bachner requested that the Task Force keep NOPA in District 5. He also requested that the Anza Vista neighborhood remain in District 2.
Fionna Clark requested that the Task Force keep the area east of Masonic in District 5.
District 3 Supervisor David Chiu thanked the Task Force for its tremendous service and congratulated them on a wonderful process and for listening to public input. He stated that whatever decisions made by the Task Force that he looks forward to serving his constituents. He requested that the Task Force keep the current boundary line for Russian Hill as shown on the April 9, 2012 working draft map.
Supervisor Mark Farrell thanked the Task Force for its time and effort during the redistricting process. He thanked the Task Force for keeping Anza Vista neighborhood in District 2. He outlined the core areas of District 2 as Jordan Park, Laurel Heights, Lake Street corridor, and Sea Cliff. He expressed hope that these areas remain in District 2 and stated that wherever the lines are drawn he is looking forward to serving his constituents.
Tes Welborn requested that the Task Force not make major changes to the April 9, 2012 working draft map. She urged the Task Force to keep North of the Panhandle in District 5. She stated that neighborhoods should not be destroyed in order to make another neighborhood whole.
Purvi A. Sahur, NOPA Board member, requested that the Task Force keep NOPA in District 5.
Matt Duffy stated that the annex of District 1 in NOPA would hurt both districts and requested that the Task Force not split communities of interest in District 1. He stated if the Task Force needs to add population to District 1, it could look to Sea Cliff, Anza Vista, or elsewhere.
Tommy Gallegos thanked the Task Force for keeping Portola united in District 9.
Alicia Gamez thanked the Task Force for unifying the northeast corner of the Mission District by extending the boundaries all the way up to the Freeway. She expressed concern that the northwest corner of the Mission had been carved out, and she requested that this area be reunited with the Mission District.
Richard Ivanhoe, Haight Ashbury Neighborhood Council, requested that the Task Force keep NOPA in District 5.
Joe Boss requested that the Task Force keep the southern boundary of District 6 at 16th Street to include UCSF, Mission Bay and future medical facilities in District 6.
Patty Quinlan requested that the Task Force keep NOPA in District 5.
Otto Duffy urged the Task Force not to divide the Tenderloin and stated that he did not support keeping the Transbay area in District 6.
Denise La Pointe thanked the Task Force for listening to the residents of District 5, 8, and 7 and keeping communities of interest united in these districts. She also thanked the Advancement Project and stated that it was very helpful to have the map on line after every meeting. She urged the Task Force to adopt the map with the current lines.
Sally Ross requested that the Task Force keep the Sunnyside Conservatory in District 8.
Mark Caswell requested that the Task Force keep the Masonic and Fulton area in District 5.
Farah requested that the Task Force keep Panhandle in District 5. She stated that she was speaking on behalf of her professor David Lee, who does not want the Panhandle in District 1 because it would hurt the Asian community in District 1.
Redistricting Task Force Meeting Minutes April 11, 2012
Hannah Hardy requested that the Task Force keep NOPA in District 5.
London Breed requested that the Task Force keep NOPA in District 5.
4. Task Force Map and Report. (11:15 p.m. to 12:46 a.m.) Task Force reviewed and made modifications to the draft Final Report for approval on April 14, 2012.
Public Comment:
Bradley Wedemeyer suggested that the Task Force include data in the Final Report relating to the number of meetings and how successful the process was in conducting outreach to the community.
Chris Bowman, 1995 past Task Force member, suggested that there be earlier deadlines for requesting funding and completing the mapping process, so that voters know their districts in advance of the signature-in-lieu deadlines. Otto Duffy stated that it would have been helpful to have had more explanation about population deviation rules and variances from 1% to 5%.
Tes Welborn requested that the Final Report include recognized neighborhoods including institutions and expressed curiosity about why this would not include communities of interest.
5. Task Force Member Reports. (12:46 a.m. to 12:46 a.m.) Task Force members had nothing to report.
Public Comment: None
6. Public Comment. (12:47 a.m. to 12:54 a.m.)
Paul Hogarth requested that the Task Force include the Bristol Hotel and the eastern half of Hallidae Plaza in District 6 to keep SROs united in District 6 Otto Duffy requested that the Task Force include both blocks of Hallidae Plaza in District 6 to keep SROs united in District 6.
Bradley Wedemeyer agreed with the previous speakers’ suggestions to keep SROs united in District 6. He also stated that Market Street is an artery through the central business district and the District 3 line should extend further south. He expressed concern that some districts are under populated.
Chris Bowman, 1995 past Task Force member, disagreed with the previous suggestions regarding Hallidie Plaza. He suggested that both sides of the Union Square Business District be in District 3.
7. Future Agenda Items. (12:54 am. to 12:54 a.m.)
Chair McDonnell informed the Task Force that the regular items will be on the next agenda.
Public Comment: None
8. Adjournment.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:55 a.m.