About the Mayor

Mayor Lee with his wife Anita Lee

About Mayor Ed Lee

Edwin Mah Lee is 43rd Mayor of City and County of San Francisco.

Mayor waving hands during pride parade Mayor helping out in the construction site

Mayor Lee has managed to grow the economy of the City and add homes while maintaining San Francisco’s historic environmental commitments.

The Mayor has made historic investment commitments to infrastructure, parks and schools

The 43rd mayor of San Francisco, Edwin M. Lee assumed leadership of the City while it was experiencing the greatest economic recession since the 1930s. Under policies laid out by Mayor Lee, San Francisco has experienced its most successful economic expansion in City history, with more than 140,000 jobs added during his tenure.


Mayor Lee has added more homes to the housing market than any other Mayor in San Francisco history. As a result, eviction rates are down in San Francisco, and average rental and home prices have dropped. In 2014, he made a pledge to create 30,000 new and rehabilitated homes by 2020, and to date, he is more than 17,000 units closer to that goal. More homes have been created under Mayor Lee than at any other time in San Francisco history.


Mayor Lee has managed to grow the economy of the City and add homes while maintaining San Francisco’s historic environmental commitments. Under his leadership, greenhouse gas emission have dropped 28 percent. He also has made a promise to have San Francisco running on 50 percent renewable energy by 2030.


The Mayor has made historic investment commitments to infrastructure, parks and schools, funding them at record levels while successfully championing bond measures to improve San Francisco’s seismic standards. He has led the call for major transportation projects such as the Central Subway and the Transbay Transit Center, both of which will be completed during his tenure.


Determined to tackle the challenges of the day, Mayor Lee has vowed to end chronic veterans’ homelessness by the end of 2017, while reducing overall chronic homelessness by 50 percent within the next five years.


Mayor Lee has a long track record of working together with leaders from across the country, which includes his involvement in the founding of Mayors Against LGBT Discrimination, a coalition of city leaders that applies political and economic pressure to stop discriminatory laws from spreading in the United States. Additionally, Mayor Lee is a member of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, where he serves as the chair of the Technology and Innovation Task Force.


A native of Seattle, Washington, Mayor Lee graduated from Bowdoin College in 1974, and from Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1978. Prior to becoming a civil servant, Mayor Lee worked as housing activist and civil right attorney. He is married to his wife Anita, and is the father of two daughters, Brianna and Tania.



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