News Releases
The latest news and announcements from Mayor Lee

Update - Mayor Lee on Developments Related to August 26 Rally

“The Golden Gate National Recreation Area has confirmed that the Patriot Prayer group has relinquished the permit for a rally at Crissy Field on Saturday at 2 p.m.

Public safety is always our top priority. The San Francisco Police Department and our City's public safety agencies are prepared for any contingencies and spontaneous events.  San Francisco does not welcome outside agitators whose messages of hate have the sole purpose of inciting violence.

No permits have been requested or issued for Alamo Square this weekend. SFPD will have an enhanced presence at Alamo Square and in the surrounding neighborhoods. I want to reinforce that existing San Francisco law prohibits firearms and weapons in city parks. Those who seek to commit acts of violence or damage property will be arrested and prosecuted.

We continue to encourage residents to attend peaceful gatherings and not engage with those who seek to disrupt our communities. Today, we showed the world what peace and unity looks like. We stood together and stated resoundingly that San Francisco is a city of love and compassion and does not tolerate hate.”