Statement in Support of File #052009 - Charter Amendment Anti Homicide Plan (James)

January 17, 2006

The Youth Commission unanimously supports file #052009,
Charter Amendment Anti Homicide Plan.

This amendment is critical in decreasing the number of homicides in San Francisco's high-risk communities. Last year alone San Francisco suffered from the highest homicide rate in ten years. This plan is vital in addressing this critical public health emergency of homicides, as the city's youth are dying at an alarming rate.

We believe this charter amendment would be effective in reducing the violence within communities facing the highest number of homicides as it supports hardest-hit communities with funds for assisting victim's families, creating jobs and providing job training, public education, conflict resolution, mediation, substance abuse treatment and mental health services.

The Youth Commission joins the effort to pass the Charter Amendment and believes that once passed, all communities will benefit from increased employment opportunities, stronger community connections and more comprehensive services.