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Mayor Lee on LGBTQ Flag Raising

Raising the Rainbow Flag today offers us a moment to celebrate the rich history and positive legacy of the LGBTQ community while also reflecting on the many sacrifices this group has made during its continuous journey advancing civil rights.


This year’s Pride Month celebrations take on a particularly special meaning, as they are the first to occur since we lost Gilbert Baker, the creator of the iconic Rainbow Flag. When Gilbert stitched together a few pieces of multicolored fabric he created a symbol of inclusiveness, tolerance and pride, offering solace and unity for a community that was experiencing prejudice.


At a time when some national leaders continue to adopt discriminatory rhetoric, it is more important than ever to embrace the Rainbow Flag’s representation of acceptance and love for all. Just more than a year ago, we lost 49 lives, many of whom belonged to the LGBTQ community, as a result of the Pulse Nightclub shooting.


We cannot let hate win, and San Francisco will continue to lead the fight against bigotry. We are proud to stand with our LGBTQ community.