News Releases
The latest news and announcements from Mayor Lee

Mayor Lee on North Carolina’s HB2 Law

“The partial repeal of North Carolina’s HB2 law does little to address the discriminatory nature of the bill and offers no solutions to the state’s unfair attacks on its transgender residents and the overall LGBT community.

This bill enshrines discrimination for years to come by disallowing jurisdictions from enacting critical non-discrimination protections for their LGBT communities. Additionally, the law permanently prohibits cities from regulating issues related to bathroom access.

This is not a reset of the law, but another scheme that will allow for state-sanctioned discrimination against a community that is already facing intense pressure.

North Carolina still continues to own the most anti-LGBT bathroom law in the country. When this initiative first passed last year, we banned all taxpayer-funded travel to the state. Because these latest actions continue to allow discrimination, that ban will remain in effect.”