Legislations Referred

2023 - 2024

This is a list of legislations that were referred to the 2023-2024 Youth Commission from the Board of Supervisors chronologically starting from the most recent referred. 

REFERRED Date Origin & File no. Item Name Sponsor/Author/Presenter YC Action & Date
05/28/24 BOS File No. 240545 Charter Amendment - Accountability for Funding Children and Youth Services for City Departments and the Unified School District Melgar, Ronen, Walton, Stefani, Safai, Dorsey, Engardio  
05/28/24 BOS File No. 240548 Charter Amendment and Initiative Ordinance - Commission Reform Peskin  
05/28/24 BOS File No. 240550 Charter Amendment - Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund for Seniors and Families Peskin  
05/02/24 BOS File No. 240427 Hearing on the City's budgetary decisions regarding funding of essential City services that prioritize community safety and wellbeing, including community programs that prevent crime, provide family, youth, and TAY (Transition Age Youth) services, and support the City's immigrant and limited English Proficient residents; and requesting the Department of Children, Youth, and Their Families, Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development, Office of Economic and Workforce Development, and the City Administrator's Office of Civic Engagement and Immigrant Affairs to report. Chan Motioned to support BOS File 240427 - PASSED (05/06/24)
04/29/24 BOS File No. 240389 Hearing- Status of City Departments Handling Criminal Sexual Assaults and Sexual Harassment Allegations Ronen, Chan, Melgar, Stefani, Peskin, Safai, Walton, Preston, Mandelman, Dorsey, Engardio Motioned to have no position on BOS File 240389, with comments - PASSED (05/06/24)
04/10/24 BOS File No. 240319 Hearing - San Francisco's Continuum of Homeless Services, Supportive Housing, and Tenant Protection Services that Contribute to Community Safety  Chan Motioned to support BOS File 240310, with comments included - PASSED (04/15/24)
04/10/24 BOS File No. 240310 Resolution - Urging the MTA, SFCTA and PW to Identify High Risk Transit Stops and Crosswalk; and Urging DPH to Coordinate and Guide Efforts to Reduce Traffic Violence  Melgar, Peskin, Ronen, Chan Motioned to support a resolution urging the MTA, SFCTA, and PW to Identify High Risk Transit Stops and Crosswalk, and to Coordinate and Guide Efforts to Reduce Traffic Violence,with the amendment to include the comment that traffic violence is the second-highest risk of death for youth - PASSED (04/15/24)
03/27/24 BOS File No. 240244 [Hearing- Emergency Response Times and Quality of Engagement with School Sites] Hearing to examine concerning response time delays from departments providing emergency services and the quality of engagement with school sites following 911 emergencies, given prior incidents of threats to students' safety and wellbeing; and requesting the San Francisco Police Department, Department of Emergency Services, and San Francisco Unified School District to report. Ronen Motioned to approve BOS File 240244 - PASSED (04/01/24)
03/27/24 BOS File No. 240239 [Resolution urging Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing to Develop a Comprehensive Plan that Prioritizes Families with Children to Receive Shelter] Resolution urging the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing to prioritize families with children to receive shelter or hotel vouchers the same day that they arrive at an access point, to develop a comprehensive plan that focuses on children and families to prevent children from living on the streets and develop a multilingual, accessible public dashboard where families can monitor the waitlist and the progress of moving families into permanent housing. Safai, Ronen, Walton, Preston, Chan, Peskin Motioned to support BOS File 240239, with comments attached - PASSED (04/01/24)
03/15/24 BOS File No. 240211 [Umbrella Memorandum of Understanding- SFPUC SFUSD- Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Green Infrastructure] Resolution approving the Umbrella Memorandum of Understanding between the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) and the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD), and establishing a partnership framework for SFPUC’s installation and operation of various green infrastructure projects on SFUSD properties, with a total term of 40 years from June 1, 2024, through June 30, 2064, pursuant to Charter, Section 9.118. Melgar, Mandelman Motioned to support BOS File 240211 - PASSED (04/01/24)
03/15/24 BOS File No. 240144 [Hearing- Departmental Compliance- Language Access] Hearing to discuss departmental compliance with the City's Language Access Ordinance, including the review of the 2024 Language Access Summary Report from the Office of Civic Engagement and Immigrant Affairs, as well as File No. 230868 (Administrative, Campaign and Governmental Conduct CodesLanguage Access Ordinance), and requesting community organizations who provide language access to present feedback; and requesting the Office of Civic Engagement and Immigrant Affairs to report. Walton Motioned to support BOS File 240144, with comments and questions attached - PASSED (04/01/24)
03/08/24 BOS File No. 240175 [Administrative Code- Firearm and Ammunition Procurement] Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to set minimum qualifications for suppliers from which the City procures firearms and ammunition Stefani, Preston, Safai, Melgar Motioned to support BOS File 240175- Administrative Code- Firearm and Ammunition Procurement - PASSED (03/18/24)
01/17/24 BOS File No. 240030 [Hearing - Evaluation of SFUSD's Safety Procedures] Hearing to evaluate the lockdown and other safety procedures of the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD); and requesting the SFUSD to report. Stefani Motion to support BOS File No. 230030 - PASSED (01/22/24)
01/16/24 BOS File No. 240017 [Site for New Library Branch for Oceanview, Merced Heights, Ingleside, and Lakeview Neighborhoods]     Ordinance requiring the City to prioritize the City-owned parcel of land at 100 Orizaba Avenue (Block/Lot No. 7136/060) as a potential site for the new Public Library branch serving the Oceanview, Merced Heights, Ingleside, and Lakeview neighborhoods, subject to environmental review, required approvals, and other applicable laws; and requiring departments to prioritize the expenditure of City funds for a new Public Library branch at that location. Safai, Walton, Ronen, Preston

Motion 1: Motion to support BOS File No. 240017 with comments (Ansari, Faagau-Noa) - PASS with Alioto-Pier, Lonné Amir, and Barker Plummer in the dissent. (01/22/24)

Motion 2: Motion to have no recommendation with comments regarding the Youth Commission's support for a public library, safety pedestrians, and accessibility (Barker Plummer, Alioto-Pier) - FAIL with Wong, Adair, Wu, Ye, Cisneros, Listana, Fong, Stack Lozano, Dang, Faagau-Noa, Ansari, Perez, Lampkins, and Marroquin in dissent. (01/22/24)

12/06/23 BOS File No. 231224 [Housing Code - Tenant Enforcement of Habilitality Requirements] Ordinance amending the Housing Code to authorize occupants of residential dwelling units to sue to enforce the prohibition on substandard housing conditions. Melgar Motion to support BOS File No. 231224 - PASSED (01/08/24)
12/05/23 BOS File No. 231226 [Administrative Code - Homeward Bound Program for Individuals Experiencing or Formerly Experienced Homelessness] Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to establish a permanent Homeward Bound Program administered by the Human Services Agency and the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing for individuals experiencing homelessness or who have formerly experienced homelessness, such as individuals residing in permanent supportive housing, to receive paid travel and relocation support to a destination where the individual has someone to receive them. Safai Motion to support BOS File No. 231226 including comments regarding reporting data with youth and program outcomes - PASSED (01/08/24)
11/22/23 BOS File No. 231140 [Urging the Mayor and DHR to initiate Emergency Hiting Plan to Fill Behavioral Health Workforce Vacancies] Resolution urging the Mayor and Department of Human Resources (DHR) to initiate an emergency hiring plan with recruitment and retention incentives for behavioral healthcare workers to fill city employee vacancies and vacancies at city-contracted providers Ronen, Walton, Peskin, Preston, Melgar, Chan, Safai Motion to support BOS File 231140 [Urging the Mayor and DHR] to initiate Emergency Hiring Plan to Fill Behavioral Health Workforce Vacancies] - PASSED (12/04/23)
10/11/23 BOS File No. 231030 Hearing - Working Conditions for Women in the SFPD Melgar, Stefani Motioned to support BOS File 231030, with questions attached - PASSED (11/6/23)
10/10/23 BOS File No. 231017 Hearing - Declaration of Policy - Eighth Grade Algebra and SFUSD Math Curriculum Development Engardio, Safai, Melgar, Stefani, Dorsey Motioned to support BOS  File 231019 and BOS File 231017, along with the questions attached - PASSED (10/16/23)
10/10/23 BOS File No. 231019 Declaration of Policy - Eighth Grade Algebra and SFUSD Math Curriculum Development Engardio, Safai, Melgar, Stefani, Dorsey Motioned to support BOS  File 231019 and BOS File 231017, along with the questions attached - PASSED (10/16/23)
10/05/23 BOS File No. 230988 Planning Code - Cannabis Retail Uses Stefani Motioned to support BOS File 230988 - PASSED (10/16/23)
09/25/23 BOS File No. 230446 Planning and Subdivision Codes, Zoning Map - Housing Production Mayor, Engardio, Dorsey

Motioned to table Item 8 to the  October 16th, 2023 full Youth Commission meeting - PASSED (10/02/23)

Item 8A was tabled indefinitely due to continued changes to the legislation at the  Board of Supervisors meeting last week - PASSED During Approval of Agenda (10/16/23)

Motioned to table BOS File 230446 to the next full Youth Commission meeting on November 20, 2023 - PASSED (11/6/23)

Motion 1: Motion to support BOS File No. 230446 with the intention of adding comments later with the BOS takes action and amendments are finalized (Barker Plummer, Perez - 11/20/23)

Motion 2: Motion to table BOs File No. 230446 to the December 4, 2023 Full Youth Commission meeting, pending further amendments from the BOS (Fong, Adair) - PASSED with Barker Plummer in the dissent (11/20/23)

Motion to approve BOS File 230446 [Planning Code, Zoning Map - Housing Production] - PASSED with Alioto-Pier in the dissent (12/04/23)

2022 - 2023

REFERRED Date Origin & File no. Item Name Sponsor/Author/Presenter YC Action & Date
06/22/23 BOS File No. 230736 Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to prohibit firearm possession, with exceptions for designated concealed carry license holders, in childcare facilities, City property, election facilities, medical facilities, and private parks and playgrounds, and in places of worship and private commercial establishments unless the owner provides express consent.  Stefani Motioned to support this legislation - PASSED (07/17/23)
05/22/23 BOS File No. 230026 Planning, Subdivision, and Administrative Codes and Zoning Map-Family Housing Opportunity Special Use District Melgar, Engardio Full YC: Motioned to support BOS File No. 230026 - PASSED (06/05/23)
05/10/23 BOS File No. 230519  Hearing - Homeless and Supportive Housing's Strategic Plan Ronen, Mandelman

Full YC: Motioned to support the hearing with comments and questions added - PASSED (06/26/23)

Full YC: Motioned to table Item 9B - PASSED (06/05/23)

HRT Committee: Motion to forward to full Youth Commission with a positive recommendation and questions attached - PASSED (05/22/23)

04/24/23 BOS File No. 230420 Calling on the Mayor to Fund 2,000 New Shelter or Temporary Housing Placements Mandelman, Engardio

Full YC: Motioned to have no recommendation with all the comments from the Commissioners - PASSED (05/01/23) 

HRT Committee:       Motion to support this legislation with additional comments in regards to sweeps and long-term solutions for housing, and forwarding to the Full Commission - PASSED (04/24/23) 

 04/21/23 BOS File No. 230359  Hearing to consider objections to a report of assessment costs submitted by the Director of Public Works for inspection and/or repair of blighted properties ordered through the Accelerated Sidewalk Abatement Program, to be performed by said Director pursuant to Administrative Code, Chapter 80, the costs thereof having been paid for by the City and County out of a blight abatement fund; scheduled pursuant to Motion No. M23-062, approved on April 18, 2023.       HRT Committee: Motion to support the hearing with a recommendation of support and to refer this item to the Full Commission - PASSED (04/24/23) 
 03/30/23 BOS File No. 230328 Supporting California State Assembly Bill No. 912 (Jones-Sawyer) - The SAFE Act    Walton, Preston Mandelman Motioned to support legislation referred. - PASSED (04/03/23)  
 03/30/23 BOS File No. 230326  Resolution urging elected representatives, schools, and youth-serving institutions in San Francisco and other jurisdictions to protect transgender and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer (LGBQ+) youth and adults' lives and gender expression from hate and violence amid national legislation efforts to roll back transgender and LGBQ+ protections.   Full Board of Supervisors   Motioned to support legislation referred. - PASSED (04/03/23) 
03/30/23 BOS File No. 230313 Appropriation - General Reserve - Human Rights Commission - $50,000,000 - FY2022-2023 Walton, Preston, Ronen Item 7C tabled during the approval of the agenda. (07/17/23)
 03/28/23 BOS File No. 230280   General Plan - Environmental Justice Framework and General Plan Introduction     Motioned to send BOS File 230280 to the full Commission with no comment - PASSED (04/10/23) 
 03/28/23 BOS File No. 230308 Administrative Code - Safer Schools Sexual Assault Task Force Melgar, Chan  
03/28/23 BOS File No. 230332 Hearing - Human Trafficking in San Francisco 2021 Report Stefani Motioned to approve the referred legislation with response questions attached from the Transformative Justice Committee and newly added questions from the full Commission of “How will the demands be implemented?” and “How can the Youth Commission collaborate to achieve those goals?” - PASSED (07/17/23)
03/27/23 BOS File No. 230330 Hearing - Examining Resources and Safety Plans to Address Youth Safety and School Site Violence Melgar, Safai, Chan, Peskin The Youth Commission Civic Engagement and Education Committee heard this item in a joint hearing with the Board of Supervisor Youth, Young Adults, and Families Committee on April 27th, 2023 (MINUTES)
03/23/23 BOS File No. 230301 Hearing - Prop G "Student Success Fund" Implementation Plan Ronen The Youth Commission Civic Engagement and Education Committee heard this item in a joint hearing with the Board of Supervisor Youth, Young Adults, and Families Committee on April 27th, 2023 (MINUTES)
03/20/23 BOS File No. 230158-3 Ordinance appropriating $25,371,063 of General Fund General Reserves, $587,029 of other revenues, and $834,204 of special revenue fund balance to the Police Department; de-appropriating $31,999,402 from permanent salaries, mandatory fringe benefits, equipment, budgeted debt service, budgeted project expenditures, and overtime for increased overtime budget in the Police Department in Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2023 as required per Administrative Code, Section 3.17, required biweekly reporting to the Board of Supervisors on overtime by neighborhood, and releasing $7,430,008 from expenditure reserve; this Ordinance requires a two-thirds approval vote of all members of the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Charter Section 9.113(c). Stefani, Dorsey, Engardio, Mandelman, Safai Motioned to table indefinitely this referred legislation - PASSED (04/03/23)
01/30/23 BOS File No. 230056 Ordinance - Health Code - Overdose Prevention Programs Mayor, Ronen, Preston, Mandelman, Walton, Dorsey Motioned to support File No. 230056, with additional research on the proximity to schools or youth-centered spaces - PASSED (02/06/23, YC MEMO)
01/24/23 BOS File No. 230025 Ordinance - Administrative Code - Shared Spaces Program Mayor, Dorsey, Engardio Motioned to support File No. 230025, with the attached concerns and comments - PASSED (02/06/23, YC MEMO)
01/24/23 BOS File No. 230026 Ordinance - Planning Code, Zoning Map - Family Housing Opportunity Special Use District; Design Controls and Review Procedures Melgar Motioned to support File No. 230026 - PASSED (02/06/23)
01/05/23 BOS File No. 221290 Hearing - Family and Newcomer Family Homelessness for Students in SFUSD Ronen Motioned to support File No. 221290, with attached comments - PASSED (02/06/23, YC MEMO)
12/13/22 BOS File No. 221258 Hearing - Evictions in Permanent Supportive Housing Project-Based Sites Preston Motion to support File No. 221258 with the comments and positive recommendation - PASSED (12/19/22, YC MEMO)
12/06/22 BOS File No. 221220 Hearing - Sheriff's Department Staffing Levels Stefani Motion to support File No. 221220 with the comments and positive recommendation - PASSED (12/19/22, YC MEMO)
12/06/22 BOS File No. 221206 Creation of Programming and Services for Gun Violence Victims Chan; Walton, Preston Motion to support File No. 221206 with the comments and positive recommendation - PASSED (12/19/22, YC MEMO)
12/02/22 BOS File No. 220875 & 221202 Park Code - Upper Great Highway - Pilot Weekend and Holiday Vehicle Restrictions Mar The Full Youth Commission motioned to positively support both legislations and provided comments - PASSED (12/19/22, YC MEMO)
11/28/22 BOS File No. 221015 Hearing to discuss existing and future options for secured bike parking in San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) parking garages and transit stations, including but not limited to BART, Cal Train and interagency terminals; and requesting SFMTA, BART, Cal Train, Transbay Joint Powers Authority, and the San Francisco County Transportation Authority to report. Dorsey The Youth Commission Executive Committee motioned to support the hearing and provided comments and questions - PASSED (11/28/22, YC MEMO)
11/08/22 BOS File No. 220471 Response and Resources Available to Students Experiencing and Reporting Sexual Assault and/or Sexual Harassment at SFUSD Schools Melgar Full Commission Motion to Support - PASSED (10/24/22)
11/04/22 BOS File No. 221093 Proactive Citywide Trauma Response to Gun Violence Preston; Walton, Chan, Stefani TJ Motion to support the hearing and send remarks to the BOS Government Audit and Oversight Committee via Memo. - PASSED (11/14/22, YC MEMO)
11/04/22 BOS File No. 221083 Memorandum of Understanding - Metropolitan Transportation Commission and Bay Area Transit Operators - Next Generation Clipper® System Mayor; Ronen, Dorsey HLU Motion to support Legislative Referral No. 221083: SFMTA Next Generation Clipper, with language and recommendations attached. - PASSED (11/14/22, YC MEMO)
11/03/22 BOS File No. 221031 Intent to Establish Pacific Islander Cultural District Walton; Chan, Safai, Ronen, Preston, Melgar, Mandelman, Mar, Dorsey Full Commission Motion to Support - PASSED (11/07/22, YC MEMO)


BOS File No. 220954

Urging Responses from City Departments to Inform a Coordinated, Comprehensive and Sustained Plan to Address Drug-Related Harms and Incentivize Recovery - San Francisco Recovers

Dorsey; Mandelman, Stefani