State and Federal Priorities

The Mayor’s Office Advocates Strongly at the State & Federal Levels for Policies &
Legislation that Benefits All San Franciscans

The Mayor’s Office is responsible for coordinating all intergovernmental activities of the City and County and has effectively advocated at the state and federal levels for legislative and policy priorities that benefit the residents of San Francisco. Recent successes include $500 million in new state bonding authority to accelerate funding and construction for approximately 3,000 affordable housing units in San Francisco’s major redevelopment sites; active support for California’s new $15 statewide minimum wage law; and ongoing advocacy for addition funding from Congress for priorities ranging from transportation infrastructure to housing vouchers to supportive services for the City’s most vulnerable populations.

To learn more about San Francisco’s state and federal priorities, please review the following documents:

2017 State Priority
2016 State Priority
2015 State Priority
2017 Federal Priority
2016 Federal Priority
2015 Federal Priority

In addition, the Mayor’s Office chairs the State Legislation Committee, which is directed by the San Francisco Administrative Code (Article III, Sections 5.5 - 5.11) to make recommendations for endorsement, opposition, or neutrality with respect to legislation pending before the State  Legislature that would affect the City and County.

To learn more about the State Legislation Committee, please visit the following website here: