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Wednesday, April 5, 2012 - 6:00 p.m.

City Hall, Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

Regular Meeting
Members: Chair Eric McDonnell, Vice Chair Jenny Lam,
Mike Alonso, Myong Leigh, Sonia Melara, Marily Mondejar
David Pilpel, Mark Schreiber, Melissa Tidwell

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 6:09 p.m. Member Tidwell was absent. Member Leigh, seconded by Member Schreiber, moved to excuse Member Tidwell from the meeting. The motion passed without objection.

2. Approval of Task Force Minutes of March 12, 2012. (6:11 p.m. to 6:12 p.m.)
Member Leigh, seconded by Member Schreiber, moved to approve the minutes of the March 12, 2012 meeting with corrections. The motion passed without objection.
Public Comment: None

3. Mapping. (6:12 p.m. to 10:58 p.m.) The Task Force heard public input and made modifications to the working draft map developed on April 4, 2012. The Task Force agreed to post the working draft map reflecting those modifications on the Task Force website.
Public Comment:
Supervisor Mark Farrell thanked the Task Force for its hard work. He stated that he has been working closely with members of the Anza Vista Neighborhood Association to address issues related to the proposed construction of the Target Store at the City Center. He also requested that the Task Force keep the proposed California Pacific Medical Center project in Cathedral Hill in District 2.
Jacqueline Morri, District 9 and Portola resident, requested that the Task Force keep the Portola united in District 9.

Tom Pugh, Portola resident, thanked the Task Force for its hard work, and stated his support for the Task Force's March 22, 2012 working draft map and its inclusion of Portola in District 9.
James Bryant, Western Regional Director of A. Phillip Randolph Institute, requested that the Task Force keep the Portola, Bayview-Hunters Point, and Potrero Hill united in single district. He stated that these areas should remain united as communities of interest with middle-class families and households.
Jackie Flynn, Executive Director of A. Phillip Randolph Institute, requested that the Task Force unite Portola in District 10.
Laura Albert, Russian Hill Community Association, requested the Task Force draw the boundary between Districts 2 and 3 along Union Street.
Leona Bridges, requested that the Task Force keep Anza Vista neighborhood and the proposed California Pacific Medical Center Cathedral Hill project in District 2.
Eva Chow, District 2 resident, spoke about the Anza Vista residents' concerns about the City Center project and their communications with Supervisor Farrell about that neighborhood issue.
Tes Welborn, Lower Haight and District 5 resident, requested that the Task Force keep the 55 Laguna project in District 5.
Dr. Justin Morgan thanked the Task Force for keeping the Fillmore and Japantown communities and neighborhoods together in District 5.
David Baker, North of Market Planning Coalition, requested that the Task Force keep the northern boundary for District 6 at Post Street because that has been the historical northern boundary for the Tenderloin.
Jason Henderson, Chair of the Hayes Valley Neighborhood Association Transportation and Planning Committee, requested that the Task Force keep the 55 Laguna in District 5.
Mary Harris, President of Outer Merced Ingleside Neighbors in Action, requested that the boundary between Districts 7 and 11 be at Holloway Avenue.
Kurt Grimes, Program Manager for A. Phillip Randolph Institute, requested that the Task Force unite the Portola in a single district.
Jim Warshell requested that the Task Force keep the 55 Laguna project in District 5.
Chris Bowman, member of the 1995 Elections Task Force, proposed various changes to Districts 1, 2 and 3.
Seth Kilbourne, Open House, requested that the Task Force keep the 55 Laguna project in District 8 because it would be closer to the LGBT community of interest in that district.
Alicia Gamez requested that the Task Force keep allof the Valencia Street corridor united in one district, instead of as the boundary between Districts 8 and 9.
Risa Teitelbaum requested that the Task Force keep the Valencia Street corridor united in one district. She also requested that the Task Force keep the Liberty Hill Historic District in a single supervisorial district.
Vallie Brown, Lower Haight resident, requested that the Task Force to keep all of the Lower Haight and the 55 Laguna project in District 5.
Chris Schulmann, member of Lower Polk Neighbors, stated that he supported the April 4, 2012 working draft map as it related to the Lower Polk Street corridor.

Nathan Drury, Portola resident, asked the Task Force to unit all of the Portola in a single supervisorial district.
Jim Marks, Portola resident, requested that the Task Force unite the Portola in a single district. He also stated that he did not think that District 9 would not be the best district for the Portola.

4. Task Force Work Plan. (10:58 p.m. to 11:32 p.m.) The Task Force discussed the process and timing for completing a final draft of the map and report.
Public Comment:
Tes Welborn suggested that the Task Force’s final report include a description of how the Task Force chose their map-drawing process and a comparison of ReDrawSF and other alternative map drawing tools.
Chris Bowman suggested that the Task Force’s final report include minority reports, description of districts and comparison of demographics, and lessons learned from the process that would be helpful for future Task Forces.

5. Task Force Member Reports.
(11:32 p.m. to 11:32 p.m.)
Task Force members had nothing to report.
Public Comment: None

6. Public Comment. (11:33 p.m. to 11:38 p.m.)
Otto Duffy expressed concern with the changes made to Districts 3 and 6 as shown on the April 5, 2012 working draft map.
Tess Welborn reminded the Task Force that Supervisor Eric Mar supported dividing Golden Gate Park between districts. She also expressed her belief that neighborhoods should hold more weight than communities of interests when drawling district lines. Finally, she requested that census blocks should be changed when areas, such as the Presidio, become more residential.
Chris Bowman, member of the 1995 Elections Task Force, thanked the Task Force for its hard work.

7. Future Agenda Items. (11:38 p.m. to 11:39 p.m.)
Chair McDonnell informed the Task Force members that the regular items will be included on the next meeting agenda.
Public Comment: None

8. Adjournment.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:39 p.m.

Last updated: 5/10/2012 3:26:22 PM