Full Commission - September 8, 2015 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
September 8, 2015 (All day)

San Francisco Youth Commission
**Special Inaugural Meeting**
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
6:00 pm-8:00 pm
City Hall, Room 278
1. Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Pl.
San Francisco, CA 94102


There will be public comment on each item.


Jillian Wu, Lily Marshall-Fricker, Erica Kong, Stephanie Li, Cris Plunkett, Anna He, Jessica Calderon, Noah David, Giovanna Soto, William Juarez, Cecilia Nicole Galeano, Madeleine Matz, Luis Avalos-Nunez, Anna Bernick, Jarrett Mao, Grace Pating, Hatim Mansori

1. Call to Order and Roll Call for Attendance

Acting chair Noah David called the meeting to order at 6:24 pm. Commissioners present: Jillian Wu, Lily Marshall-Fricker, Erica Kong, Stephanie Li, Cris Plunkett, Anna He, Jessica Calderon, Giovanna Soto, William Juarez, Cecilia Nicole Galeano, Madeleine Matz, Luis Avalos-Nunez, Anna Bernick, Jarrett Mao, Grace Pating, Hatim Mansori
There was quorum.

Staff present: Allen Lu, Adele Failes-Carpenter, Monica Guzman

2. Approval of Agenda (Action Item)

Commissioner Wu, seconded by commissioner Bernick, moved to approve the agenda. The motion was approved by acclamation.

3. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda (Discussion Only)

A member of the public, Christopher McDonald congratulated everyone for their new positions as commissioners. He works at UpVote and his job is to go out and register everyone to vote in San Francisco. He personally supports the YC resolution to lower the voting age to 16. He feels that voting is the place where we all come together and that getting young people engaged is crucial. He is requesting that the Youth Commission help for voter registration week.

A gentleman spoke to congratulate the Youth Commission on their recent appointment and to take advantage of the great opportunity they have.

There was no further public comment.


4. Legislation Referred from the Board of Supervisors (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

There was none.

5. Youth Commission Business (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

A. Adoption of 2015-16 Youth Commission Bylaws
(Document A)

Acting chair Noah David explained the purpose of the commission bylaws, which are the rules that hold us accountable to our jobs and duties as commissioners. He announced that commissioners will read the bylaws into the public record, then review each section for amendments followed by approving any amendments. Finally the commission will vote on the bylaws as amended.

The commissioners read the bylaws into the public record.

Acting Chair David then welcomed public comment. There was none.

Commissioner Avalos, seconded by Commissioner Marshall-Fricker, moved to adopt article I of the bylaws. This motion was passed by acclamation.

Commissioner Mansori, seconded by Commissioner Wu, moved to adopt article II of the bylaws. This motion was passed by acclamation.

Commissioner Bernick, seconded by Commissioner Mao, moved to adopt article III of the bylaws. This motion was passed by acclamation.

Commissioner Galeano, seconded by Commissioner Calderon, moved to adopt article IV of the bylaws. This motion was passed by acclamation.

Commissioner Plunkett, seconded by Commissioner Bernick, moved to adopt article V of the bylaws. This motion was passed by acclamation.

Commissioner Juarez, seconded by Commissioner Plunkett, moved to adopt article VI of the bylaws. This motion was passed by acclamation.

Commissioner Mao, seconded by Commissioner Wu, moved to adopt article VII of the bylaws. This motion was passed by acclamation.

Commissioner Avalos, seconded by Commissioner Mansori, moved to adopt article VIII of the bylaws. This motion was passed by acclamation.

Commissioner Pating, seconded by Commissioner Kong, moved to adopt article IX of the bylaws. This motion was passed by acclamation.

Commissioner Juarez, seconded by Commissioner Matz, moved to adopt article X of the bylaws. This motion was passed by acclamation.

Commissioner Marshall-Fricker moved to approve the bylaws as a whole. Commissioner Soto seconded. The motion was approved by acclamation.

B. Election of 2015-16 Youth Commission Executive Officers

Commissioner Li acting as acting chair, reminded commissioners of the responsibilities involved in being on the executive committee and then reviewed the process for voting of officers.

Commission Plunkett, seconded by Commissioner David, nominated Commissioner Avalos Nunez for chair.

Commissioner Marshall-Fricker, seconded by Commissioner He, nominated Commisisoner Wu for Chair.

Commissioner Mansori nominated himself for chair. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner David.

The chair called for public comment. There was none.

Commissioner Mansori accepted his nomination. Commissioner Wu accepted her nomination. Commissioner Avalos-Nunez accepted his nomination

Commissioners Mansori, Wu and Avalos-Nunez provided brief remarks reviewing their accomplishments and regarding their desire to serve the commission as chair.

Commissioner David asked everyone what they think will be the hardest part of being chair and how will they overcome that?

Commissioner Avalos Nunez stated that the hardest part of him will be stepping back. He realizes that being a leader means helping others gain leadership skills.

Commissioner Mansori thinks the hardest part of being chair will be choosing what topics to focus on. Being a leader he feels that you have to have to a wide view of everything.

Commissioner Wu believes there are a lot of challenges to being chair but she feels that being able to balance is the most important part. It is also important to be able to ask for help.

Commissioner Plunkett asked Commissioner Mansori why he believes he would be a good candidate even though he is running against two veterans.

Commissioner Mansori stated that he believes he would be the best candidate because of his passion. He grew up in San Francisco and he feels there is a lot that he can do for the city.

Commissioner Bernick asked Commissioner Avalos Nunez if he believes he will be able to follow in the footsteps of his previous chairs.

There was no public comment.

Staff then called a roll call vote:

Three votes Mansori: Calderon, Juarez, Mansori

Six votes Wu: Bernick, Kong, Mao, Marshall-Fricker, Matz, Wu

Eight votes Avalos-Nunez: Avalos-Nunez, David, He, Galeano, Li, Pating, Plunkett, Soto

Since there was not nine votes there was another roll call vote between Avalos-Nunez and Wu.

Staff then called a second roll call vote:

Eight votes Wu: Bernick, He, Kong, Mao, Mansori, Marshall-Fricker, Matz, Wu

Nine votes Avalos-Nunez: Avalos-Nunez, Calderon, David, Galeano, Juarez, Li, Pating,

Commissioner Avalos-Nunez was elected chair of the Youth Commission for 2015-2016.

Acting chair Li then opened nominations for Vice Chair.

Commissioner Bernick nominated herself. She was seconded by Commissioner He.

Commissioner David nominated himself. He was seconded by Commissioner Soto.

Commissioner Kong, seconded by Commissioner Galeano nominated Commissioner Wu.

Commissioner Calderon, seconded by Commissioner Avalos-Nunez nominated Commissioner Mansori.

Commissioners Mansori, Wu, David and Bernick accepted their nominations. Each gave brief comments regarding their past accomplishments and qualifications for the position. They also answered a question posed by Commissioner Avalos-Nunez about their facilitation experience.

There was no public comment.

Staff then called a roll call vote:

One vote Bernick: Bernick

Two votes Mansori: Calderon, Mansori

Three votes David: David, Plunkett, Soto

Ten votes Wu: Avalos-Nunez, He, Kong, Galeano, Juarez, Li, Mao, Marshall-Fricker, Matz, Wu

Commissioner Wu was elected as vice chair of the Youth Commission for 2015-2016.

Acting Chair Li then opened the floor for nominations for Legislative Affairs Officer.

Commissioner Soto, seconded by Commissioner Avalos-Nunez, nominated Commissioner Plunkett.

Commissioner Plunkett, seconded by Commissioner David, nominated Commissioner Juarez.

Commissioners Juarez and Plunkett accepted their nominations. They both gave brief explanations as to why they wanted to serve as LAO.

There was no public comment.

Staff then called a roll call vote:

Thirteen votes for Plunkett: Avalos-Nunez, Bernick, Calderon, David, He, Kong, Galeano, Juarez, Li, Mao, Plunkett, Soto, Wu

Three votes for Juarez: Mansori, Marshall-Fricker, Matz

Commissioner Plunkett was elected as Legislative Affairs Officer of the Youth Commission.

Acting Chair Li opened the floor for nominations for the two Media and Outreach Officer positions.

Commissioner Avalos-Nunez, seconded by David, nominated Commissioner Mansori.

Commissioner Mao, seconded by Commissioner David, nominated Commissioner Juarez.

Commissioner He nominated herself. She was seconded by Commissioner Wu.

Commissioner Galeano nominated herself. She was seconded by Commissioner Plunkett.

Commissioner Bernick nominated herself. She was seconded by Commissioner Kong.

Commissioners Juarez declined his nomination.

Commissioners Bernick, Galeano, He and Mansori accepted their nominations.

Staff then called a roll call vote:

Twelve votes for He: Avalos-Nunez, Bernick, David, He, Kong, Galeano, Li, Mao, Marshall-Fricker, Plunkett, Soto, Wu

Eleven votes for Mansori: Avalos-Nunez, Calderon, David, Kong, Juarez, Li, Mao, Mansori, Matz, Plunkett, Soto

Seven votes for Galeano: Calderon, He, Galeano, Juarez, Mansori, Matz, Wu

Two votes for Bernick: Marshall-Fricker, Bernick

There was no public comment.

Commissioner He and Commissioner Mansori were elected as Media and Outreach Officers for the Youth Commission 2015-2016.

6. Staff Report (Discussion Only)

Staff Adele Carpenter congratulated everyone on passing bylaws and being electing officers. Staff Monica Guzman reminded commissioners to submit all needed paperwork soon.

She also asked which commissioners might be interested in sitting on the Our Children Our Families (OCOF) council: Li, David, Mansori, Plunkett

She also asked if anyone would be interested in serving on the DCYF Youth Advisory Council (YAC):  Bernick, David, Mansori, He, Mao

Lastly, Staff Adele Carpenter asked what commissioners might be interested in assisting with voter registration:  Mao, Li, Soto, Plunkett, He, Wu, Matz, Juarez.

7. Announcements (This Includes Community Events)

Commissioner Mansori invited everyone to an HBCU college fair on Sept 19th at Mission High School.

8. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.