Mayoral Appointments
Every year the Mayor has the authority to make numerous appointments to various boards, commissions, task forces, and committees.
Mayor Lee is committed to placing well qualified citizens of every race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and disability on City bodies. He recognizes that San Francisco is a city rich in diversity, and has thousands of citizens that share in the Mayor’s commitment to bring people together, solve problems, and craft a local government that better serves the citizenry of the City. He would like to invite all of those citizens interested in serving the City of San Francisco, to learn more about these appointive bodies by utilizing the resources provided here on this webpage.
Any citizen interested in serving on an appointive body, or learning more about the process is encouraged to contact the Mayor’s Appointment Secretary for more information.
Francis Tsang, Mayor’s Deputy Chief of Staff
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
City Hall, Room 200
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 554-6467
Useful Links:
- San Francisco’s Centralized Commission, Task Force, & Committee Database
This interactive tool allows you to easily search for policy bodies that address various topics of interest. Information included in the database ranges from enabling legislation for each body, current rosters of appointees, upcoming and current vacancies, the process to apply for openings, contact information for each body, etc. - January 2013 Unscheduled Vacancies Notice
- March 2013 Unscheduled Vacancies Notice
- Quarterly Attendance Reports for Mayoral Appointees