News Releases
The latest news and announcements from Mayor Lee

Mayor Lee’s Statement on White House Executive Orders

Mayor Edwin M. Lee today issued the following statement regarding President Trump’s Executive Orders:

“The announcements today are not new, or unexpected. I want to assure the residents of San Francisco that today, nothing changed. 

We are and will remain a Sanctuary City. 

As mayor, I am required to keep our City safe and healthy and that is exactly why we standing by our Sanctuary City status. In a Sanctuary City, if a woman is assaulted, she does not have to fear reporting her attacker to the police because of her immigration status; children have access to education and the opportunity to learn and contribute to San Francisco’s future; and all residents have access to immunizations and healthcare, because disease does not recognize documentation.

A Sanctuary City is a safe and healthy city. 

If we truly want to make America safer, then I urge the new administration and Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform.

For Mayor Lee’s live remarks: