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Hearing Room 416, City Hall1
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

Friday, February 17, 2012 – 3:00 PM

Regular Meeting

Members: Chair Eric McDonnell, Vice Chair Jenny Lam,
Mike Alonso, Myong Leigh, Sonia Melara, Marily Mondejar,
David Pilpel, Mark Schreiber, Melissa Tidwell

1. Call to Order and Roll Call.
The meeting was called to order at 3:07 p.m. On the call of the roll, Member Leigh was absent. Member Pilpel, seconded by Member Alonso, moved to excuse Member Leigh from attending today’s meeting. The motion passed without objection.

2. Mapping. (3:15 p.m. to 4:10 p.m.)
The Task Force received public input and agreed not to make modifications to the February 6, 2012 working draft map.

Public Comment:
Patricia Vaughey, Cow Hollow resident, stated that all districts should be diverse. She requested that the Task Force keep Anza Vista in District 2, Sea Cliff in District 1, a portion of Japantown in District 2, for diversity purposes.
Bernard Choden, San Francisco Tomorrow and Japantown Organizing Committee, requested that the Task Force keep the Fillmore and the proposed California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC) site in District 5 because of the high impact of the (CPMC) project on District 5 neighborhoods. He also requested that the Task Force keep Golden Gate Park in District 1 under one Supervisor’s representation and that north of Chestnut be in District 2.
Leah Pimenrel requested that the Task Force keep the Potrero Hill and Bay View Hunters Point in one district. She stated that residents in both of these neighborhoods work well together to address and resolve similar issues.
Tony Kelly, Potrero Hill Boosters Association President stated that the Port’s property and the waterfront lines on the February 6, 2012 working draft map needed to be drawn more clearly. He asked the Task Force to keep Potrero Hill in District 10.
Chris Duderstode, Inner Sunset Neighbors, stated that a poll was taken of residents in the Inner Sunset Park Neighborhood and the results were that 62% would prefer to stay in District 5, 22% would like to be in District 7, and the remaining had no opinion. He requested that the Task Force keep the Inner Sunset Park Neighborhood in District 5.
Gus Feldman, District 8 resident, thanked the Task Force for moving the eastern border of District 8 to Valencia Street. He also requested that the Task Force include both sides of Valencia Street in District 8 because both sides of the street share the same concerns and needs. He indicated that Sea Cliff has a lot more in common with District 2 than with District 1.
Robin Havens, Valencia/McCoppin Neighborhood Watch Co-Head, requested that the Task Force keep the Valencia/McCoppin neighborhood intact.
Rose Hillson requested that the Task Force keep Jordan Park and Laurel Heights in District 2. She also requested that the Task Force keep and keep the Western Addition and Japantown united in District 5.
Hiroshi Fukuda, Japantown Better Neighborhood Plan and Japanese American Religious Federation, requested that the Task Force move the line between Districts 2 and 5 from Pine to California Street. He urged the Task Force to keep the St. Xavier Church (on Pine and Octavia Streets) and the Buddhist Church further east on Pine Street in District 5. He stated that the two churches are not currently in District 5 on the February 6, 2012 working draft map. He also urged the Task Force to keep the Japanese and African American communities in Japantown together in light of the long history of the two communities working together.
Jean Barish requested the Task Force keep Golden Gate Park in District 1. She stated that Golden Gate Park should remain united and not be divided in two districts.
Larry Griffin, Booker T. Washington Community Service Center, requested that the Task Force keep the Booker T. Washington Community Service Center in District 5. He stated that this community does not have any common interests with residents in District 2. He also requested that the Task Force keep Hamilton Playground, Western Addition Branch Library, and Westside Courts Housing Development in District 5.
Katherine Howard, Golden Gate Park Preservation Alliance, requested that the Task Force keep Golden Gate Park in a single district. She stated that dividing the park may cause development and use the open space for other activities. She stated that Golden Gate Park was conceived as a whole and should remain whole.
Chris Bowman, 1995 Task Force Member, stated that parks are institutions and like institutions Golden Gate Park should remain whole. He asked the Task Force to remove Potrero Hill from District 10 because that community has higher voting rates than other communities in the district.
Karen Kai requested that the Task Force keep Japantown united in District 5. She also suggested that Anza Vista be in District 2.
Ron Kingston, San Francisco Association of Realtors, submitted the San Francisco Association of Realtors citywide map. He reviewed with the Task Force the criteria used to create the map and suggested that the Task Force have a future hearing to review more thoroughly the submitted map.
Caroline Hsu, Asian Law Caucus, supported the map submitted by the Japantown and Western Addition representatives and requested that the Task Force keep Booker T. Washington Community Service Center, Hamilton Recreation Center, Westside Courts Housing, JCYC, Rosa Parks Elementary School, and Chibi-Chan preschool in District 5.
Kristine Zaback, Forest Knolls Neighborhood Association President, provided the Task Force with information relating to green issues related to the West of Twin Peaks area.
Otto Duffy requested that the north of Market and south of Market is the core of District 6.
Mary Harris, President, Oceanview Merced Ingleside (OMI) Neighbors in Action President, expressed concern with the San Francisco Association of Realtors map and requested that the Task Force keep the OMI in District 11 and not to move the OMI to District 7.
Alicia Gamez, Liberty Hill Neighborhood Association, submitted a proposed map for District 8 which would ensure equal representation for residents in Districts 8 and 9.
Pat Scott, Booker T. Washington Community Service Center, Director, requested that the Task Force keep the Booker T. Washington Community Service Center in District 5. She stated that Booker T. Washington Community Service Center community has more in common with District 5 than District 2. She stated that currently 5 there is an out-flux of middle class African Americans in District 5, leaving many elderly. She stated that the Japanese American and African American communities work together to provide services to the elderly and that the there are also many children e from low-income families who use services from both communities. She also stated that she has worked with both district Supervisors and was able to resolve issues with the District 5 Supervisor because of the communities of interest served in District 5.

3. Voting Rights Act Analysis. (4:11 p.m. to 5:55 p.m.)
Public comment on all matters pertaining to this item.
Alicia Gamez requested that the Task Force ensure that each person have equal voting power. She stated that no one Supervisor should represent a lesser or greater percentage of voters than another Supervisor. She suggested that moving population from District 9 to District 8 would ensure equal representation for all.
Bernard Choden stated that the Task Force should add voter registration to the Voting Rights Act Analysis.
Gus Feldman requested that the Task Force move the District 8 boundaries eastward to the Valencia corridor. He stated that this move would keep the gay community, a community of interest, together.
Carlo De La Cruz, Asian Law Caucus, cautioned the Task Force to listen to community input from District 11 and not to draw a district in that area solely by the number of particular minority group members in a district but to consider communities of interest.


Member Melara, seconded by Member Lam, moved to invoke the attorney-client privilege and go into closed session to confer with or receive advice from legal counsel. The motion passed without objection.

The Task Force convened in Closed Session at 4:15 p.m.
Present: Deputy City Attorney Jon Givner, Deputy City Attorney Mollie Lee; and
Task Force Members: Mike Alonso, Jenny Lam, Eric McDonnell, Sonia Melara, Marily Mondejar, David Pilpel, Mark Schreiber, Melissa Tidwell
Redistricting Task Force Clerk Kay Gulbengay

The Task Force reconvened in open session at 5:54 p.m.
An announcement was made that the Task Force met in closed session with legal counsel to discuss anticipated litigation and took no action.
Member Pilpel, seconded by Member Schreiber, moved not to disclose the closed session’s discussions. The motion passed without objection.

4. Task Force Budget. (5:57 p.m. to 5:58 p.m.) (5:59 p.m. to 6:18 p.m.)
Member Melara reported that she and Vice Chair Lam had reviewed proposals for outreach services to include telephone auto calling and consultant services totaling $7,000. These services will help to make people aware of the scheduled meetings.
Member Schreiber requested that the City Attorney’s Office review the proposal to ensure that the use of automatic telephone calls is in compliance with both Federal and State regulations.
Note: Chair McDonnell left the meeting at 6:09 p.m.

Public Comment:
Chris Bowman, 1995 Past Task Force member, asked how the additional $13,000 for community outreach will be allocated.
The Task Force discussed scope and funds for telephone outreach services.

Member Tidwell, seconded by Member Alonso, moved to approve the expenditure of $7,000 for telephone outreach services. The motion passed by the following vote:
Ayes: 6 - Alonso, Lam, Melara, Mondejar, Schreiber, Tidwell
Noes: 1 - Pilpel
Excused: 1 - Leigh
Absent : 1 - McDonnell

Member Mondejar reported that she had received a $9,000 proposal for advertising in ethnic newspapers, websites, and potential public service announcements.
After discussion, several members of the Task Force requested that Member Mondejar provide a written proposal from the consultant for the advertising proposal and the costs for the services so that action can be taken at the February 23, 2012 Task Force meeting.

5. Community Outreach. (5:58 p.m. to 5:59 p.m.)
The Task Force discussed community outreach for telephone surveys and ethnic media services. The Task Force returned to Item Number 4, Task Force Budget, so that a vote could be taken on the matter.
Public Comment: None

6. Approval of Redistricting Task Force Minutes of January 26 and February 1, 2012.
(6:18 p.m. to 6:19 p.m.)
Member Melara, seconded by Member Mondejar, moved to approve the Redistricting Task Force Minutes with corrections for January 26and February 1, 2012.
The motion passed without objection.
Public Comment: None

7. Task Force Member Reports. (6:20 p.m. to 6:24 p.m.)
Member Tidwell reported that she and Chair McDonnell had met with some of the residents of Japantown to review the redistricting process.
Member Pilpel reported that he will be making a presentation on redistricting at the Youth Commission meeting of Tuesday, February 21, 2012 at Member Mondejar reported that she had sent out new correspondence with the updated Task Force meeting schedule and deadline for the submittal of maps and recommendations.
Member Alonso reported that he had made a presentation on redistricting to the Potrero Hill Democratic Club. He also reported that he would be making a presentation on redistricting at San Francisco State University.
Vice Chair Lam reported that she had answered questions from the District 3 Democratic Club on redistricting.
Public Comment: None

8. Public Comment. 6:24 p.m.

9. Future Agenda Items. (6:24 pm to 6:27 p.m.)

Member Schreiber requested an item related to the Final Report of the Task Force, including possible assignments be made for writing portions of the report.
Vice Chair Lam requested an item related to how the Task Force will review the submittal of citywide maps.
Member Melara inquired if the Task Force will have to take a vote on the matter of the Voting Rights Act at a future meeting.
Public Comment: None

10. Adjournment.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:28 p.m.
Last updated: 3/15/2012 11:17:41 AM