Full Commission - December 17, 2012 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
December 17, 2012 (All day)

San Francisco Youth Commission
Monday, December 17, 2012
City Hall, Room 416
1. Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Pl.
San Francisco, CA 94102

There will be public comment on each item.

Mia Shackelford, Chair Nicholas Persky, Vice Chair, Paul Monge-Rodriguez, Co-Legislative Affairs Officer, Rachel Brodwin, Co-Legislative Affairs Officer, Vanessa Warri, Communications & Outreach Officer
Sarah Armstrong, Angel Carrion, Brian Chu, Kyron Covington, Ramon Gomez, Alex Guzman-Ramos, Christine Huynh, Lily Marshall-Fricker, Mia Tu Mutch, Vee Taumoepeau, Eric Wu, Ariel Yu

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

Chairwoman Mia Shackelford called the meeting to order at 5:16 p.m.

The roll was called. Commissioners present: Rachel Brodwin, Angel Carrion, Brian Chu, Kyron Covington, Ramon Gomez, Iris Alejandra Guzman-Ramos, Huynh, Marshall-Fricker, Monge-Rodriguez, Tu Mutch, Persky, Shackelford, Taumoepeau, Wu, and Yu. Commissioners absent: Sarah Armstrong, Vanessa Warri. Staff present: Phimy Truong.

There was quorum.

2. Approval of Agenda (Action Item)

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Chu, seconded by Commissioner Huynh, moved to approve the agenda. The agenda was approved by acclamation.

3. Approval of Minutes (Action Item)

A. December 3, 2012
(Document A)

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Taumoepeau, seconded by Commissioner Marshall-Fricker, moved to approve the minutes to the meeting of December 3, 2012. The minutes were approved by acclamation.

4. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda (Discussion Only)

There was no public comment.

5. Staff Report (Discussion Only)

The Youth Commission’s Coordinator of Youth Development and Administration, Phimy Truong, gave the staff report to commissioners. Ms. Truong informed commissioners that staff would be making the final decision on who to hire for the third staff position by close of business, Tuesday, December 18th, 2012. The expected start date for the third staff position would be Monday, January 7, 2013. Ms. Truong emphasized that the next 5 months of work for the third position would be critical, as the Youth Commission would have to advocate keeping the third position at the end of the fiscal year. Ms. Truong also reminded commissioners of the upcoming midyear retreat. Commissioners Persky, Monge-Rodriguez, Shackelford, Huynh, and Gomez all volunteered to help with planning the midyear retreat workshops. Ms. Truong also shared that the YC office would be closed for the holidays from Monday, December 24th, thru Tuesday, January 1, 2013. The office will be open on Wednesday, January 2, 2013. Commissioners asked clarifying questions.

6. Legislative Affairs Officers Report (Discussion Only)

Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez gave a quick update regarding the free MUNI for youth victory. Commissioners celebrated by thanking and congratulating each other for their hard work. Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez announced that the free MUNI for youth application was available on the school district’s website as well as at each public school. The Youth Commission would now be working on the education component, a private school outreach plan, and to help test 3-1-1 quality control.

There was no public comment.

7. Legislation Referred from the Board of Supervisors (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

There were none.

8. Presentations (Discussion and Possible Action)

A. Presentation and request for endorsement of the 5th Annual Know Justice Conference
Presenter: Nadiyah Shereff, Advocacy Coordinator, Center for Young Women’s Development
(Document B)

Nadiyah Shereff introduced herself to commissioners as the Advocacy Coordinator for the Center for Young Women’s Development (CYWD). Ms. Shereff provided some background information on her ten years of work with CYWD and her current role with the organization. On top of being the Advocacy Coordinator, Ms. Shereff also takes on policy work related to the juvenile justice system, facilitates training program for young women who were formerly incarcerated, and a program for parents. The CYWD is in its 5th year of hosting the annual Know Justice conference in San Francisco and would like the Youth Commission’s endorsement of the event. Ms. Shereff provided an overview of the Know Justice conference, which aims to educate youth on their rights. Some workshop topics include information on how to seal your records, how to construct a safe space for LGBTQ youth in their communities and schools, understanding your Miranda rights, and a workshop specifically for service providers to discuss strategies for dealing with trauma. The conference is set to take place on Wednesday, February 20, 2013 at the San Francisco Public Library’s main branch. Ms. Shereff urged the commission to endorse the event and help out with the event with outreach, leading a workshop, and/or attend the event.

Commissioners Carrion, Tu Mutch, Taumoepeau, and Covington asked clarifying questions.
Ms. Shereff explained that permission slips would be offered to students interested in attending the event, and a letter has already been sent to the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD). CWYD’s goal is to have at least 300 people in attendance. There is a planning committee taking place at CWYD, which is located at 832 Folsom St., Suite 700, and every Thursday from 4-5 p.m. Youth Commissioners were encouraged to attend and provide input.

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Carrion, seconded by Commissioner Guzman-Ramos, made a motion to endorse CWYD’s 5th Annual Know Justice conference. The motion to endorse the 5th Annual Know Justice conference was approved by acclamation.

Commissioners Carrion, Monge-Rodriguez, and Tu Mutch expressed interest in following up with Ms. Shereff and helping out with the conference.

9. Youth Commission Business (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

A. [First Reading] Resolution 1213-05 - Continuing Summer Jobs+
Sponsor and Presenter: Commissioners Armstrong, Covington, Huynh, Persky, Shackelford
(Document C)

Commissioner Huynh provided a brief introduction to the youth employment committee’s work on this resolution. Commissioners Persky and Shackelford then provided additional contextual information, as they had also worked on SF Summer Jobs+ during the 11-12 Youth Commission term. Commissioner Shackelford also explained that the committee had sent out a draft of the resolution to some city departments and youth employment service providers for feedback, and had been able to incorporate some of the feedback to the resolution.

Commissioners Huynh, Covington, Shackelford, and Persky then read the resolution into the public record.

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Yu thanked the youth employment committee for their work on the resolution. She then suggested that committee members be more specific and give examples of different types of service providers mentioned on page 3, lines 10-11. Commissioner Yu also noted that as the resolution urged for a thorough evaluation and presentation to the Youth Commission the fall after each Summer Jobs+ cycle, that the title should also reflect this specific request.

Commissioner Tu Mutch asked if committee members could explain how they incorporated youth service providers’ feedback into the resolution. Commissioner Shackelford explained that the committee had noted feedback mentioned during public comment at the November 5th full Youth Commission meeting, where there was a SF Summer Jobs+ update presentation; the committee had also emailed a draft of the resolution to various youth service providers and department staff for additional feedback. Committee members will be spending time going through additional feedback provided by community members and will incorporate recommendations as they see fit.

Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez suggested that committee members take into account feedback from the New Economic Rights for All (New ERA) youth participants from the last full commission meeting of December 3rd, 2012, and include language which encourages youth to open a savings accounts and financial literacy.

Commissioner Chu also recommended that committee members add clauses on page three that would clarify the connection with the Baltimore and Los Angeles Summer Jobs+ programs.

There being no further questions or discussion, Commissioner Huynh thanked her colleagues for their suggestions and feedback. The committee will take the feedback into account and hope to have a second reading at the next full commission meeting.

B. [First Reading] Resolution 1213-06 – Evaluating credit recovery programs at SFUSD
Sponsor and Presenter: Commissioners Brodwin, Chu, Yu.
(Document D)

Commissioner Chu started by providing his colleagues with some background information to the Education committee’s work in exploring the recent reports regarding the SFUSD’s achievement gap. After the full commission’s support of Supervisor Jane Kim’s legislation to appropriate funds for the SFUSD to help get severely off track students back on track, committee members met and worked with community advocates to support the appropriation. Commissioner Chu then expressed his gratitude for the collaboration with the Student Advisory Council coordinator, Judson Steele, and Student Advisory Council representative Kristen Sinclair on this resolution. SAC representative Sinclair plans on introducing this resolution to the SAC in January 2013.

Commissioners Chu, Yu, and Brodwin then took turns reading the resolution into the public record.

Public Comment

Allen Lu thanked commissioners for working on this issue.

Michelle Kong thanked commissioners their support of Supervisor Kim’s appropriation, and thanked the Education committee for working on a resolution to evaluate current credit recovery programs. Ms. Kong urged commissioners to think about how to encourage the outreach of credit recovery programs and to work on helping English language learners and their families.

There being no further public comment, commissioners then asked clarifying questions of the Education committee. Commissioner Shackelford asked committee members to clarify a clause on line 15, page 1, regarding the school district’s A-G requirements.

Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez urged committee members to demonstrate some inclusion of the challenges English language learners and students of color face in the school district and to provide equity inclusive language in the resolution.

C. [First Reading] Resolution 1213-07 – Prioritize funding from the Housing Trust Fund for TAY
Sponsor and Presenter: Commissioner Wu
(Document E)

Commissioner Wu provided an overview of his work on this resolution, starting with the results of the November 6th general election, more specifically – Proposition C, also known as the Housing Trust Fund. He then provided contextual information regarding the Youth Commission’s work on issues affecting transitional age youth, and stated that the resolution is in response to the need for more affordable housing options for TAY. Commissioner Wu also stated that his colleagues on the Housing, LGBTQ, and TAY issues committee would be added as authors of this resolution. He also urged his peers to provide thoughtful recommendations to his resolution, as he would make sure to consider them seriously.

Commissioners Wu, Guzman-Ramos, Taumoepeau, and Tu Mutch then took turns reading the resolution into the public record.

Public Comment

Allen Lu thanked Commissioner Wu for taking the lead on this resolution. He encouraged Commissioner Wu to reach out to other affordable housing advocates and community organizations and include their feedback.

Commissioners Chu, Yu, and Shackelford all commended Commissioner Wu for his work on such a strong resolution. They suggested that Commissioner Wu include a definition of TAY and provide more language around the urgency for TAY housing.

D. [First Reading] Resolution 1213-08 - Recognizing International day to end violence against sex workers
Sponsor and Presenter: Commissioner Tu Mutch
(Document F)

Commissioner Tu Mutch gave a thoughtful and personal introduction to her work in advocating and working to end violence against sex workers. She expressed that she was committed to this cause and shared that December 17th, 2012 was actually the International day to end violence against sex workers. Commissioner Tu Mutch also clarified that her definition of sex workers in the resolution is that of a consenting adult, age 18 and above. Commissioner Tu Mutch also expressed her intent to request that the commission adopt this resolution upon first reading tonight, as it was the actual day she was encouraging the commission to recognize.

Commissioner Tu Mutch then read the resolution into the public record.

Public Comment

Michelle Kong expressed her gratitude to Commissioner Tu Mutch’s work on this resolution. She expressed that it is important to recognize that sex workers are still working to make a living and trying to survive in this world.

Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez thanked Commissioner Tu Mutch for her work on this and expressed the importance to recognize the importance of eliminating the cycle of violence. Commissioner Brodwin asked Commissioner Tu Mutch to include a clause stating the definition of a sex worker in the resolution. Commissioners asked various clarifying questions.

Commissioner Tu Mutch clarified that she does not support human trafficking in this industry and people who are used without their consent in this industry. She clarified that she also does not support anyone under 18 working in the industry and would want to criminalize sex workers who are under the age of 18, and forced into the industry. Commissioner Tu Mutch expressed that her resolution seeks to recognize that there needs to be an end to violence against sex workers.

Chairwoman Shackelford then reminded her colleagues that Commissioner Tu Mutch is requesting to have this resolution be adopted upon first reading. She then laid out the format to do so, which is to get a motion to suspend the bylaws, then take any amendments to the resolution, and then vote on the resolution.

Commissioner Marshall-Fricker, seconded by Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez, moved to suspend the bylaws and consider this resolution after first reading. This motion was approved by the following roll call vote: Ayes (15) – Brodwin, Carrion, Chu, Covington, Gomez, Guzman-Ramos, Huynh, Marshall-Fricker, Monge-Rodriguez, Tu Mutch, Persky, Shackelford, Taumoepeau, Wu, and Yu.

Commissioner Tu Mutch then asked Chairwoman Shackelford for some time to work with her peers on adding new language to the resolution, before taking a final vote on it. Chairwoman Shackelford announced that she was going to table this item for a moment, and to move onto item 9E and return to this resolution after.

Commissioners returned to this item at 6:35 p.m.

Commissioner Marshall-Fricker, seconded by Commissioner Carrion, moved to amend the resolution by adding the definition of a sex worker to line three, page one of the resolution. This motion was approved by the following roll call vote: Ayes (15) – Brodwin, Carrion, Chu, Covington, Gomez, Guzman-Ramos, Huynh, Marshall-Fricker, Monge-Rodriguez, Tu Mutch, Persky, Shackelford, Taumoepeau, Wu, and Yu.

Commissioner Marshall-Fricker, seconded by Commissioner Guzman-Ramos, moved to adopt the resolution as amended. The resolution was adopted by acclamation.

Commissioner Tu Mutch thanked her colleagues for their support.

E. Election of Youth Commission Communications and Outreach Officer

Commissioner Shackelford explained that this item was brought to the Executive Committee by Commissioner Warri, who has requested to step down from this officer role as her new job conflicts with the committee meeting schedule. Commissioner Shackelford expressed her support for Commissioner Warri’s decision, as it is responsible to recognize what one can and cannot commit to while on the commission. She clarified that Commissioner Warri was still a Youth Commissioner and would start attending full meetings regularly when her work training period is over.

Commissioner Shackelford then explained that the commission will now elect a new Communications and Outreach officer. She reminded everyone of the process for electing an officer position: first there would be a nomination process and a time for commissioners to accept or decline nominations; then, each commissioner nominated would have 60 seconds to share their reasons for seeking the position; commissioners would have the opportunity to ask questions; and, finally commissioners would vote for the person they wish to elect to the position.

Commissioner Shackelford then asked staff to read out loud the job description of the Communications and Outreach officer, and took nominations.

Nominations for Communications and Outreach officer: Commissioner Persky nominated Commissioner Huynh.

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Marshall-Fricker expressed her support for Commissioner Persky’s nomination. There being no further nominations, Commissioner Huynh thanked Commissioner Persky for the nomination and expressed her interest in helping the commission with community outreach.

Commissioner Huynh was elected Communications and Outreach officer by the following roll call vote: (15 votes – Brodwin, Carrion, Chu, Covington, Gomez, Guzman-Ramos, Huynh, Marshall-Fricker, Monge-Rodriguez, Tu Mutch, Persky, Shackelford, Taumoepeau, Wu, and Yu).

10. Committee Reports (Discussion Only)

A. Executive Committee

Commissioner Persky gave an update on the last Bay Area-wide YC summit planning meeting. Commissioners have decided on Saturday, March 30, 2013 as the date of the summit. The next Bay Area-wide YC summit planning meeting will take place on January 18, 2013 at the Oakland Youth Commission’s office.

B. Education Committee

Commissioner Chu thanked his colleagues for their comments on the resolution. The Education committee will continue to work on their S.M.A.R.T. goals and priorities with the Student Advisory Council.

C. Employment Committee

Commissioner Huynh then provided some employment committee updates. Commissioner Shackelford spoke about her meeting with a staff from the Office of Economic, Workforce Development, who provided some feedback on committee work. The next committee meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 8, 2013.

D. Housing, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning, and Transitional age Youth Issues Committee

Commissioner Tu Mutch provided a brief update regarding committee priorities. Committee members have agreed to re-prioritize their S.M.A.R.T. goals for the upcoming months, and will be working on researching housing evictions and greening buildings. The next committee meeting will be on Monday, January 14, 2013.

E. Youth Justice Committee

Commissioner Carrion gave a detailed update on the following things: the committee has recently re-engaged SFPD Chief Suhr to follow up on Youth Commission recommendations; the committee received and will be reviewing a draft of the memorandum of understanding between the SFPD and SFUSD, which included feedback from community stakeholders and the Youth Commission; the committee will also be following up on work regarding the recreation yard at Juvenile Hall.

F. Youth Advisory Council

Commissioner Yu was not able to attend the last Youth Advisory Council meeting, and had no updates to share.

11. Attendance Review (Action Item)

A. Commissioner Brodwin, December 3, 2012

Commissioner Brodwin explained that she was terribly ill during this meeting and had to miss several days of school and commission meetings. She apologized and said she looked forward to being back in Youth Commission work soon.

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Carrion, seconded by Commissioner Monge-Rodriguez, moved to authorize this absence. This motion was approved unanimously by acclamation.

B. Commissioner Carrion, November 5, 2012

Commissioner Carrion explained that his mother was ill and he had to pick up his younger sister the evening of November 5, 2012.

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Tu Mutch, seconded by Commissioner Marshall-Fricker, moved to authorize this absence. This motion was approved unanimously by acclamation.

C. Commissioner Covington, December 3, 2012

Commissioner Covington expressed that he had family obligations and could not make the December 3rd meeting.

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Marshall-Fricker, seconded by Commissioner Brodwin, moved to authorize this absence. This motion was approved unanimously by acclamation.

12. Announcements (This Includes Community Events)

Commissioner Persky announced that he was working with Commissioners Monge-Rodriguez, Wu, and Covington on researching the deferred action policy and seeing what the commission can do around this policy in San Francisco. He shared that he will be working with the Student Advisory Council on this. He urged his peers to join if they had any additional recommendations and/or ideas.

Commissioner Tu Mutch announced that there was going to be a holiday party at the Eureka Valley Recreation Center next week. She urged commissioners to get in touch with her for more information.

13. Adjournment

There being no further business before the Commission, Chairwoman Shackelford adjourned the meeting at 6:58 p.m.

Any materials distributed to the members of the Youth Commission within 72 hours of the meeting or after the agenda packet has been delivered to the members are available for inspection—along with minutes of previous Youth Commission meetings and all supplementary information—at the Youth Commission office during regular office hours (9am to 6pm, Monday—Friday). The Youth Commission office is located at:
City Hall, Room 345
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 554-6446, Fax: (415) 554-6140
Email: youthcom@sfgov.org

(Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code)
Government’s duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, councils and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct the people’s business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people’s review.
Sunshine Ordinance Task Force
City Hall, Room 244
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102‐4689
Phone: (415) 554‐7724, Fax: (415) 554‐5784
E‐mail: sotf@sfgov.org
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In order to assist the City’s efforts to accommodate persons with severe allergies, environmental illnesses, multiple chemical sensitivity, or related disabilities, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical‐based products. Please help the City accommodate these individuals.

To obtain a disability‐related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to participate in the meeting, please contact Mario Yedidia, Youth Commission Director [phone: 415-554 6254; email: mario.yedidia@sfgov.org] at least 48 hours before the meeting, except for Monday meetings, for which the deadline is 4:00 p.m. the previous Friday.