Executive Commission - September 12, 2012 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
September 12, 2012 (All day)

San Francisco Youth Commission
Executive Committee
Wednesday, September 12th, 2012
5:00-7:00 p.m.
City Hall, Room 345
1. Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Pl.
San Francisco, CA 94102

There will be public comment on each item.

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 5:04 pm. Commissioners present: Rachel Brodwin, Nicholas Persky, Mia Shackelford, Vanessa Warri. Commissioner absent: Paul Monge-Rodriguez. Staff present: Mario Yedidia, Phimy Truong. There was quorum.


2. Approval of Agenda (Action Item)

Commissioner Shackelford, seconded by Commissioner Brodwin, moved to approve the agenda. This motion was approved unanimously by acclamation.

3. Approval of Minutes (Action Item)

A. May 30, 2012

Commissioner Brodwin, seconded by Commissioner Warri, moved to approve the minutes to the Executive Committee meeting of May 30, 2012. This motion was approved unanimously by acclamation.

4. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda (Discussion Only)

There were none.

5. Business (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

A. Check In

Each commissioner shared one “rose” – good news, and one “thorn” – bad news, about their week.

B. Committee Goals

Commissioners discussed at length their goals and vision for the 2012-2013 Executive Committee and came up with the following list:

2012-2013 Executive Committee Goals (from the “big picture” to “mechanics” and “other stuff””)

• At the end of this year, a successful EC will have been accountable to the entire YC; to help ensure this:
o ECers should do everything possible to explain officer roles and duties to non-ECer YCers and non-ECer YCers should be able to regularly assess ECers (develop an assessment form)
• Individual ECers will model how to be a productive YCer at full YC meetings – i.e., how to prepare for a meeting, how to participate in discussion
• EC should do everything possible to communicate its work with the full YC
o Each ECer should run point on the issue-based committee in which she/he is a member – regularly agendize committee updates at EC meetings and vice-versa at issue-based committee meetings
o Non-ECer YCer attendance and participation at EC meetings should be encouraged
o At full YC meetings, Legislative Affairs Officers should present a standing item called “legislative update from BOS”
• On making full YC agendas: Build in a structure on full YC agendas for non-EC officer YCers to suggest presentations on particular issues, City departments, CBO’s (maybe we should provide them with choices);
o Develop a suggestion form and present it at each full YC meeting (Nicholas Persky will do this for the next full YC meeting of 9/17)
o In general, EC must think ahead when requesting presentations (i.e., waiting until a Wednesday night EC meeting to decide who to invite to a Monday full YC meeting is not a good strategy)
• EC should prioritize and amplify the voices of those youth communities who have the least power in City Hall; to help ensure this:
o Communications & Outreach Officer should undertake a robust plan of outreach in both the school and CBO communities – non-EC YCer Christine Huynh will be asked to help Communications and Outreach Officer Vanessa Warri on this issue (Christine will focus on schools, Vanessa on CBOs)
o The San Francisco Youth of the Year Award has the potential to be a fantastic tool in doing outreach during the fall of 2012
o Our goal is to fill the YC hearing room with youth on a regular basis
• EC must build camaraderie and community of full YC and keep the energy up at full YC meetings (snack time? recess? breaks? energizers? shake-it-outs?)
• Youth Advocate Award for BOS members (see Paul Monge-Rodriguez’s suggestion): Rachel Brodwin and Paul will prepare the form language for this resolution; important that this not be too political

C. Setting the agenda for full Youth Commission meeting of September 17, 2012

The Executive Committee reviewed, discussed, and set appropriate time limits to each item on the proposed agenda for the full Youth Commission meeting of September 17, 2012. Committee members agreed to agendize the following items—in addition to standing items including adopt of minutes to the Special Inaugural meeting, staff report, committee reports: a presentation on the Department of Children, Youth, and their Families and the Youth Empowerment Fund, a presentation on Youth Commission Legislative Affairs, a resolution on following through on free youth transportation, a resolution on establishing the SF Youth of the Year Awards, a resolution on supporting Commissioner Brodwin’s Education Reform Conference, an adoption of the technically revised 2012-2013 Youth Commission Bylaws, and an agenda feedback and suggestion form, to be distributed to all Youth Commissioners.

Commissioner Warri, seconded by Commissioner Brodwin, moved to approve the set agenda to the full Youth Commission meeting of September 17, 2012. This motion was approved unanimously by acclamation.

D. Business:

• Warriors stadium High School Academy Pathway

Dennis McKenzie, gave a short presentation on his proposal for a sports career management pathway in San Francisco. Mr. McKenzie urged commissioners to get in touch with him for more information.

Commissioner Persky invited Mr. McKenzie to speak during public comment at the next full Youth Commission meeting of September 17, 2012. Commissioners Persky and Warri expressed their interest to stay engaged and involved with Mr. McKenzie’s work.

• Bay Area-wide YC summit

Commissioner Persky expressed that the idea for a Bay Area wide Youth Commission summit came from the San Francisco Youth Commission’s recent collaboration with the Oakland and San Mateo Youth Commissions on work around free MUNI for youth. The desire to collaborate more with Bay Area Youth Commissions would prove beneficial and productive for all Youth Commissioners.

Mr. Yedidia explained to commissioners that staff had recently met with Oakland Youth Commission staff to discuss the possibilities of hosting such an event, and both sides agreed that the Executive Committees of the respective bodies should take the lead in planning, should both bodies agree to have the summit. Executive committee members expressed excitement, and all agreed to take part.

Commissioners Shackelford asked staff to include all members of the Executive Committee in future emails relating to the summit.

• Selecting YAC representatives

Ms. Truong gave a brief introduction to the Youth Advisory Council (YAC) and explained why staff was recommending Commissioners Brian Chu and Ariel Yu to join the YAC. Commissioners Persky and Shackelford shared their experience with being on the 11-12 YAC.

Commissioner Brodwin, seconded by Commissioner Persky, moved to approve the selection of Commissioners Brian Chu and Ariel Yu to be on the YAC. This motion was approved unanimously by acclamation.

6. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 7:00pm.