Full Commission - February 21, 2012 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
February 21, 2012 (All day)

San Francisco Youth Commission
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
City Hall, Room 278

There will be public comment on each item.

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

Chair Leah LaCroix called the meeting to order at 5:17pm.

Commissioners present: Sarah Armstrong, Jonathan Baer, Javonte Holloway, Leah LaCroix, Hillary Liang, Lily Marshall-Fricker, Nicholas Persky, Mia Shackelford, Joyce Sun, and Happy (Huimin) Yang. Commissioners absent: Robin Bonner, Rachel Brodwin, Angel Carrion, Betty Huey, Mia Tu Mutch, and Rene Ontiveros. There was quorum. Staff present: Mario Yedidia, Phimy Truong.

2. Approval of Agenda (Action Item)

There was no public comment or discussion on this item.
Commissioner Shackelford, seconded by Commissioner Armstrong, moved to approve the agenda. This motion was approved unanimously by acclamation.

3. Approval of Minutes (Action Item)

A. Monday, February 6, 2012 (Document A)

There was no public comment or discussion on this item.

Commissioner Marshall-Fricker, seconded by Commissioner Liang, moved to approve the minutes to the full Youth Commission meeting of February 6, 2012. This motion was approved unanimously by acclamation.

4. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda (Discussion Only)

There was none.

5. Legislation Referred from the Board of Supervisors (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

There was none.

6. Presentations

A. Overview of Redistricting Task Force (Discussion Only)
Presenter: David Pilpel, Member, Redistricting Task Force
(Document B)

Mr. David Pilpel, a member of the Redistricting Task Force (RDTF), gave an overview of the criteria, data, and processes of redistricting Supervisorial boundaries in San Francisco. The RDTF was created in the summer of 2011 pursuant to the Charter, which requires that Supervisorial districts be comprised of areas with equal population. Given that the 2010 decennial census demonstrated that the current Supervisorial districts are not equal in population, the Redistricting Task Force was created. Mr. Pilpel urged Youth Commissioners to come to the meetings of the RDTF to offer youth perspectives on the RDTF’s work, as there is, currently, rather low youth participation. Mr. Pilpel made mention of his efforts to do more outreach to engage youth, but emphasized that as the official representatives of young people in City Hall, the Youth Commission was a prime place for the RDTF to seek feedback and, hopefully. Mr. Pilpel repeatedly stated that youth input is very important in the redistricting process.

Mr. Pilpel then provided Youth Commissioners with an example of the RDTF’s work, explaining that the RDTF is currently looking at the intersections where Districts One, Two, and Five meet. Mr. Pilpel also noted that District Six’s population has increased considerably since the 2000 census, while District Nine’s population has actually decreased; other districts changed by varying degrees. Mr. Pilpel went on to encourage Commissioners to look at the draft working map of current population in districts, which is available online at www.sfgov.org/rdtf, and to direct questions and concerns his way. Mr. Pilpel again underscored how important youth input is to the redistricting process, and he said he was very happy to present to the Youth Commission.

Commissioners asked clarifying questions about the RDTF.

Mr. Pilpel explained that the members of the RDTF are appointed by the Board of Supervisors, the Mayor, and Department of Elections. Information about all RDTF meetings is available on the www.sfgov.org/rdtf website, where audio recordings of the meetings are also available. Currently, the meetings are not broadcast on San Francisco Government Television. The Chartered deadline for the task force to come up with a redistricting plan is April 15, 2012. Mr. Pilpel explained that different communities move within the San Francisco to different areas, and that different ethnic groups are more concentrated in certain areas and other ethnic groups are more dispersed for a variety of reasons. San Francisco is a city that is more highly integrated than others; however, this makes it more difficult for different people in a community to mobilize in their respective districts.

Commissioner Holloway asked if redistricting affects school placements for students in San Francisco. Mr. Pilpel explained that the redistricting process does not directly affect the student assignment process.

Commissioner Marshall-Fricker asked Mr. Pilpel to look into having a meeting at Wallenberg High School. Chairwoman LaCroix thanked Mr. Pilpel for his time and presentation.

7. Youth Commission Business

A. [Second Reading] Resolution 1112—06—Urging Access to the Juvenile Justice Center’s Outdoor Recreation Areas (Discussion and Possible Action) (Document C)
Sponsors and Presenters: Commissioners Ontiveros, Carrion, Holloway

This item was tabled.

Chairwoman LaCroix stated that the members of the Youth Justice Committee had expressed a desire to wait for the second reading of this resolution.

B. [First Reading] Resolution 1112—07—Urging the Mayor and the Board to Prioritize Youth Employment During Business Negotiations (Discussion and Possible Action) (Document D)
Sponsors and Presenters: Commissioners Armstrong, Persky, Shackelford

Commissioner Armstrong, Chair of the Youth Employment Committee, gave some background information on how the committee started work on this resolution. Commissioner Armstrong noted that there was an updated copy of the resolution with track changes made on the margins, which Youth Commission staff Mario Yedidia and Phimy Truong were distributing to Commissioners and members of the public.

Commissioners Persky, Shackelford, and Armstrong then read the resolution into the public record.

Commissioner Baer asked a clarifying question about the ages of youth job seekers.
Commissioner Armstrong stated that the range of youth employment programs in San Francisco includes programs for 14 to 24 year old youth.

Public Comment:

Mr. David Pilpel shared his enthusiasm for the Youth Employment Committee’s work on this resolution. He suggested a few changes be made to the resolution, specifically on the use of the word “technical” on page 2, line 11, and the phrase, “so as to create” in the last resolve clause. He also asked committee members to be more explicit as to why the America’s Cup is the only major event with a youth involvement plan, and to look into adding an additional resolve clause to address this resolution to other departments such as the Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD).

C. [First Reading] Resolution 1112—08—Urging the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and the Mayor to Oppose California Governor Jerry Brown’s Proposed 2012-2013 Budget Proposal Which Would Raise the Bar for Cal Grant Financial Aid (Discussion and Possible Action) (Document E)
Sponsor and Presenter: Commissioner Sun

Commissioner Sun gave a brief introduction and then read the resolution into the public record.

Commissioners Baer asked clarifying questions as to whether or not the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors have taken a stance on this issue and if Commissioner Sun had looked into any action beyond the resolution.

Commissioner Sun stated that the resolution, if adopted, would be a statement that youth of San Francisco would be against Governor Brown’s budget proposal which would raise the requirements for Cal Grants.

Commissioner Baer suggested that Commissioner Sun change the phrase “students who are ignorant” to “students who are uninformed” on page 2, line 8 of the resolution.

Public Comment:
Mr. David Pilpel asked the Commission to look into whether or not City commissions can transmit questions to Governor Brown, and suggested that Commissioner Sun look into sending the resolution to the City’s State Legislation Committee, as this group regularly discusses the state’s budget and how it will affect the city of San Francisco.

Commissioners asked clarifying questions and made additional suggestions to the resolution, which included adding more statistical data into the resolution.

D. [First Reading] Resolution 1112-09—Urging the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor to Support the Middle Class Scholarship Act Proposed by Speaker John A. Perez of the California State Assembly (Discussion and Possible Action) (Document F)
Sponsor and Presenter: Commissioner Sun

Commissioner Sun gave a quick introduction on her interest to support the Middle Class Scholarship Act. Commissioner Sun then asked Commissioner Holloway to read the resolution into the public record, which he did.

Commissioners asked clarifying questions about the “out of state corporate loop hole” funding, and made suggestions to the wording of the resolution.

Public Comment:

Mr. David Pilpel thanked Commissioner Sun for her interest in higher education. He made suggestions to regarding the wording of the resolution and urged Commissioner Sun to bring this resolution to the State Legislation Committee.

E. 1112—M3—DATE CHANGE: Sponsoring a Community Youth Budget Town Hall/Training (Discussion and Possible Action) (Document G)
Sponsors and Presenters: Commissioners LaCroix, Yang, Brodwin, Tu Mutch, Bonner

Chairwoman LaCroix explained to commissioners that the Executive Committee spent a lot of time at their last committee meeting looking over the details of the Youth Budget Town Hall training. After much discussion, the Executive Committee had decided to move the date of the hearing from March 5, 2012 to April 2, 2012, to give the full commission more time to plan, conduct outreach, and prepare for the hearing. LaCroix then went over the draft outline and timeline to work on the youth budget town hall training.

Commissioner Yang invited all Commissioners to attend future Executive Committee meetings, as the town hall training will be a standing item on the agenda. The next meeting will take place on February 29, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.

Commissioners asked clarifying questions.

There was no public comment.

Commissioner LaCroix, seconded by Commissioner Marshall-Fricker, moved to approve the revised motion to sponsor the community youth budget town hall/training on April 2, 2012.

The revised motion to sponsor the community youth budget town hall/training on April 2, 2012 passed unanimously by the following roll call vote: Ayes (10): Armstrong, Baer, Holloway, LaCroix, Liang, Marshall-Fricker, Persky, Shackelford, Sun, and Yang.

8. Staff Report (Discussion Only)

Mario Yedidia, Director of the Youth Commission, updated commissioners on the work of the free MUNI for Youth Coalition, of which the Commission, by virtue of its being the first City and County entity to support the free MUNI proposal, was an active member. The coalition has identified some $19 million for a two year pilot program; the great majority of the funds do not come from the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s (SFMTA) budget. He explained that the SFMTA Board must, however, vote to (at least conditionally) support the administering of free MUNI for youth.

Commissioner LaCroix then urged her peers to reach out to their appointing Supervisors and the Mayor to urge SFMTA Director Ed Reskin to add free MUNI for youth as an item on the March 20, 2012 agenda of the SFMTA Board.

Mr. Yedidia then took down the names of commissioners who volunteered to reach out to their appointing officers. Commissioners Holloway, Baer, Persky, Shackelford, Yang, Liang, and LaCroix all volunteered to contact their supervisors.

Public Comment:

Mr. Pilpel encouraged commissioners to also talk with Tom Nolan and Cheryl Brinkman, Chair and Vice Chair of the MTA Board of Director, to calendar free MUNI for youth as an item on the March 20, 2012 agenda.

Mr. Yedidia continued staff report by noting the following important dates: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 (an opportunity to speak in support of free muni for youth at the MTA Board meeting); Wednesday, March 7, 2012 (the first ever joint Youth Commission and Police Commission hearing on youth and police interactions, which will most likely be calendared as a full Youth Commission meeting, given important to have the all commissioners at the hearing). Commissioners Shackelford, Armstrong, Persky, Marshall-Fricker, Yang, and LaCroix all said they would attend the joint hearing.

Mr. Yedidia also reminded Commissioners of Youth Advocacy Day, which will take place on March 15, 2012, and in which a number of Commissioners will be participating as leaders. He concluded by handing out copies of the 2012-2013 Youth Commission applications and applications for returning commissioners for distribution.

9. Committee Reports (Discussion Only)

A. Executive Committee; next meeting: Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 4:00pm-6:00pm, City Hall, room 345A

Commissioner Yang updated everyone on the priorities of the town hall meeting. LaCroix reminded commissioners to email Commissioner Tu Mutch their Media Public Relations contribution plan.

B. Youth Justice Committee; next meeting: Joint Hearing with Police Commission, Wednesday, March 7, 2012 6:00-8:00pm, City Hall, room 250

Commissioner Holloway gave a brief update on committee work, and encouraged everyone to join the committee at the upcoming joint hearing.

C. Youth Immigration Committee; next meeting: Wednesday, February 22, 2012, 3:30-5:00pm, City Hall, room 345

Commissioner Yang shared with commissioners that the committee will finally be meeting for the first time since December 2011 and encouraged everyone to join.

D. Youth City Services Committee (Housing, Transportation and Recreation); next meeting: Monday, March 12, 4:30-6:30pm, City Hall, room 345

Commissioner Baer shared with everyone that the committee is in the process of planning a hearing about TAY homelessness and housing, and will also be working on the free MUNI for youth campaign.

E. Youth Employment Committee; next meeting: Friday, February 24, 2012, 4:30pm City Hall, room 345

Commissioner Armstrong will be making changes to the resolution and invited everyone to join the committee at the next meeting.

F. Student Support, Health and Facilities Committee; next meeting: Monday, March 12, 2012 4:00-5:30pm, 555 Franklin St., 3rd Floor

G. Youth Advisory Council

Commissioner Shackelford and Persky shared that they have been working on the planning of Youth Advocacy Day.

10. Attendance Review (Action Item)

A. Commissioner Yang, Monday, January 9, 2012

Commissioner explained that she was tardy due to bus delays.

Commissioner Baer, seconded by Commissioner Shackelford, moved to authorize this absence. This motion was adopted unanimously by acclamation.

B. Commissioner Holloway, Monday, February 6, 2012

Commissioner Holloway explained that he was tardy and apologized.

Commissioner Shackelford, seconded by Commissioner Sun, moved to authorize this absence. This motion was adopted unanimously by acclamation.

C. Commissioner Yang, Monday, February 6, 2012

Commissioner Yang explained that she was absent due to a family emergency and had to be at home to help out her parents.

Commissioner Baer, seconded by Commissioner Persky, moved to authorize this absence. This motion was adopted unanimously by acclamation.

11. Announcements (This Includes Community Events)

Commissioner Shackelford shared with her peers that she would be working on resolution about AP fees and encouraged commissioners to join her if they were interested.

12. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 6:59 p.m.

Any materials distributed to the members of the Youth Commission within 72 hours of the meeting or after the agenda packet has been delivered to the members are available for inspection—along with minutes of previous Youth Commission meetings and all supplementary information—at the Youth Commission office during regular office hours (9am to 6pm, Monday—Friday). The Youth Commission office is located at:
City Hall, Room 345
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 554-6446, Fax: (415) 554-6140
Email: youthcom@sfgov.org

(Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code)
Government’s duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, councils and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct the people’s business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people’s review.
Sunshine Ordinance Task Force
City Hall, Room 244
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102‐4689
Phone: (415) 554‐7724, Fax: (415) 554‐5784
E‐mail: sotf@sfgov.org
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The ringing and use of cell phones, pagers, and similar sound‐producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. The Chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound‐producing electronic device.

In order to assist the City’s efforts to accommodate persons with severe allergies, environmental illnesses, multiple chemical sensitivity, or related disabilities, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical‐based products. Please help the City accommodate these individuals.

To obtain a disability‐related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to participate in the meeting, please contact Mario Yedidia, Youth Commission Director [phone: 415-554 6254; email: mario.yedidia@sfgov.org] at least 48 hours before the meeting, except for Monday meetings, for which the deadline is 4:00 p.m. the previous Friday.