
Icon for Housing


Finding innovative solutions for housing at all levels of affordability to serve our existing and new residents.


Affordable San Francisco Housing

Making a More Affordable San Francisco

Mayor Lee issued an Executive Directive to speed up the time it takes to create homes in San Francisco. Cutting the housing approval timelines by nearly half will result in the creation of 5,000 new homes per year.

More Homes for Families

More Homes for Families

In 2014, Mayor Lee made a pledge to create 30,000 new and rehabilitated housing units in San Francisco. Since Mayor Lee made that pledge, more than 17,100 housing units have been built in San Francisco, with 35 percent of those permanently affordable.

Securing Funding for Affordable Housing

Securing Funding for Affordable Housing

Mayor Lee led the creation of the Housing Trust Fund in 2012. This $1.3 billion initiative provides a permanent source of revenue for the creation of affordable housing in San Francisco. Mayor Lee then pushed for the passage of Proposition A, a $310 million bond measure to fund more affordable housing programs.

Tenant Protections

Tenant Protections

Mayor Lee has led several initiatives to keep tenants in their buildings or to help them find new homes if they’ve been displaced. The Small Site Acquisition Program purchases and preserves rent-controlled buildings, and the Displaced Tenant Housing Preference Program offers priority services to recently-evicted tenants.

City and County of San Francisco city seal

San Francisco Housing Meter

Housing Meter Icon2020Jan 2014 %

May 2017

  • 17,179units completed
  • 5,956units affordable
  • 35%permanently affordable
2020 goals
  • 30,000housing units
  • 30%permanently affordable
  • 50%middle income