The latest news and announcements from Mayor Lee

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Mayor Edwin M. Lee
Posted Date: 03/24/2017
"I want to commend the courageous efforts of Good Samaritans and thank members of the San Francisco Police Department for their brave deeds on Wednesday. As a result of the selfless actions of...
Mayor Edwin M. Lee
Posted Date: 03/23/2017
The Mayor’s Office, The Controller’s Office, and the Board of Supervisors’ Budget and Legislative Analyst Office jointly released an update today to the City’s Five Year Financial Plan for Fiscal...
Posted Date: 03/21/2017
Mayor Edwin M. Lee and Tom DeCaigny issued this statement on Arts Advocacy Day: “With the Presidential Administration proposing unprecedented cuts to essential cultural programs, it is critical...
Mayor Lee Announces Fix-It Will Address Quality-Of-Life Issues in Twenty San Francisco Neighborhoods in 2017
Posted Date: 03/21/2017
Mayor Edwin M. Lee announced plans today to expand his Fix-It initiative, a pilot program created last May to address quality-of-life issues in San Francisco neighborhoods. Based on the initial...
Mayor Edwin M. Lee
Posted Date: 03/16/2017
Mayor Edwin M. Lee issued this statement on the President’s partial outline of the 2018 budget: “I am deeply troubled by the proposed budget released today by the Administration in Washington, D.C...
Posted Date: 03/15/2017
Mayor Edwin M. Lee issued this statement on the Executive Order banning travel from six countries: “I commend today’s decision to grant a temporary restraining order against the Administration’s...
Posted Date: 03/07/2017
Mayor Edwin M. Lee issued this statement on the Executive Order banning immigration from six Muslim countries: “This latest proposal by the Presidential Administration represents more of the same...
Aileen Hernandez
Posted Date: 03/06/2017
Mayor Edwin M. Lee today issued the following statement on the passing of civil rights leader Aileen Hernandez: “Aileen was a tireless advocate whose work did so much to help advance the causes...
Mayor Edwin M. Lee
Posted Date: 03/02/2017
Mayor Edwin M. Lee announced today that the City and County of San Francisco in partnership with the San Francisco Interfaith Council will launch a new funding program that will provide resources and...
San Francisco electric vehicle charging station
Posted Date: 02/28/2017
Mayor Edwin M. Lee and Supervisor Katy Tang introduced new legislation today to meet the growing public demand for electric vehicles and signal San Francisco’s intent to continue leading the fight on...