
Tracking 2023-2024 Youth Commission Business

The Youth Commission typically takes action as a full body in 3 different ways: by responding to pending legislation proposed by the Board of Supervisors, by adopting resolutions advising the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors on issues related to San Francisco's children and youth, and by passing motions subsequent to presentations the Commission hears from community organizations and/or other City agencies. 

This regularly updated document tracks all 3 of these actions for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. 

(YC - "Youth Commission", Exec - "Executive", TJ - "Transformative Justice Committee", CEEC - "Civic Engagement and Education Committee", HRT - "Housing, Recreation, and Transit Committee")

Date Item Type Origin & File no. Item Name Sponsor/Author/Presenter YC Action & Date


YC Business


Election of the 2023 - 2024 Officers


Presenters: YC Staff

Elected Chair: Ewan Barker Plummer (Mayoral Commissioner)

Elected Vice-Chair: Gabbie Listana (D6 Commissioner)

Elected Legislative Affairs Officers: Jason Fong (D7 Commissioner), Allister Adair (D2 Commissioner)

Elected Communications and Outreach Officers: Kelly Wu (D3 Commissioner), Téa Lonné Amir (Mayoral Commissioner)

09/18/23 YC Business   2023-2024 Committee Assignments Presenters: YC Staff

Motioned to approve the 2023-2024 Youth Commission committee memberships - PASSED


09/27/23 Exec Business   Student Success Fund Advisory Council - Youth Seat Presenters: YC Staff

Motioned to recommend appointing Commissioner Imaan Ansari to the Student Success Fund Advisory Council - PASSED

09/27/23 Exec Business   City’s Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council - Youth Seat Presenters: YC Staff Motioned to recommend appointing Commissioner Galicia Stack Lozano to the City’s Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council - PASSED
10/02/23 YC Business - Presentation   Bay Pass Support Letter Presenter: Adina Levin, Advocacy Director - Seamless Bay Area Motioned to pass the Bay Pass Support Letter - PASSED
10/02/23 YC Business - Presentation   Expanding Housing Choice - Zoning Program Presenter: Reanna Tong, Senior Planner - Land Use and Community  Planning Team / Citywide Planning Division  
10/02/23 YC Business - Legislation Introduced PDF icon Resolution No. 2324-AL-01 Intersection Safety Improvements (First Reading)

Sponsor: Barker Plummer

Co-Sponsor: Listana, Adair

First reading, no action was taken. 
10/02/23 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File 230446 [Planning Code, Zoning Map - Housing Production] Ordinance Amending the Planning Code to Encourage Housing Production Presenter: Jonathan Goldberg, District 4 Legislative Aide Motioned to table Item 8 to the  October 16th, 2023 full Youth Commission meeting - PASSED
10/02/23 YC Business   City’s Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council - Commissioner Stack Lozano   Motioned to appoint Commissioner  Stack Lozano to the City’s Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council - PASSED
10/02/23 YC Business   Student Success Fund Advisory Council - Commissioner Ansari   Motioned to appoint Commissioner Ansari to the Student Success Fund Advisory Council - PASSED
10/13/23 CEEC Business   Election of 2023 - 2024 Civic Engagement and Education Committee Leadership Presenter: YC Staff

Elected Chair: Valentina Alioto-Pier (Mayoral Commissioner)

Elected Vice-Chair: Isabella T. Perez (Mayoral Commissioner)

10/16/23 YC Business   Human Trafficking Month / Teen Dating AV Month Joint Event Presenter: Taylor Stommel, Youth Domestic Violence Prevention Coordinator at Black Women Revolt Domestic Violence Motioned to co-host a future event in February 2024 and moved for the Youth Commission to recognize  February 2024 as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month - PASSED
10/16/23 YC Business PDF icon Motion No. 2324-AL-02 Board and Commissions Event with iGNiTE National Presenter: Alondra Esquivel Garcia, Director at SF Youth Commission Motioned to co-host and support the Board and Commissions Event with iGNiTE National - PASSED
10/16/23 YC Business PDF icon Resolution No. 2324-AL-01 Intersection Safety Improvements

Sponsor: Barker Plummer

Co-Sponsor: Listana, Adair

Motioned to pass Youth Commission Resolution 2324-AL-01 - PASSED
10/16/23 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 230988 Planning Code - Cannabis Retail Uses   Motioned to support BOS File 230988 - PASSED
10/16/23 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 231019 Declaration of Policy - Eighth Grade Algebra and SFUSD Math Curriculum Development   Motioned to support BOS  File 231019 and BOS File 231017, along with the questions attached - PASSED
10/16/23 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 231017 Hearing - Declaration of Policy - Eighth Grade Algebra and SFUSD Math Curriculum Development   Motioned to support BOS  File 231019 and BOS File 231017, along with the questions attached - PASSED
10/23/23 HRT Business   Election of 2023 - 2024 Housing, Recreation, and Transit Committee Leadership Presenter: YC Staff

Elected Chair: Imaan Ansari (D11 Commissioner)

Elected Vice-Chair: Jason Fong (D7 Commissioner)

10/23/23 TJ Business   Election of 2023 - 2024 Transformative Justice Committee Leadership Presenter: YC Staff

Elected Chair: Linda Ye (D4 Commissioner)

Elected Vice-Chair: Skylar Dang (D9 Commissioner)

11/01/23 Exec Business   2023 - 2024 Bylaws Presenter: YC Staff Motioned to move the bylaw amendments forward to the full Youth Commission with a positive recommendation - PASSED
11/06/23 YC Business   Resolution of Commendation - Recognition of 2023 Bay Area Youth Climate Summit Organizers Presenters: Lonné Amir, Barker Plummer Motioned to approve the resolution of commendation for the 2023 Bay Area Youth Climate Summit Organizers - PASSED
11/06/23 YC Business - Presentation   Evolve California  Presenter: Gillian Garaci, Campaign Organizer, Intern Manager  
11/06/23 YC Business - Presentation   City Budget Timeline and Youth Commission Historical Involvement Presenter: Frances Hsieh, District 1 Legislative Aide  
11/06/23 YC Business PDF icon Motion No. 2324-AL-03 Self-Defence Event with SHARP Presenter: Joy Zhan, Youth Development Specialist at SF Youth Commission  Motioned to co-sponsor a Self-Defense event with SHARP - PASSED
11/06/23 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File 231030 [Hearing - Working Conditions for Women in the SFPD] Hearing on the working conditions and accommodations for working women with children in the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD), including access to clean and adequate lactation resources and childcare; and requesting SFPD, Department of Human Resources, Department of Early Childhood, and Department on Status of Women to report.  Presenter: YC Staff  Motioned to support BOS File 231030, with questions attached - PASSED
11/06/23 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File 230446 [Planning Code, Zoning Map - Housing Production] Ordinance Amending the Planning Code Presenter: YC Staff  Motioned to table BOS File 230446 to the next full Youth Commission meeting on November 20, 2023 - PASSED
11/06/23 YC Business   Bylaws Amendments (First Reading) Presenter: YC Staff, Chair Barker Plummer, and Vice Chair Listana First reading, no action was taken. 
11/13/23 HRT Business - Presentation   No Turn on Red Proposals Presenter: Luke Bornheimer  
1/13/23 HRT Business - Presentation   Valencia Street Policy Proposal Presenter: Luke Bornheimer  
11/20/23 YC Business PDF icon Motion No. 2324-AL-11 Re-Implementation of the LGBTQ Task Force Sponsor(s): Listana, Barker Plummer, Stack Lozano Motion to reimplement the LGBTQ+ Task Force - PASSED
11/20/23 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 230446 [Planning and Subdivision Codes, Zoning Map - Housing Production]  

Motion 1: Motion to support BOS File No. 230446 with the intention of adding comments later with the BOS takes action and amendments are finalized (Barker Plummer, Perez)

Motion 2: Motion to table BOs File No. 230446 to the December 4, 2023 Full Youth commission meeting, pending further amendments from the BOS (Fong, Adair) - PASSED with Barker Plummer in the dissent.

11/20/23 YC Business   Bylaws - Second Reading Presenters: YC Staff, Chair Barker Plummer, Vice Chair Listana Motion to approve the amendments to the Youth Commission Bylaws - PASSED
11/27/23 HRT Business PDF icon Resolution No. 2324-AL-06 Valencia Street Protected Bike Lanes Sponsor(s): Ansari, Fong, Adair Motioned to approve the “Resolution urging SFMTA to replace center bike lanes on Valencia  St between 15th St and Cesar Chavez St. with curbside protected bike lanes to reduce traffic fatalities and increase public safety”, with language amendments - PASSED
11/27/23 HRT Business PDF icon Resolution No. 2324-AL-07 No Turn on Red Policy Sponsor(s): Fong, Wong Motioned to approve the "Resolution urging the Mayor and Board of Supervisors to urge the SFMTA Board of Directors to take immediate action on a No Turn on Red (NTOR) citywide policy in light of recent traffic incidents and ongoing safety concerns", with language and grammatical amendments - PASSED
11/27/23 HRT Business PDF icon Resolution No. 2324-AL-05 Free MUNI for All Youth Program Sponsor(s): Wong, Ansari, Fong Motioned to approve the "Resolution urging the Mayor, Board of Supervisors, and the SFMTA to prioritize and allocate permanent funding for the Free MUNI For All Youth (FMFAY) program, recognizing its vital role in fostering equitable access to transportation and supporting the education and social development of San Francisco's youth", with language amendments - PASSED
12/04/23 YC Business - Presentation PDF icon Motion No 2324-AL-04 Light Show Concerns at SF Botanical Gardens Presenters: Kathy Howard and Linda Shaffer, San Franciscans for Urban Nature Motion to approve the [Motion to Support Efforts - San Franciscans for Urban Nature (SFUN) advocacy to urge Golden Gate Park to not hold light shows], and urges the Gardens of Golden Gate Park to rescind their Request for Proposals (RFP) for holding light shows in either the San Francisco Botanical Garden, the Japanese Tea Garden, or the Conservatory of Flowers - FAILS with Adair, Ye, Listana, Fong, Dang, Alioto-Pier, Perez, Marroquin, Lonné Amir, and Barker Plummer in dissent.
12/04/23 YC Business - Presentation   Youth Commission History Presenter: Ken Khounsombath, Former Youth Commissioner  
12/04/23 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File 230446 [Planning Code, Zoning Map - Housing Production] Ordnance amending the Planning Code to encourage housing production Presenter: Aaron Starr, San Francisco Planning Motion to approve BOS File 230446 [Planning Code, Zoning Map - Housing Production] - PASSED with Alioto-Pier in the dissent
12/04/23 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File 231140 [Urging the Mayor and DHR to initiate Emergency Hiting Plan to Fill Behavioral Health Workforce Vacancies] Resolution urging the Mayor and Department of Human Resources (DHR) to initiate an emergency hiring plan with recruitment and retention incentives for behavioral healthcare workers to fill city employee vacancies and vacancies at city-contracted providers   Motion to support BOS File 231140 [Urging the Mayor and DHR] to initiate Emergency Hiring Plan to Fill Behavioral Health Workforce Vacancies] - PASSED
12/04/23 YC Business - Legislation Introduced PDF icon Resolution No. 2324-AL-06 Valencia Street Protected Bike Lanes Sponsor(s): Ansari, Fong, Wong First reading, no action was taken.
12/04/23 YC Business - Legislation Introduced PDF icon Resolution No. 2324-AL-07 No Turn on Red Policy Sponsor(s): Fong, Wong First reading, no action was taken.
12/04/23 YC Business - Legislation Introduced PDF icon Resolution No. 2324-AL-05 Free MUNI for All Youth Program Sponsor(s): Wong, Ansari, Fong First reading, no action was taken.
12/04/23 YC Business PDF icon Motion No. 2324-AL-08 Condemning recent reports of hate speech and violent incidents fueled by hate, and approving a statement from the Youth Commission entitled "Statement on Recent Hate-Speech Incidents and Violent Attacks"

Sponsor(s): Barker Plummer, Lonné Amir, Ansari

Co-Sponsor(s): Stack Lozano, Lampkins, Adair, Alioto-Pier, Wong, Listana, Marroquin

Motion to approve the Motion - Condemning recent reports of hate speech and violent incidents fueled by hate, and approving a statement from the Youth Commission entitled "Statement on Recent Hate-Speech Incidents and Violent Attacks" -PASSED
01/08/24 YC Business - Presentation   Vote16 Efforts Presenters: Youth Commission Civic Engagement and Education Committee  
01/08/24 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 231224 [Housing Code - Tenant Enforcement of Habilitality Requirements] Ordinance amending the Housing Code to authorize occupants of residential dwelling units to sue to enforce the prohibition on substandard housing conditions. Presenters: Commissioners Fong and Adair, Legislative Affairs Officers Motion to support BOS File No. 231224 - PASSED
01/08/24 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 231226 [Administrative Code - Homeward Bound Program for Individuals Experiencing or Formerly Experienced Homelessness] Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to establish a permanent Homeward Bound Program administered by the Human Services Agency and the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing for individuals experiencing homelessness or who have formerly experienced homelessness, such as individuals residing in permanent supportive housing, to receive paid travel and relocation support to a destination where the individual has someone to receive them. Presenters: Commissioners Fong and Adair, Legislative Affairs Officers Motion to support BOS File No. 231226 including comments regarding reporting data with youth and program outcomes - PASSED
01/08/24 YC Business PDF icon Resolution No. 2324-AL-06 Valencia Street Protected Bike Lanes Sponsor(s): Ansari, Fong, Wong Motion to support the resolution urging SFMTA to install curbside protected bike lanes or pedestrianize Valencia St., between 15th and Cesar Chavez St. to reduce traffic fatalities and increase public safety - PASSED
01/08/24 YC Business PDF icon Resolution No. 2324-AL-07 No Turn on Red Policy Sponsor(s): Fong, Wong Motion to support resolution - Urging the Mayor and Board of Supervisors to urge the SFMTA Board of Directors to take immediate action on a No Turn on Red (NTOR) citywide policy in light of recent incidents and ongoing safety concerns - PASSED with Commissioners Alioto-Pier and Perez in dissent.
01/08/24 YC Business PDF icon Resolution No. 2324-AL-05 Free MUNI for All Youth Program Sponsor(s): Wong, Ansari, Fong Motion to support the resolution urging the Mayor, Board of Supervisors, and the SFMTA to prioritize and allocate permanent funding for the Free MUNI for All Youth (FMFAY) program, recognizing its vital role in fostering equitable access to transportation and supporting the educational and social development of San Francisco's youth - PASSED
01/08/24 YC Business - Legislation Introduced PDF icon Resolution No. 2324-AL-10 Schools and Communities First Sponsor(s): Barker Plummer, Perez, Marroquin First reading, no action was taken.
01/08/24 YC Business - Legislation Introduced PDF icon Resolution No. 2324-AL-09 Recognition of February as Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month Sponsor(s): Ye and Dang First reading, no action was taken.
01/18/24 LGBTQ+ Task Force Business   Election of 2023 - 2024 LGBTQ+ Task Force Leadership Presenter: YC Staff

Elected Chair: Galicia Stack Lozano (D8 Commissioner)

Elected Vice-Chair: Valentina Alioto-Pier (Mayoral Commissioner)

01/22/24 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 240017 [Site for New Library Branch for Oceanview, Merced Heights, Ingleside, and Lakeview Neighborhoods]     Ordinance requiring the City to prioritize the City-owned parcel of land at 100 Orizaba Avenue (Block/Lot No. 7136/060) as a potential site for the new Public Library branch serving the Oceanview, Merced Heights, Ingleside, and Lakeview neighborhoods, subject to environmental review, required approvals, and other applicable laws; and requiring departments to prioritize the expenditure of City funds for a new Public Library branch at that location. Presenter: Jeff Buckley, District 11 Legislative Aide

Motion 1: Motion to support BOS File No. 240017 with comments (Ansari, Faagau-Noa) - PASS with Alioto-Pier, Lonné Amir, and Barker Plummer in the dissent.

Motion 2: Motion to have no recommendation with comments regarding the Youth Commission's support for a public library, safety pedestrians, and accessibility (Barker Plummer, Alioto-Pier) - FAIL with Wong, Adair, Wu, Ye, Cisneros, Listana, Fong, Stack Lozano, Dang, Faagau-Noa, Ansari, Perez, Lampkins, and Marroquin in dissent.

01/22/24 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 240030 [Hearing - Evaluation of SFUSD's Safety Procedures] Hearing to evaluate the lockdown and other safety procedures of the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD); and requesting the SFUSD to report. Presenter: Commissioners Fong and Adair, Legislative Affairs Officers, and Civic Engagement and Education Committee Motion to support BOS File No. 230030 - PASSED
01/22/24 YC Business PDF icon Resolution No. 2324-AL-10 Schools and Communities First Sponsor(s): Barker Plummer, Perez, Marroquin Motion to pass the resolution to support the mission of Schools and Communities First, including any grammatical amendments - PASSED
01/22/24 YC Business PDF icon Resolution No. 2324-AL-09 Recognition of February as Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month Sponsor(s): Ye and Dang Motion to pass the resolution in support of recognizing February 2024 as Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, including any grammatical amendments - PASSED
02/05/24 YC Business - Presentation   Draft Plan to Build the City’s Defense Against Sea Level Rise and Earthquakes Presenter: Brad Benson, Port of San Francisco  
02/12/24 HRT Business   2024 Budget and Policy Priorities Presenter: HRT Committee Motion to approve five budget and policy priorities and recommend to the full Youth Commission [(1) Free Muni for All Youth; (2) Improving Quality of Life on Transit; (3) Expand Access to Recreational Spaces; (4) Addressing Vision Zero; (5) Support for Unhoused Youth and TAY.] - PASSED
02/20/24 YC Business - Presentation   Budget - San Francisco Unified School District Presenter: SFUSD Executive Director of Business Services, Anna Marie Gordon  
02/20/24 YC Business - Presentation   Budget - San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority Presenter: Budget and Capital Finance Senior Manager, Rally Catapang  
02/26/24 HRT Business   2024 Budget and Policy Priorities Presenter: HRT Committee Motion to approve two budget and policy priorities and recommend to the full Youth Commission [(1) Address San Francisco's Housing Availability and Affordability Crisis; (2) Improving Climate Resilience] - PASSED
03/04/24 YC Business - Presentation   Budget - Department of Children, Youth, and their Families Presenter: Director Dr.Maria Su and SFO Heidi Burbage  
03/04/24 YC Business - Presentation   Budget - Recreation and Parks Department Presenter: Antonio Guerra, Director of Administration and Finance  
03/04/24 YC Business   Budget and Policy Priorities (BPP) - Vote16 Sponsor: Alioto-Pier Motion to approve the BPP - PASSED
03/04/24 YC Business   Budget and Policy Priorities (BPP) - Voter Registration Sponsor: Marroquin Motion to approve the BPP with the deletion of the image of "number of videos on phone" - PASSED
03/04/24 YC Business   Budget and Policy Priorities (BPP) - Provide Oversight and Needed Investments in School Safety Sponsor: Barker Plummer Motion to approve the BPP - PASSED
03/04/24 YC Business   Budget and Policy Priorities (BPP) - Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault in Schools Sponsor: Perez Motion to approve the BPP - PASSED
03/04/24 YC Business   Budget and Policy Priorities (BPP) - Reducing Weapon Access to Youth Sponsor(s): Ye and Lonné Amir Motion to approve the BPP with an edit to change to "January 2024" - PASSED
03/04/24 YC Business   Budget and Policy Priorities (BPP) - Urging San Francisco to Implement Fentanyl Overdose Reduction Sponsor(s): Dang, Ye, and Wu Motion to approve the BPP - PASSED
03/04/24 YC Business   Budget and Policy Priorities (BPP) - Uring the Mayor and Board of Supervisors to Combat Food and Nutritional Insecurity in San Francisco Sponsor: Listana Motion to approve the BPP with the amendments to move “This has caused the Tenderloin, ZIP code 94102, to have some of the highest rates of diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease hospitalizations in the city, which is double the average. This is a result of poverty, lack of affordable and nutritious food, and the Tenderloin being a food desert.” in front of “Additionally, the Tenderloin has no full-scale grocery stores…” - PASSED
03/04/24 YC Business   Budget and Policy Priorities (BPP) - Urging the Mayor and Board of Supervisors to Improve Language Access to Support for San Francisco Residents Sponsor: Listana Motion to approve the BPP - PASSED
03/04/24 YC Business   Budget and Policy Priorities (BPP) - Urging San Francisco to Take Drastic Action in Addressing the Environmental Effects in Bayview Hunter Point Sponsor: Faagau-Noa Motion to approve the BPP - PASSED
03/04/24 YC Business   Budget and Policy Priorities (BPP) - Climate Resilience Sponsor: Fong Motion to approve the BPP with amendments to add a second short-term recommendation “Routinely check all trees in light of many atmospheric rivers and with infinitely more to come, many trees have become compromised and we must reduce the risk of falling trees to prevent damage and loss of life. Developing a strategy between San Francisco Public Works and the Parks and Rec Department may be necessary to monitor at-risk trees. SF Rec and Parkdoes have an Urban Forestry unit that manages trees however they don’t have enough funding to adequately address them all. It costs millions of dollars to excavate fallen trees thus making it more fiscally responsible to be proactive than to react.”- PASSED
03/04/24 YC Business   Budget and Policy Priorities (BPP) - Address San Francisco's Housing Availability and Affordability Crisis Sponsor: Adair Motion to approve the BPP - PASSED
03/04/24 YC Business   Budget and Policy Priorities (BPP) - Homelessness Sponsor: Wong Motion to approve the BPP with the citation- PASSED
03/04/24 YC Business   Budget and Policy Priorities (BPP) - Make Free MUNI for All Youth Permanent Sponsor: Ansari Motion to approve the BPP - PASSED
03/04/24 YC Business   Budget and Policy Priorities (BPP) - Vision Zero Sponsor: Fong Motion to approve the BPP with amendments to change the recommendation “Increased integration of self-driving vehicles onto San Francisco streets will offer significant potential to improve road safety. Government data identifies driver behavior or error as a factor in 94% of crashes. By minimizing the margin for human error, autonomous vehicles stand as pivotal tools in the endeavor to lower traffic-related fatalities. These vehicles, through rigorous and extensive testing, continuously gather data that refines their operational efficiency. Equipped with sophisticated technologies such as cameras, radar, ultrasonic, and LIDAR sensors, self-driving cars possess the capability to perceive potential collisions and respond with a speed unattainable by human reflexes. Embracing and facilitating the advancement of autonomous driving technology represents a strategic move towards leveraging this transformative innovation for public safety.” into a paragraph in the body. - PASSED
03/04/24 YC Business   Budget and Policy Priorities (BPP) - Improve Quality of Life on Transit Sponsor(s): Ansari and Lampkins Motion to approve the BPP - PASSED
03/04/24 YC Business   Budget and Policy Priorities (BPP) - Expand Access to Youth Centered Recreation Spaces Sponsor: Ansari Motion to approve the BPP - PASSED
03/11/24 HRT Business - Presentation   SFMTA Active Communities Plan Presenter: Christine Osorio, SFMTA Transportation Planner  
03/11/24 HRT Business PDF icon Motion No. 2324-AL-12 Motion to Submit Public Comment in Support of Free MUNI for All Youth to the SFMTA Board of Directors Sponsor: Ansari, Fong, Wong, Adair, Cisneros, Lampkins Motion to submit public comment in support of Free Muni for All Youth to the SFMTA Board of Directors, with grammatical amendments, included adding language into the letter of support at the end of the first paragraph stating “The FMFAY program has transformed the lives of young people by expanding youth accessibility to public transit. It is a key policy and a profound leap to a more connected and inclusive San Francisco”, and including “MOVED, the San Francisco Youth Commission urges the SF Board of Supervisors and Mayor’s Office to urge the…” on the last line of the motion - PASSED
03/18/24 YC Business - Presentation   Budget - Juvenile Probation Department Presenter: Verónica Martinez, Deputy Director of Administrative Services  
03/18/24 YC Business - Presentation   Budget - San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing Presenters: Emily Cohen, Bryn Miller, and Christine Rolan  
03/18/24 YC Business - Presentation   Department of Public Health - Office of Overdose Prevention Presenters: Neva Legallet, Overdose Prevention Analyst, and Dr. Jeffrey Hong  
03/18/24 YC Business   2024/2025 Youth Commission Application and Recruitment Process Presenter: Youth Commission Staff

Motioned to approve the 2024/2025 Youth Commission Application and Recruitment Process, with the amendments to New Applicant Question 5 - Rescinded

Motioned to approve the 2024/2025 Youth Commission Application and Recruitment Process with two new amendments to New Applicant Question 5 - PASSED

03/18/24 YC Business PDF icon Motion No. 2324-AL-12 Urging the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to Continue the Promotion and Funding of the Free Muni for All Youth Program Sponsor(s): Ansari, Fong, Wong, Adair, Lampkins, Cisneros Motioned to support efforts urging the SFMTA to continue the promotion and funding of the FMFAY program - PASSED
03/18/24 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 240175 [Administrative Code- Firearm and Ammunition Procurement] Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to set minimum qualifications for suppliers from which the City procures firearms and ammunition Presenters: Commissioners Fong and Adair, Legislative Affairs Officers Motioned to support BOS File 240175- Administrative Code- Firearm and Ammunition Procurement - PASSED
03/25/24 TJ Business PDF icon Motion No. 2324-AL-14 SB 997 Letter of Support Sponsor: Ye Motion to support the Letter of Support for SB 997 and send it to the Full Commission with amendments - PASSED
03/25/24 TJ Business PDF icon Motion No. 2324-AL-13 SB 953 Letter of Support Sponsor: Ye Motion to support the Letter of Support for SB 953 and send it to the Full Commission with amendments - PASSED
04/01/24 YC Business PDF icon Motion No. 2324-AL-14 SB 997 Letter of Support Sponsor: Ye Motioned to urge the SF Board of Supervisors and SF Mayor London Breed to support Senate Bill 997 - PASSED
04/01/24 YC Business PDF icon Motion No. 2324-AL-13 SB 953 Letter of Support Sponsor: Ye Motioned to urge the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, and San Francisco Mayor London Breed to support Senate Bill 953, with a grammatical amendment to the supporting document - PASSED
04/01/24 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 240144 [Hearing- Departmental Compliance- Language Access] Hearing to discuss departmental compliance with the City's Language Access Ordinance, including the review of the 2024 Language Access Summary Report from the Office of Civic Engagement and Immigrant Affairs, as well as File No. 230868 (Administrative, Campaign and Governmental Conduct CodesLanguage Access Ordinance), and requesting community organizations who provide language access to present feedback; and requesting the Office of Civic Engagement and Immigrant Affairs to report. Presenters: Commissioners Fong and Adair, Legislative Affairs Officers Motioned to support BOS File 240144, with comments and questions attached - PASSED
04/01/24 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 240211 [Umbrella Memorandum of Understanding- SFPUCSFUSD- Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Green Infrastructure] Resolution approving the Umbrella Memorandum of Understanding between the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) and the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD), and establishing a partnership framework for SFPUC’s installation and operation of various green infrastructure projects on SFUSD properties, with a total term of 40 years from June 1, 2024, through June 30, 2064, pursuant to Charter, Section 9.118. Presenters: Commissioners Fong and Adair, Legislative Affairs Officers Motioned to support BOS File 240211 - PASSED
04/01/24 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 240239 [Resolution urging Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing to Develop a Comprehensive Plan that Prioritizes Families with Children to Receive Shelter] Resolution urging the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing to prioritize families with children to receive shelter or hotel vouchers the same day that they arrive at an access point, to develop a comprehensive plan that focuses on children and families to prevent children from living on the streets and develop a multilingual, accessible public dashboard where families can monitor the waitlist and the progress of moving families into permanent housing. Presenters: Commissioners Fong and Adair, Legislative Affairs Officers Motioned to support BOS File 240239, with comments attached - PASSED
04/01/24 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 240244 [Hearing- Emergency Response Times and Quality of Engagement with School Sites] Hearing to examine concerning response time delays from departments providing emergency services and the quality of engagement with school sites following 911 emergencies, given prior incidents of threats to students' safety and wellbeing; and requesting the San Francisco Police Department, Department of Emergency Services, and San Francisco Unified School District to report. Presenters: Commissioners Fong and Adair, Legislative Affairs Officers Motioned to approve BOS File 240244 - PASSED
04/15/24 YC Business PDF icon Motion No. 2324-AL-15  Motion to urge the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and San Francisco Mayor London Breed to support Senate Bill 1031  Sponsor: Ansari, Fong, Wong, Lampkins, Adair, Cisneros Motioned to approve the motion to urge the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and San Francisco Mayor London Breed to support Senate Bill 1031 - PASSED
04/15/24 YC Business PDF icon Motion No. 2324-AL-16 Support for Ending the California American Legion Ban on Girls Participation in the National Program  Sponsor: Barker Plummer Motioned to support ending the California American Legion Ban on Girls Participation in the National Program - PASSED with Fong, Dang, Alioto-Pier, and Perez in dissent
04/15/24 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 240310 Resolution - Urging the MTA, SFCTA and PW to Identify High Risk Transit Stops and Crosswalk; and Urging DPH to Coordinate and Guide Efforts to Reduce Traffic Violence  Presenters: Commissioners Fong and Adair, Legislative Affairs Officers Motioned to support a resolution urging the MTA, SFCTA, and PW to Identify High Risk Transit Stops and Crosswalk, and to Coordinate and Guide Efforts to Reduce Traffic Violence,with the amendment to include the comment that traffic violence is the second-highest risk of death for youth - PASSED
04/15/24 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 240319 Hearing - San Francisco's Continuum of Homeless Services, Supportive Housing, and Tenant Protection Services that Contribute to Community Safety  Presenters: Commissioners Fong and Adair, Legislative Affairs Officers Motioned to support BOS File 240310, with comments included - PASSED
04/22/24 HRT Business   Addressing West Portal Traffic Safety Changes Presenters: HRT Committee Motioned to support a resolution in support of West Portal Redesign - PASSED
05/06/24 YC Business PDF icon Resolution No. 2324-RC-01 Resolution of Commendation - Recognition of United Playaz Presenters: Ye, Dang Motioned to approve a Resolution of Commendation to recognize United Playaz for their work - PASSED
05/06/24 YC Business - Presentation   Bay Area Community Resources - Youth Funding Youth Ideas (YFYI) Presenters: Jayda Love, YFYI Youth Participant, and Zitlalli Ordonez, YFYI Program Coordinator  
05/06/24 YC Business - Presentation   Kindergarten to College Program Presenter: Celia Yu  
05/06/24 YC Business - Legislation Introduced PDF icon Resolution No. 2324-AL-17 Addressing West Portal Traffic Safety Changes Sponsors: Ansari, Fong, Wong, Adair, and Lampkins First reading, no action was taken.
05/06/24 YC Business PDF icon Motion No. 2324-AL-18 Support for AB 2591: Establishment of Local Youth Commissions Sponsors: Barker Plummer, Fong, Listana, Lonné Amir, Wu Motioned to approve Motion No. 2324-AL-18 - PASSED
05/06/24 YC Business PDF icon Motion No. 2324-AL-19 Support for AB 1858: Trauma-Informed Best Practices for Active Shooter Drills Sponsor: Barker Plummer Motioned to approve Resolution No. 2324-AL-19 - PASSED
05/06/24 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 240389 Hearing- Status of City Departments Handling Criminal Sexual Assaults and Sexual Harassment Allegations Presenters: Commissioners Fong and Adair, Legislative Affairs Officers Motioned to have no position on BOS File 240389, with comments - PASSED
05/06/24 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 240427 Hearing on the City's budgetary decisions regarding funding of essential City services that prioritize community safety and wellbeing, including community programs that prevent crime, provide family, youth, and TAY (Transition Age Youth) services, and support the City's immigrant and limited English Proficient residents; and requesting the Department of Children, Youth, and Their Families, Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development, Office of Economic and Workforce Development, and the City Administrator's Office of Civic Engagement and Immigrant Affairs to report. Presenters: Commissioners Fong and Adair, Legislative Affairs Officers Motioned to support BOS File 240427 - PASSED
05/20/24 YC Business PDF icon Resolution No. 2324-AL-17 Addressing West Portal Traffic Safety Changes Sponsors: Ansari, Fong, Wong, Adair, and Lampkins Motioned to approve Resolution No. 2324-AL-17 - PASSED
05/20/24 YC Business - Legislation Introduced PDF icon Resolution No. 2324-AL-20 DCYF 2024-2029 Cycle RFP Awards - Review and Amend Sponsor: Barker Plummer

Motion to suspend Article IX, Section C of the Bylaws - PASSED

Motioned to approve Resolution No. 2324-AL-20 - PASSED

05/20/24 YC Business

PDF icon Adrianna Faagau-Noa

PDF icon Isabella T. Perez

PDF icon Kelly Wu

PDF icon Téa Lonné Amir

Letters of Absence Presenters: Perez, Faagau-Noa, Lonné Amir, Wu Motioned to approve the Letters of Absence from  Commissioners Perez, Faagau-Noa, Lonné Amir, and Wu, with an amendment to Commissioner Faagau-Noa’s Letter of Absence - PASSED      
06/03/24 YC Business

PDF icon Valentina Alioto-Pier

PDF icon Joselyn Marroquin

Letters of Absence Presenters: Alioto-Pier, Marroquin Motioned to accept Commissioners’ Alioto-Pier and Marroquin’s Letters of Absence - PASSED
06/03/24 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 240547 Charter Amendment - Commission Reform Presenter: YC Staff Motioned to positively recommend BOS File No. 240547 - PASSED
06/03/24 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 240548 Charter Amendment and Initiative Ordinance - Commission Reform Presenter: YC Staff Motioned to pass BOS File No. 240548 with no recommendation, and with comments - PASSED
06/03/24 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 240550     Charter Amendment - Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund for Seniors and Families Presenter: YC Staff Motioned to positively recommend BOS File No. 240550, with comments regarding concerns about the lack of housing options for transitional-aged youth - PASSED
06/03/24 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 240545 Charter Amendment - Accountability for Funding Children and Youth Services for City Departments and the Unified School District Presenter: YC Staff Motioned to positively recommend BOS File No. 240545 - PASSED
06/03/24 YC Business - Legislation Referred BOS File No. 240564 Supporting California State Assembly Bill No. 1975 (Bonta) - Medi-Cal: Medically Supportive Food and Nutrition Interventions Presenter: Commission Skylar Dang, YC Staff Motioned to positively recommend BOS File No. 240564, with comments attached - PASSED