News Releases
The latest news and announcements from Mayor Lee

Mayor Lee on the House of Representatives Passing the American Health Care Act

“It is very disappointing to see the House of Representatives approve a bill that strips coverage from millions people, punishes Americans with pre-existing conditions, attacks women’s reproductive rights and creates an unequal, two-tiered healthcare system.

House Republicans jammed through a bill without a fiscal analysis, without public disclosure and without regard to how it will negatively impact American lives.

Since the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, more than five million California residents have benefitted from the coverage, including 133,000 people here in San Francisco, resulting in historically-low uninsured rates. Repealing the ACA turns back the clock on healthcare progress, and will hurt the health, security and economy of our city.

We urge the Senate to reject this misguided proposal. We need to maintain a healthcare system that offers affordable coverage of high quality for all our residents.”