Full Commission - May 21, 2012 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
May 21, 2012 (All day)

San Francisco Youth Commission
Monday, May 21, 2012
City Hall, Room 416
1. Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Pl.
San Francisco, CA 94102

There will be public comment on each item.

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

Chairwoman Leah LaCroix called the meeting to order at 5:17pm. Commissioners present: Jonathan Baer, Robin Bonner, Rachel Brodwin, Angel Carrion, Betty Huey, Javonte Holloway (arrived at 5:28pm), Leah LaCroix, Lily Marshall-Fricker, Rene Ontiveros, Nicholas Persky, Mia Shackelford, Happy (Huimin) Yang. Commissioners absent: Sarah Armstrong, Antonia Huneeus, Hillary Liang, Mia Tu Mutch, Joyce Sun. There was quorum. Staff present: Mario Yedidia, Phimy Truong.


2. Approval of Agenda (Action Item)

Before going into this item, Chairwoman LaCroix stated to everyone that there will be a presentation by Supervisor Carmen Chu today; and that she would be asking her peers and any presenters to respectfully give Supervisor Chu the floor when she arrives. With that, Chairwoman LaCroix called for public comment on approving the agenda.

There was no public comment or discussion on this item.

Commissioner Shackelford, seconded by Commissioner Brodwin, moved to approve the agenda. This motion was approved unanimously by acclamation.


3. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda (Discussion Only)

Julian Chang introduced himself as the President of the Juvenile Probation Commission and thanked the Youth Justice Committee members for their work on the recent public hearing at the Board of Supervisors’ Public Safety Committee. Mr. Chang saluted the whole Commission for their work to date, and offered to collaborate with commissioners in the future on juvenile justice issues.

4. Legislation Referred from the Board of Supervisors (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

A. File no. 120525 [General Obligation Bond Election - San Francisco Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks - $195,000,000]
Presenter: Staff, Recreation and Parks Department
Document A

Chairwoman LaCroix introduced this item by thanking and welcoming the Recreation and Parks Department for taking the time to come back to the Youth Commission to present on the San Francisco Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks bond proposal. She then laid out the format for this item, which is to start with the presentation from the department, after which Commissioners can discuss the item and ask questions to the presenters, then there will be time to hear from any members of the public who wishes to speak, and then have the Commission make a motion to either support, not support, or not take a position on this item.

Alex Randolph, Deputy Director of Community Government Affairs, thanked the Youth Commission for their time and reminded commissioners of the Recreation and Parks department presentation to the Youth Commission back in February. Mr. Randolph then introduced his colleague, Karen Mauney-Brodek, who is the Deputy Director of Park Planning and has been working closely on the SF Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks bond proposal.

Ms. Mauney-Bodek then went through a power point presentation, which detailed the need to improve and invest in the City’s parks, the City’s 10 year capital plan and how the bond would function within the parameters of the plan; reviewed the 2008 bond and shared how projects from that bond is going; and provided specific plans that were included in the 2012 bond proposal. The proposal was put together after a rigorous process of gathering community input and feedback. The SF Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks bond proposal was introduced at last Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors’ meeting. Ms. Mauney-Bodek stressed that there was over 1.5 billion dollars in capital need for the City’s parks, going over images of parks and facilities that needed to be restored; the goals and purpose of this bond was to help invest in the city’s open public spaces. If the bond proposal was approved by the voters in November 2012, potential city wide programs and projects would include work around playground safety and cleanliness, water conservation, habitat restoration, urban forestry, updating parks that have broken facilities, landscaping, and the continuation of the Community Opportunity Fund. Ms. Mauney-Bodek then gave an update on the status of projects that came out of the 2008 Recreation and Park bond, which was approved by 71.6% of SF voters. The 2008 bond allowed for the department to upgrade numerous parks and projects in SF; currently all projects from this bond are on or under budget. Attendance at parks increased as soon as renovations and upgrades were made to the space. Ms. Mauney-Bodek and Mr. Randolph thanked the commissioners for their time, and urged the commissioners to support this bond proposal.

Chairwoman LaCroix paused this item at 5:47pm to give Supervisor Carmen Chu the floor.

This item was resumed at 6:08pm. Commissioners Yang and Bonner asked clarifying questions about the bond proposal. Mr. Randolph and Ms. Mauney-Bodek explained that a bond, if approved by the voters, is money the city borrows from investors to fund projects that are included in the proposal. Bond dollars can only be used for physical improvements, and not to hire. Commissioner Ontiveros asked clarifying questions about the Community Opportunity Fund, whether or not dollars from the bond can go towards recreation access at the juvenile justice center, what the Supervisors’ role is in the language of the bond, and provided context about his current work on recreation access at juvenile justice center in the Youth Commission’s Youth Justice Committee.

Mr. Randolph stated that as the Community Opportunity Fund process is done through the bond, which, if approved, was set for projects on spaces that were publically available to all; and is designated for property that the department owns. This particular bond proposal has also been in the works for more than a year, with community input. Mr. Randolph recommended that for requests like these, it would be good for the Commission to be involved at the beginning of the process. Ms. Mauney-Bodek also shared that there are guidelines created by community members, for the Community Opportunity Fund process. Currently, the cap for a project is $250,000. Mr. Randolph shared that the next steps of the bond proposal include it being scheduled for a Board of Supervisors’ committee hearing, if the committee approved the proposal, it will go towards the Board of Supervisors’ meeting for approval; if approved, the bond proposal would then go on the ballot to the voters. The Supervisors have been involved in providing feedback since the beginning of the process, and it would be best for them to make amendments before the proposal was introduced.

Mario Yedidia, Director of the Youth Commission, clarified to Youth Commissioners that currently 10 members of the Board have already sponsored this version of the bond proposal. However, Supervisors have the power to still make amendments to change the language of the bond should they wish to do so. Chairwoman LaCroix reminded her colleagues of the Commission’s process of providing comment and recommendations to legislation referred; the Commission can take action to support, to not support, or to not take a position on this legislation.

There was no public comment on this item.

Commissioner Shackelford, seconded by Commissioner Brodwin, moved to support the Recreation and Parks Department’s San Francisco Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks bond proposal. This motion passed by the following roll call vote: Ayes (12) – Baer, Bonner, Brodwin, Carrion, Huey, Holloway, LaCroix, Marshall-Fricker, Ontiveros, Persky, Shackelford, and Yang.

Commissioner Ontiveros, seconded by Commissioner Baer, moved to add the following additional comments to the Youth Commission’s response to legislation referred: to urge the Board of Supervisors to prioritize finding capital dollars for youth at juvenile justice center to have access to the recreation yard. This motion passed by the following roll call vote: Ayes (12) – Baer, Bonner, Brodwin, Carrion, Huey, Holloway, LaCroix, Marshall-Fricker, Ontiveros, Persky, Shackelford, and Yang.

Commissioner Ontiveros, seconded by Commissioner Holloway, moved to add the following comments to the response to legislation referred: to urge the Board of Supervisors to prioritize finding operational dollars for staff to be at existing and new Recreation and Park facilities so they can be on site and facilitate activities and services for youth. This motion passed by the following roll call vote: Ayes (12) – Baer, Bonner, Brodwin, Carrion, Huey, Holloway, LaCroix, Marshall-Fricker, Ontiveros, Persky, Shackelford, and Yang.

Commissioner Persky, seconded by Commissioner LaCroix, moved to add to the Commission’s response to the legislation referred, to urge the Board of Supervisors to continue to and/or further prioritize underserved communities and their feedback during the bond proposal decision process. This motion passed by the following roll call vote: Ayes (12) – Baer, Bonner, Brodwin, Carrion, Huey, Holloway, LaCroix, Marshall-Fricker, Ontiveros, Persky, Shackelford, and Yang.

5. Legislative Report on Youth Commission Items Sent to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors (Discussion Only)

Mr. Yedidia provided the commission with a brief legislative update on Youth Commission business items. He thanked and commended Commissioners Armstrong, Baer, Brodwin, LaCroix, Ontiveros, Tu Mutch, and Yang for their work in presenting the Youth Commission’s budget and policy priorities at the Board’s Budget and Finance Committee meeting of Wednesday, May 16th. Mr. Yedidia then played a clip from SFGOVTV where Supervisor John Avalos spoke about the admirable work of this year’s Youth Commission. Mr. Yedidia thanked Commissioners Carrion, Huey, and Huneeus who attended the presentation to support their colleagues.

Mr. Yedidia then gave a brief update on the Board’s Public Safety Committee hearing on recreational access at Juvenile Hall on Thursday, May 17th. Supervisor Chiu was the primary sponsor of the hearing; Supervisors Avalos, Olague, and Mar were co sponsors. The Juvenile Probation Department did not come to the hearing with any specific numbers in their line item, and shared their current capital priorities which include improving facilities to be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act, a new fire notification system, security cameras, and other needs. Julian Chang, the President of the Juvenile Probation Commission and Ivan Wachter, Chair of the Juvenile Justice Commission attended the hearing. Mr. Yedidia shared that these were two bodies that have more power to provide oversight to the Juvenile Probation Department. Supervisor Avalos, Chair of the Public Safety Committee, did not close the file on this hearing; this means that this issue can be opened up again in the future.

6. Presentations (Discussion and Possible Action)

A. Remarks regarding the budget for fiscal years 2012-2013 and 2013-2014
Presenter: Honorable District 4 Supervisor Carmen Chu, Chair, Board of Supervisors’ Budget & Finance Committee

Chairwoman LaCroix welcomed the Honorable District 4 Supervisor Carmen Chu to the Youth Commission meeting. Supervisor Chu thanked the Youth Commission for their time, and commended the commissioners’ for their hard work seen at last Wednesday’s hearing on the Youth Commission’s budget and policy priorities. Supervisor Chu gave a brief overview of her role as the Chair of the Board of Supervisors’ Budget and Finance, and the process of balancing the City’s budget. Supervisor Chu shared her priorities with Commissioners, which include police staffing levels and the City’s Deferred Retirement Options Program (DROP), job training for adults, summer youth employment, how San Francisco’s children and senior services would be affected by the State’s budget, and how to balance San Francisco’s budget in a sustainable way.

Commissioners Baer, Shackelford, Carrion, Ontiveros, and Yang, asked clarifying questions. Chairwoman LaCroix thanked Supervisor Chu for her time. Supervisor Chu thanked the Youth Commission and shared that she looked forward to working with the Commission on all joint priorities.

B. Presentation and request to support the Tobacco Use Reduction Force’s (TURF) tobacco policy resolution by Youth Leadership Institute
Presenters: Catherine Judge, Programs Associate, Youth Leadership Institute and youth members of TURF
Document B

Catherine Judge, Programs Associate at the Youth Leadership Institute, introduced herself and the youth members of the Tobacco Use Reduction Force (TURF) to the Youth Commission. TURF members are youth advocates working on a tobacco control policy to create a healthier San Francisco. Members include Jesus Slcairos, Amanda Trescott, Brianna Hines, Janakaye Cruz, LeeAnn Crisman, Luisa Slcairos, Malaysia Sanders, and Richard Rodrigo. Members provided an overview of the scope of their work in reducing tobacco retailers. TURF members have been working on developing legislation to address the overwhelming number of tobacco retailers in low income communities-where there is a large population of people of color, youth, immigrants, and other marginalized populations. Their goal is to enact a policy that will limit the density of tobacco retailers and cap the number of tobacco retailers allowed to operate in San Francisco. This effort would reduce the disparity in tobacco exposure and decrease the perspective to youth that smoking is a social norm. The proposed legislation would also reduce the number of tobacco retail permits citywide, through attrition.

Commissioners Bonner, Ontiveros, Brodwin, Shackelford, Huey, Holloway, and LaCroix asked clarifying questions about TURF, the project’s goals, and specific request from the Youth Commission. TURF members asked for the Youth Commission’s public support of the TURF campaign.

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Ontiveros, seconded by Commissioner Holloway, moved to publically support the TURF campaign and help with outreach on the policy campaign. The motion passed by the following roll call vote: Ayes (10) – Baer, Bonner, Brodwin, Carrion, Holloway, LaCroix, Marshall-Fricker, Ontiveros, Persky, and Yang. Nays (2) – Huey, Shackelford.

Commissioner Ontiveros shared that he would be following up with TURF members. Chairwoman LaCroix thanked them for their presentation.

7. Youth Commission Business (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

A. Motion—06—Supporting and cosponsoring TAYSF’s SF4TAY resource website and launch event
Presenter and sponsor: Commissioner Rene Ontiveros
Document C

Commissioner LaCroix reminded her peers that this item had already been heard at the last full Youth Commission meeting, where Transitional Age Youth San Francisco young adult advocate, Jose Luis Mejia gave a presentation on the SF4TAY website.

Commissioner Ontiveros read the motion into the public record.

Commissioners Bonner and Brodwin expressed their support for TAYSF’s work on the SF4TAY resource website.

Public Comment:

Xiaofan Wu, a student at Lowell high school, spoke about how resourceful TAY SF’s current website is for her. She shared that it was very informative and would love to see the new resource website.

Commissioner Ontiveros, with a second by Commissioner Brodwin, moved to support the motion to support and co sponsor TAYSF’s SF4TAY resource website and launch event. This motion was approved by the following roll call vote: Ayes (12) – Baer, Bonner, Brodwin, Carrion, Huey, Holloway, LaCroix, Marshall-Fricker, Ontiveros, Persky, Shackelford, and Yang.

8. Staff Report (Discussion Only)

For this item, Mario Yedidia, Director of the Youth Commission, updated the commissioners on the status report of the free MUNI for low income youth campaign. Mr. Yedidia went over the figures of the 22 month pilot program, and explained the importance of securing approval of funds from different transportation bodies. Mr. Yedidia announced that there was going to be a final vote on $400, 000 for the pilot program at the San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA) meeting of Tuesday, May 22 at 11 am. Mr. Yedidia asked if any commissioners would be able to make this meeting to speak in public comment. Commissioners LaCroix and Ontiveros volunteered to attend this meeting. Mr. Yedidia then shared that there was going to be two important meetings in June at the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). He encouraged commissioners to attend these upcoming meetings.

9. Committee Reports (Discussion Only)

A. Executive Committee; next meeting: Wednesday, May 30, 2012, 4:00-6:00pm, City Hall, room 345A

Commissioner Yang shared with her peers that the Executive Committee were not able to meet last week due to the two Board of Supervisors’ committee hearings that commissioners participated in, as well as it being finals week.

B. Youth Justice Committee; next meeting: TBD

Commissioner Ontiveros and Carrion told their colleagues that they have been extremely busy with their current work with recreation access at juvenile hall. Ontiveros asked his committee members if they could schedule a time to meet before the next full Youth Commission meeting.

C. Youth Immigration Committee; next meeting TBD

Commissioner Yang explained that the committee has not had a chance to meet yet, and will look into setting up a meeting.

D. Youth City Services; next meeting: May 23, 2012

Commissioner Baer explained that he had originally started working on a resolution about the Recreation and Parks bond, but not sure where the direction will be given the discussion amongst commissioners after the Recreation and Parks presentation. He shared that the committee will be meeting soon.

E. Youth Employment Committee; next meeting TBD

Commissioner Persky shared that he attended the Summer Jobs+ resource fair recently.

F. Youth Advisory Council; next meeting TBD

Commissioner Persky updated his colleagues that the YAC had their last meeting of the year recently, and is done for the year.

10. Attendance Review (Action Item)

A. Monday, May 7, 2012
i. Commissioner Baer – Cannot be authorized

Commissioner Baer acknowledged that this absence cannot be authorized. He explained that he was tardy to this meeting, and apologized for it.

ii. Commissioner Brodwin – Cannot be authorized

Commissioner Brodwin acknowledged that this absence cannot be authorized. She shared with her peers that she had notified YC staff of her absence in advance. She was running for student body president and was swamped at school during this week.

iii. Commissioner Holloway

Commissioner Holloway apologized for being late to this absence. Commissioner Ontiveros, seconded by Commissioner Baer, moved to authorize this absence. This motion was approved unanimously by acclamation.

iv. Commissioner Huey

Commissioner Huey explained that she was in finals week at school, and was unable to make the meeting. Commissioner Holloway, seconded by Commissioner LaCroix, moved to authorize this absence. This motion was approved unanimously by acclamation.

v. Commissioner Huneeus

This item was tabled to the next meeting, as Commissioner Huneeus was not present at this meeting.

vi. Commissioner Liang

This item was tabled to the next meeting, as Commissioner Liang was not present at this meeting.

vii. Commissioner Ontiveros – Cannot be authorized

Commissioner Ontiveros acknowledged that this absence cannot be authorized, he explained that he was in a meeting with his appointing officer, and was unable to make it to this meeting on time.

viii. Commissioner Yang – Cannot be authorized

Commissioner Yang explained that she had AP exams every day and needed to focus on her studies. She apologized for missing the meeting and understood that this absence could not be authorized.

B. Monday, April 2, 2012
i. Commissioner Brodwin

Commissioner Brodwin explained that she was tardy to this meeting because she was on the phone with family members. Commissioner Shackelford, seconded by Commissioner LaCroix, moved to authorize this absence. This motion was approved unanimously by acclamation.

ii. Commissioner Liang

This item was tabled to the next meeting. Commissioner Liang was not present at this meeting to authorize her absence.

C. Monday, March 19, 2012

i. Commissioner Yang – Cannot be authorized

Commissioner Yang explained that she was really sick and was unable to attend the meeting.

11. Announcements (This Includes Community Events)

Commissioner Carrion announced that the Juvenile Advisory Council (JAC) was currently seeking youth to join the council. Youth who are interested and have experience in criminal justice and juvenile justice issues were strongly encouraged to apply. JAC members receive a payment of $25 an hour, but the work is not set to regular schedule. Carrion asked his colleagues to spread the word and to get in touch with him for more information.

12. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 8:02pm.

Any materials distributed to the members of the Youth Commission within 72 hours of the meeting or after the agenda packet has been delivered to the members are available for inspection—along with minutes of previous Youth Commission meetings and all supplementary information—at the Youth Commission office during regular office hours (9am to 6pm, Monday—Friday). The Youth Commission office is located at:
City Hall, Room 345
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 554-6446, Fax: (415) 554-6140
Email: youthcom@sfgov.org

(Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code)
Government’s duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, councils and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct the people’s business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people’s review.
Sunshine Ordinance Task Force
City Hall, Room 244
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102‐4689
Phone: (415) 554‐7724, Fax: (415) 554‐5784
E‐mail: sotf@sfgov.org
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The ringing and use of cell phones, pagers, and similar sound‐producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. The Chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound‐producing electronic device.

In order to assist the City’s efforts to accommodate persons with severe allergies, environmental illnesses, multiple chemical sensitivity, or related disabilities, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical‐based products. Please help the City accommodate these individuals.

To obtain a disability‐related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to participate in the meeting, please contact Mario Yedidia, Youth Commission Director [phone: 415-554 6254; email: mario.yedidia@sfgov.org] at least 48 hours before the meeting, except for Monday meetings, for which the deadline is 4:00 p.m. the previous Friday.