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Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - 6:00 p.m.

City Hall, Room 406
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

Regular Meeting
Members: Chair Eric McDonnell, Vice Chair Jenny Lam,
Mike Alonso, Myong Leigh, Sonia Melara, Marily Mondejar
David Pilpel, Mark Schreiber, Melissa Tidwell

1. Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 6:19 p.m. All members were present.

2. Mapping.
(6:19 p.m. to 11:40 p.m.) The Task Force heard public input and made modifications to the working draft map developed on March 22, 2012. The Task Force agreed to post the April 4, 2012 working draft map on the Task Force website.
Public Comment:
Chris McMahon, representing Supervisor Scott Wiener, read a letter from Supervisor Wiener requesting that the Task Force make the boundary for District 8 at Herman and include 55 Laguna in District 8.
Rose Hillson, District 2 resident, thanked the Task Force for keeping Jordan Park in District 2 and for keeping the Japanese American communities of interest united in District 5.
John de Castro expressed concern separating Dog Patch area and Potrero Hill. He requested that the Task Force keep both united in District 10.
Mark Mathews requested that the Task Force keep the Portola in District 10.
Dwayne Justino requested that the Task Force keep the Portola in District 10.
Terezihna Jusion requested that the Task Force keep the Portola in District 10.
Peg Coneley stated that she supports the Southeast Unity Plan, and she requested that the Task Force keep the Portola in District 10.
Al Sodoni, Anza Vista Neighborhood Association, President, requested that the Task Force keep Anza Vista in District 2 because they have been working closely with the District 2 Supervisor to address issues relating to the proposed construction of the Target store.

Redistricting Task Force Meeting Minutes April 4, 2012

Kathleen Corbett, Russian Hill Community Association, requested that the Task Force make the boundary for District 3 at Union Street.
Tes Welborn, District 5 Action Group, requested that the Task Force move the boundary for District 5 to Hermann and include 55 Laguna in District 5.
Michael Nulty, Alliance for Better District 6 and Central Democratic Club, requested that the Task Force keep the boundaries for District 6 at Post Street and at Market Street.
Sally Ross requested that the boundary line between Districts 7 and 8 be Congo Street, as shown on the March 22, 2012 working draft map.
Ruth Wallace, Portola Neighborhood Association, requested that the Task Force keep the Portola united.
Chris Waddling requested that the Portola remain in District 9, as shown on the March 22, 2012 working draft map. He stated that it is too late for the Task Force to make major changes to the March 22, 2012 working draft map.
Earl Shadoux requested that the Task Force keep the Bay View Hunters Point area and all eastern coastline areas be united in District 10. He stated the March 22, 2012 working draft map does keep many communities of interest united, and he does support the March 22, 2012 working draft map.
Michael Goulco requested that Task Force keep Glen Park united in District 8.
Earl Shuducks, Bay View Resident, stated that he supports the March 22, 2012 working draft map, and requested that the Task Force keep Glen Park united in District 8.
Barbara Gersh supports keeping the Portola in District 9. She requested that the Task Force extend the District 9 boundary to Mansell.
Chris Bowman, 1995 past Task Force member, made suggestions to the Task Force for dividing districts, and he stated that if the Portola remains in District 9 then the Mission will be split. He stated that both areas cannot be united without splitting one or the other.
Jon Nulty requested that the Task Force make the northern boundary for District 6 at Post and down to Market Street, and the western boundary for District 6 at Van Ness and move boundary from Minna back to Market. He stated that this will keep the North of Market united.
Peter Strauss requested that the Task Force keep 55 Laguna in District 5. He also requested that the Lower Haight, Hayes Valley and Duboce Triangle stay united in District 5.
Paul Hogarth commended the Task Force for their hard work, and he requested that the Task Force keep the Tenderloin united in District 6. He stated that the east of Leavenworth area has more in common with District 3 than District 6. He requested that the areas of Post, Leavenworth, Hyde, and Larkin be in District 6.
Jaime Whitaker, Russian Hill resident, requested that the Task Force keep the Transbay and Rincon Hill area in District 6. He also requested that Mission Bay remain in District 6.
Alicia Gamez, Liberty Hill Neighborhood Association, requested that the Valencia corridor not be divided and that the Liberty Hill Neighborhood remain united. She also stated that the March 22, 2012 working draft map did not address the issue of under population in the north/west section of the City versus the over population in south/east section of the City. She stated that this does not provide equal representation throughout the City.
Redistricting Task Force Meeting Minutes April 4, 2012

Jim Salinas, Sr. requested that the Task Force keep the Mission united.
Kevin Cheng requested that the Task Force keep 55 Laguna united in one district with other LGBT communities of interest. He also requested that the Task Force keep Liberty Hill Historical District united in one District.
May Wong requested that the Task Force keep the area north of Silver Avenue in District 11.
Asha Safaiv supported the March 22, 2012 working draft map, and he requested that the Task Force place Chicago Way in District 11.
Dennis Mosfogian requested that the Task Force not. make any major changes to the March 22, 2012 working draft map. He stated that the Task Force has to take into consideration all the public testimony which the Task Force has already heard throughout the process and used to develop the current working draft map.
Richard Ivanhoe, Haight Ashbury Neighborhood Council President, requested that the Task Force include 55 Laguna, Inner Sunset and east end of Golden Gate Park in District 5. He also stated that the Task Force should not make any major changes to the March 22, 2012 working draft map.
John Osaki, Japan Youth Council, Executive Director, thanked the Task Force for responding to the concerns of the Japanese American communities of interest in District 5 and for keeping them united in District 5.
Allan Manalo, Filipino American Redistricting Forum, thanked the Task Force for keeping the Filipino community united in Districts 6 and 11.
Ellen Zhou requested that the Task Force keep the Portola united.
Lori Leiderman thanked the Task Force for listening to the public testimony during the process and requested that the Task Force not make any major changes to the March 22, 2012 working draft map.
Thea Shelby requested that the Task Force keep the Lower Haight and 55 Laguna in District 5.
Pastor Aurelius Walker requested that the Task Force keep the Portola united in District 10.
Theresa Duque requested that the Task Force keep the Portola, Visitacion Valley and Bay View Hunters Point united in District 10.
Richard Johnson thanked the Task Force for keeping Booker T. Washington Service Community Center and Westside Courts in District 5.
Steven Currier, Outer Merced Merchants and Residents Association, requested that the Task Force keep Chicago Way in District 11.
Supervisor Jane Kim thanked the Task Force for its hard work and for listening to all the public testimony to keep neighborhoods in District 6 united. She stated that there are many future planning developments which will affect all neighborhoods in District 6. She stated that residents in District 6 had expressed that the boundaries be from Market to Mariposa and include 16th Street and to include Mission Creek. She stated that the residents of Treasure Island do share services of District 6. She requested that neighborhoods be preserved as much as possible.
Eugene Tom requested that the Task Force not divide District 10 and keep the Portola in District 10.
Audrey Leung requested that the Task Force keep the Portola in District 10.
Redistricting Task Force Meeting Minutes April 4, 2012

Hazel Lee requested that the Task Force keep the Portola in District 10.
Fernando Marti, San Francisco Clearing House and the Community Unity Map, requested that the Task Force keep the Portola in District 9, keep the OMI united in District 11, and 55 Laguna in District 5.

The Task Forced recessed at 7:45 p.m. and reconvened at 8:05 p.m.

Hiroshi Fukado, Japanese American Religious Federation, thanked the Task Force for keeping the Japanese American and African American Communities united in District 5.
Tommy Gallegos requested that the Task Force include Mansell Street in District 9.
Karen Flood, Union Street Business Improvement District, requested that the Task Force include east of Powell and south of Geary area in District 3.
Kristine Zaback, Forest Knoll Neighborhood, thanked the Task Force for keeping the West of Twin Peaks associations united in District 7.
Neil Sims, Open House, Board of Directors, requested that the Task Force keep 55 Laguna in District 8.
Robert Rusky thanked the Task Force for keeping the Japanese American and African American communities united in District 5.
Joe Boss, Dog Patch resident, requested that the Task Force include the UCSF campus, the SOMA and Mission Bay area in District 10.
Rosabello Safont, Member, Elections Commission, speaking as an individual, thanked the Task Force for their hard work. She requested that the Misison District remain united as a community of interest. She requested that the upper part of the Mission District to Duboce be included in District 9, and that the Task Force move the entire Valencia corridor to District 8.
Joanie Eisen, Potrero Hill Democratic Club, President, requested that the Task Force keep Potrero Hill in District 10 and keep the Portola in District 9.
Rema Breall requested that the Task Force make the northern boundary for District 5 at Bush Street.
Otto Duffy requested that the Task Force keep the northern boundary of District 6 at Post Street.
Jeff Bostic, South Beach Area Restaurant, requested that the Task Force keep all of the Mission Bay united in one District.
Jacqueline Flin, A. Phillip Randolph Institute, requested that the Task Force keep the Portola in District 10.
Alara Flin, A. Phillip Randolph Institute, requested that the Task Force to keep the Portola in District 10.
Kurt Grimes, A. Phillip Randolph Institute, requested that the Task Force keep the Portola in District 10.
Suli Palika requested that the Task Force keep the Portola in District 10.
Paul Giannini requested that the Task Force keep the Portola in District 10.
Kim-Shree Maufas, Member of the San Francisco Board of Education, thanked the Task Force members for their service to the City and County of San Francisco. She congratulated the Task Force on their dedication and commitment to the process.

Redistricting Task Force Meeting Minutes April 4, 2012

Carla Fernandez, Latino Democratic Club, requested that the upper part of the Mission District to Duboce be included in District 9 and that the Task Force move the entire Valencia corridor to District 8.
Tony Kelly, Potrero Hill Boosters, requested that the Task Force not make any major changes to the March 22, 2012 working draft map this late in the process.
Jerry Chen requested that the Task Force keep Mission Bay and South of Market united in District 6.
Andrew Woods, Community Unity Map, requested that the Task Force keep Portola in District 9 and the boundaries of the Mission remain as shown on the March 22, 2012 working draft map. He requested that the Task Force not make any major changes to the current working draft map.
McKinley Ross requested that the Task Force keep the Portola in District 10 and that the Task Force not make major changes to the March 22, 2012 working draft map.
Vincent Kent Lacky requested that the Task Force keep Portola in District 10.
Jesus Perez stated that he supported the March 22, 2012 working draft map.
Eddie Aun requested that the Task Force keep Potrero Hill and Bay View Hunters Point united in District 10. He also requested that the Task Force not make major changes to the March 22, 2012 working draft map.
Michael Hammon requested that the Task force not make any major changes to the March 22, 2012 working draft map. He stated that the Task Force has heard so much public testimony and any significant changes to the map may cause a chain reaction.
Bradley Wedemeyer requested that the Task Force keep Potrero Hill and the Portola in District 10.
Supervisor John Avalos thanked the Task Force for their hard work. He requested that the District 11 boundaries remain intact as much as possible. He stated that he supported the Portola in District 9. He also stated that the OMI should remain together in District 11.

The Task Force recessed at 8:55 p.m. and reconvened at 9:15 p.m.

3. Task Force Work Plan.
(11:40 p.m. to 11:49 p.m.) The Task Force discussed the process and timing for completing a final draft of the map and report.
Public Comment: None

4. Task Force Member Reports. (11:50 p.m. to 11:50 p.m.) Task Force members had nothing to report.
Public Comment: None

5. Public Comment. (11:50 p.m. to 11:54 p.m.)
Otto Duffy expressed concern with the proposed northern boundaries for District 6.
Chris Bowman, 1995 past Task Force member, suggested minor tweaks to the April 4, 2012 working draft map.
Tommy Gallegos requested that the Task Force include Mansell Street in the Portola.
Redistricting Task Force Meeting Minutes April 4, 2012

6. Future Agenda Items. (11:55 p.m. to 11:57 p.m.) Chair McDonnell informed the Task Force members that in order to meet the posting deadline, the April 5, 2012 agenda has already been finalized and posted. He stated that the regular items are on the April 5, 2012 meeting agenda.
Public Comment: None

7. Adjournment.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:58 p.m.
Last updated: 5/10/2012 3:26:22 PM