Mayor's Principal of the Year Award Selection Process

 Principal of the Year Award color horizontal

January - February: Nomination Submission

- Principal nomination forms (click HERE for link) are to be filled out by members of the community. The deadline for nomination is Friday, February 24th 2017.

March: Selection of Semi-Finalists

- The Selection Committee will evaluate nominees and select semi-finalists for the following categories: PreK (early education), Elementary School level (grades K-5), Middle School (grades 6-8), and High School (grades 9-12).

April: Selection of Finalists

- The Selection Committee will conduct interviews to select finalists in each category.

May/June: Award Ceremony

- The Mayor and the Superintendent of San Francisco Unified School District will jointly announce four winners, one from each category.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who can nominate a principal? Principals can be nominated by anyone! This includes community members, students, parents, and colleagues. 

How can I nominate a principal?
You may complete and submit an online nomination form by clicking the link here. There are Spanish, Chinese, and Tagalog versions available on the primary Principal of the Year page to print out, complete, and mail to Mayor’s Office of Education:

City Hall, Room 200
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

Can I nominate more than one principal?
Yes. There are many worthy principals in San Francisco's schools and all deserve to be considered for the award.

Who is eligible to receive the award?
In order to be eligible, a principal must have:

  • Full time tenure at an San Francisco Unified School District site
  • At least 2 years of experience as a principal or site manager at a San Francisco Unified School District site
  •  An exemplary history of work in education

Who are the members of the Selection Committee and what is their role?
The Selection Committee is made up of youth, community members, and representatives from the Mayor’s Office, the San Francisco Unified School District, United Educators of San Francisco, Education Fund, and community organizations. The committee is responsible for evaluating nominations and choosing finalists.

What do award recipients receive?
Awardees receive a monetary award, an engraved trophy from Tiffany & Co., and a gift basket full of prizes from our sponsors. Past prizes have included tickets to museums or attractions in San Francisco, gift cards from local companies, laptops and other electronics, and flight vouchers!

For any other questions, please contact Hydra Mendoza, the Mayor's senior advisor on education and family services, at (415) 554-6298 or