Full Commission - November 3, 2014 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
November 3, 2014 (All day)

San Francisco Youth Commission
Monday, November 3, 2014
City Hall, Room 416
1. Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Pl.
San Francisco, CA 94102

There will be public comment on each item.

Jillian Wu, Lily Marshall-Fricker, Rosa Chen, Emily Guo, Luis Avalos Nuñez, Precious Listana, Joyce Wu, Noah David, Alex Berliner, Joshua Cardenas, Michel Li, Anna Bernick, Sophie Edelhart, David Zheng

1. Call to Order and Roll Call for Attendance

The meeting was called to order at 5:19pm. .

Commissioners present: Jillian Wu, Emily Guo, Precious Listana, Alex Berliner, Anna Bernick, Sophie Edelhart, Michel Li, Noah David, David Zheng, Rosa Chen, and Lily Marshall-Fricker,

Commissioners absent: Avalos, Cardenas, and Joyce Wu; Commissioner Avalos noted present at 5:32 pm.

Staff present: Allen Lu, Adele Failes-Carpenter

Chair Li requested that the commission excuse Commissioner Joyce Wu from the November 3, 2014 meeting due to illness. Commissioner Bernick, seconded by Commissioner David, motioned to excuse the absence. There was no public comment. The motion passed unanimously by acclamation.

There was quorum.

2. Approval of Agenda (Action Item)

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Zheng, Seconded by commissioner Bernick, motioned to approve the agenda. The motion passed by acclamation

3. Approval of Minutes (Action Item)

A. October 20, 2014
(Document A)

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Zheng, Seconded by commissioner Jillian Wu, motioned to approve the minutes from October 20, 2014. The motion was unanimously approved by acclamation.

4. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda (Discussion Only)

There was none.

6. Presentations (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

A. Summary Report of Project Empowerment “The Audacity to Succeed”Presenter: Thomas Simpson, Executive and Artistic Director of AfroSolo

The chair called item 6 out of order to accommodate presenters.

Thomas Simpson introduced himself. He presented to the commission an overview of an event sponsored by the 2013-14 Youth Commission, “The Audacity to Succeed”.

He shared a brief history of how AfroSolo came about, and the origins and outcomes of the “Audacity to Succeed” event. AfroSolo produces art centered around the African American experience, as well as community needs. Mr. Simpson shared that the motivation behind “the Audacity to Succeed” event was an SFUSD report on African-American males academic achievement. The purpose of the event was to empower and inspire young black men and boys, to give them pride and hope in themselves and utilize this pride to make a positive life change. In conclusion, Mr Simpson shared the positive feedback from community members. He expressed his interest in continuing the event annually, with increased community participation as well as continued commission involvements.

Commissioner Bernick asked whether the AfroSolo events continue to coincide with Mr. Simpsons birthday. Mr. Simpson explained that the events are no longer intentionally scheduled to take place during his birthday.

Commissioner Berliner asked what type of support Mr. Simpson would like from the Youth Commission for upcoming events. Mr. Simpson explained that he would like support with event planning and outreach.

Chair Li asked whether Mr. Simpson will come back to the YC for a formal endorsement of an event. Mr. Simpson explained that he will return to the Youth Commission for a request for support once the event details have been formalized.

Director Failes-Carpenter asked for a show of hands from commissioners who were interested in assisting AfroSolo with future event planning. Commissioners Avalos, Berliner, Bernick, Li, and Listana expressed interested in future event planning.

There was no public comment on this item.

5. Legislation Referred from the Board of Supervisors (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

A. [BOS File No. 141024] Police Code – Fair Scheduling and Treatment of Formula Retail Employees
Sponsors: Chiu, Mar
Presenter: Nickolas Pagoulatos, Legislative Aide, Supervisor Eric Mar
(Documents B and C)

The chair then returned to item 5 and resumed the normal order of the agenda.

Director Failes-Carpenter explained that listed presenter, Nickolas Pagoulatos, was unable to attend the full YC meeting and that commission staff Allen Lu will presented on item 5A.

Mr. Lu stated the legislation was drafted by Supervisor Chiu to address the need for more predictability in employee scheduling for residents and families. City residents shared their stories with supervisor Chiu’s office as well as business and retail advocates, which prompted the supervisor to draft the legislation. Scheduling practices are primarily based on sales patterns and not employee schedules. And these scheduling irregularities often cause conflicts for employees. Additionally, it results in an unpredictable in pay. Mr. Lu explained that the legislation would apply to 1250 formula retail establishments from restaurants to hotels and banks. Mr. Lu shared that the law is expected to affect 35,000 residents.

Ms. Failes-Carpenter provided commissioner with a clarifying definition of formula retail establishments which are businesses with more than 11 locations in the United States.

Chair Li invited commissioner to ask clarifying questions and discussion on the legislation.

Avalos expressed concern with the legislation, particularly the definition of formula retail establishments. He asked whether the legislation will have an adverse effect on employees; if an employer would not hire or lay off an employee so they no longer fall under the umbrella of a formula retail establishment. Failes-Carpenter explained that a formula retail is a category with broad application in city legislation, including planning approvals and labor standards.

Commissioner Edelhart asked whether the on-call payment provision is considered within their bi-weekly schedule framework.

Mr. Lu explained that the biweekly schedule does in fact apply to employees scheduled for on-call hours. Additionally, Mr. Lu read the text of the legislation that with the on-call compensation provision (page 7).

Director Failes-Carpenter clarified the difference between on-call pay and predictability pay written in the legislation. She read that the legislation calls for employers to produce a two week work schedule for their employees. If changes are made less and 7 days in advance, the employer is required to compensate the employee for said changes. In addition, the legislation calls for on-call employees to be compensated for the time they are on-call.

Commissioner Avalos expressed concern in how employers would react to the legislation and prop J, a ballot measure that seeks to gradually increase the minimum wage to $15 by 2015. the minimum wage ordinance. Ms. Failes-Carpenter noted his concern and stated that staff can forward it to the sponsoring legislators for their consideration.

Chair Li invited commission to consider a motion on the legislation.

Commissioner Edelhart, seconded by commissioner Bernick, made a motion of general support.

Commissioner Avalos motioned that the agency charged with the implementation and enforcement of the legislation conduct study on the impacts of the legislation with Proposition J. The motion was seconded by Commissioner David.

Commissioner Edelhart expressed hesitation regarding Commissioner Avalos’ motion, and the lack of correlation in the two pieces of legislation.

Commissioner Berliner expressed her interested in seeing the correlation between a wage increases through proposition J and the fair scheduling legislation.

Commissioner Avalos made substituted his previous motion to state that the office of Labor Standards and Enforcement (OLSE) collect additional data on TAY youth aged 18 to 24, and youth 14-18. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Berliner. There was no public comment on the motion. The motion passed unanimously by acclamation.

Chair Li revisited Commissioner Edelhart’s motion of general support for the legislation. There was no public comment on this motion. The motion passed unanimously by acclamation.

There was no public comment on this item

7. Youth Commission Business (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

A. Presentation and request for support of the Youth Commission’s Communications and Outreach Officers 2014-15 outreach plan (Second reading)
Presenters: Commissioner Listana; Commissioner Zheng; Allen Lu, Coordinator of Community Outreach and Civic Engagement
(Document D)

Commissioner Listana prefaced the presentation explaining that the commissioners’ feedback from last meeting had since been incorporated into the outreach plan. Commissioners Listana and Zheng then proceeded to review the revised outreach goals for the 2014-15 Youth Commission.

Chair Li invited commissioners to ask calcifying questions. There were none.

Commissioner Marshall-Fricker, seconded by commissioner Bernick. motioned to approve the 2014-15 outreach plan. The motion passed unanimously by acclamation.

There was no public comment on this item.

B. Policy Research Tutorial
Presenter: Youth Commission Staff
(Document E)

Commission Director Adele Failes-Carpenter expressed that commission staff and are presenting this item as a tool for commissioner before they write legislation, resolutions.

She then went through the PowerPoint slides, the first addressing how commissioners can evaluate what they know about the issue, what is already being tried, who is already working on these issues, and who is most directly impacted by the policy.

She then reviewed the type of information commissioners would like to find: qualitative and quantitative data and primary and secondary sources.

She underscored the resource the San Francisco Public Library has to offer, particularly the online database, and reference and teen librarians. Adele suggested a list of databases and journals commissioners can utilize. She also suggested Google scholar search functions, and invited commissioners to ask YC staff for help learning the database. She provided commissioners with search terms and tricks to assist in the research processes.

Other non-library websites such as youthvote student survey, census website, and the SFUSD were also mentions.

Within the Board of Supervisors website, there is a legislative research center where people can search the action and legislations taken by the BOS. Also commissions and boards are also legally required to post their agendas and minutes. SFGOV tv.

Utilize research constructed by city entities such as the Budget and Legislative analyst, Civil grand jury, and city attorney as well as reports by non-city entities such as advocacy organizations.

There was no public comment on this item.

8. Committee Reports (Discussion Only)

A. Executive Committee
Vice chair Edelhart reminded commissioners of one on one check-ins. Also Commissioner Marshall Fricker will be the youth Commission rep on the Youth Advisory Council.

B. Housing, Environment, and City Services Committee
Committee Chair Chen reviewed the work done by her committee to date.

C. Immigration and Employment Committee
Committee vice chair Emily Guo gave overview of committee work done to date.

D. Youth Justice Committee
Committee chair Berliner shared her committee had received a presentation from Office of Citizen Complaints. On Tuesday, November 4, 2014, commissioners and staff are meeting with project WHAT in City Hall room 278.

Jillian Wu provided commissioner with an overview of the past YAC meeting. The next meeting will be Thursday, November 13, 2014.

There was no public comment on this item

9. Staff Report (Discussion Only)

Adele passed around thank you cards for commissioner to sign for all those who helped the YC with fall retreat. She reminded commissioner to reach out their appointing officers, and schedule those meeting.

Staff Allen Lu passed around a memo from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors office on incompatible activities during election season.

Mr. Lu mentioned that the Vietnamese Youth Development Center has requested government 101 training from the Youth Commission. Commissioners Avalos, Berliner, Edelhart, and Li expressed interest in facilitating the presentation.

Intern Leah LaCroix informed commissioners of an open youth seat on the SFMTA’s Balboa Park Citizens Advisory Committee.

There was no public comment on this item.

10. Announcements (This Includes Community Events)

Commissioner David invited commissioners to his Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, November 8, 2014 at 10:30am.

Commissioner Jillian Wu invited commission to the Youth Empowerment Fund mini-grant workshop. 22nd and market

Commissioner Berliner mentioned that she will be speaking at event at Impact HUB Oakland, and invited commissioners to attend.

There was no public comment on this item.

11. Adjournment

Chair Li adjourned the meeting at 7pm