Housing, Environment, and City Services Committee - December 17, 2015 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
December 17, 2015 (All day)

San Francisco Youth Commission
Housing, Environment and City Services
Thursday, December 17, 2015
5:00-7:00 PM
City Hall, Room 345
1. Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Pl.
San Francisco, CA 94102

There will be public comment on each item.

Members: Giovanna Soto, Erica Kong, Lily Marshall-Fricker, Jarrett Mao
and Cris Plunkett

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

Chair Soto called the meeting to order at 5:29pm. Commissioners present: Giovanna Soto, Erica Kong, and Jarrett Mao. Staff present: Leah LaCroix. There was quorum.

There was no public comment.

2. Approval of Agenda (Action Item)

Commissioner Mao, seconded by Commissioner Kong moved to approve the agenda. There was no public comment. The motion was approved by acclamation.

3. Approval of Minutes (Action Item)

A. December 3, 2015
(Document A)

Commissioner Mao, seconded by Commissioner Kong, moved to approve the minutes. There was public comment on the item.

David Pilpel suggested that future meeting minutes spell out abbreviations in full. Staff made note of the suggestion. Mr. Pilpel also expressed he was glad the committee heard from the Textile Awareness Campaign at the December 3, 2015 meeting due to growing concerns on our collective environmental impacts..

Marcus Clark asked if the committee was working with other non-profits on textile awareness and the push for zero waste. Commissioner Kong informed that the committee had voted to support the Textile Awareness Campaign. Staff offered to provide Mr. Clark with the presenters contact information for further information about the campaign.

There was no further public comment.

The motion was approved by acclamation.

4. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda (Discussion Only)

David Pilpel, of the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance Taskforce, introduced himself to the committee. He expressed his longtime support for the Youth Commission and its work, and praised the dedication commissioners have to their role.

Marcus Clark, a resident of District 6, introduced himself to the committee. He expressed his interest and desire to attend more youth commission meetings in the future.

There was no further public comment.

5. Business (All Items to Follow Discussion and Possible Action)

A. Review and discuss committee priorities

The committee reviewed the notes from their previous discussion of their priorities—the Affordable Housing Bonus Program (AHBP), Park Equity, Transitional Aged Youth (TAY) housing, and homelessness amongst youth and their families.


Vice-chair Kong informed members of the public that the previous commission terms Housing, Environment, and City Services Committee prioritized homeless youth in their budget and policy priorities presentation to the Board of Supervisors. She mentioned that the committee passed a resolution urging the Board of Supervisors to recognize 2015 as the year of homeless youth. She suggested that the committee continue working on this priority. Staff inquired as to the next steps the committee desired to take on the matter. Vice-chair Kong suggested following up on the resolution. Chair Soto stated commissioner Plunkett’s interest on the issue.

Chair Soto recognized Mr. Clark. Mr. Clark asked how the committee plans on informing San Franciscans on their priority. Vice-chair Kong stated the commission will work with their community partners and the Student Advisory Committee to reach out to youth at school sites and afterschool programs, and the peer mentor programs. Chair Soto suggested reaching out to wellness centers and soliciting personal stories from homeless youth.

Mr. Clark asked about the relationship between truancy and homelessness students, and how many of San Francisco’s youth are homeless. Vice-chair Kong informed Mr. Clark of the uncertainty of an exact number of homeless youth given some youth may be marginally housed, or temporarily living with an extended family member, and not consider themselves homeless.

Park Equity

Chair Soto gave an overview of the Park Equity priority the committee. She informed that higher income neighborhoods often have resources for their parks than lower income neighborhoods, and that the committee should consider requesting the parks receive equitable funding.

Chair Soto recognized Mr. Pilpel. Mr. Pilpel asked if the committee had written a letter to the Board of Supervisors on the Park Equity legislation. Commissioner Mao informed that the commission had sent a referral response previously but had not sent any additional letters to the board in the issue. Mr. Pilpel encouraged the committee to write letters to the Board of Supervisors on matters related to the work of the commission. Mr. Pilpel also encouraged commissioner to talk to the controller’s office on park funding disparities in each supervisorial district.

Affordable Housing Bonus Program

Staff gave a general overview of the Affordable Housing Bonus Program legislation. She informed on the proposed increase in Area Median Income (AMI) and encouraged them to consider the impacts it may have on families with children and youth. Commissioner Soto asked if there was a way to write into the legislation a way to prioritize families with children and youth in the affordable housing lottery. Staff encouraged the committee to make that or any other recommendation to the Board of Supervisors through a written resolution, letter and/or speaking to their district supervisor. Staff also informed that the next Housing, Environment and City Services committee is scheduled on January 14, 2016 if commissioners wanted to adopt an official position as a committee.

Transitional Aged Youth Housing

Staff gave a general overview of the Transitional Aged Youth Task Force recommendation and the progress made toward the 2015 housing goal. Chair Soto asked staff to reach out to TAYSF for a presentation. Staff noted the request.

Chair Soto recognized Mr. Pilpel. Mr. Pilpel suggested the committee to incorporate TAY housing issue into their area of interest, and encouraged the committee help debunk the myths and stigmas around transitional aged youth, and their needs.

There was no further public comment.

B. Review current pertinent legislation

Staff provided the committee with an update on the Affordable Housing Bonus Program (AHBP) legislation. She informed that the legislation was in the Land Use and City Services Committee of the Board of Supervisors and will be heard in January. Chair Soto asked if staff can inform commissioner of the exact date and time of the hearing. Staff noted the request.

Commissioner Kong asked about more community meetings on AHBP. Staff said they will follow up with the Supervisor Tang’s office. Staff also offered to reach out Supervisor Farrell and Supervisor Avalos’ offices on the Park Equity legislation.

Chair Soto recognized Mr. Pilpel. Mr. Pilpel encouraged the committee to seek out presentation from the Planning Department, Office of Economic and Workforce Development, and the Mayor office of Housing and Community Development on their large projects. He emphasized the need for youth voice in legislative discussions.

There was no further public comment.

6. Executive Committee Report

Staff informed the committee that the Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Executive Committee meeting had been cancelled. The next meeting is scheduled for December 30, 2015.

Commissioner Mao reminded the committee that Youth Commission Chair Luis Avalos-Nuñez tabled committee report at the December 7, 2015 full Youth Commission meeting. Vice-chair Kong offered to work with Chair Soto on an update for the next full Youth Commission meeting.

There was no public comment.

7. Staff Report

Staff Leah LaCroix expressed her enthusiasm at working with commissioners on the Housing, Environment, and City Services Committee.

Ms LaCroix reminded the committee to review the weekly internal update. She also asked that commissioner share their individual Google calendars with her in an effort to stay informed of their availability. Ms LaCroix encouraged commissioners to complete the Harassment Prevention Training as soon as possible, before the December 31, 2015 deadline.

Ms. LaCroix reminded the committee of the importance of starting meetings at the time publically noticed. She strongly encouraged the commissioner to inform staff if they were running late as soon as possible. She also suggested in the future, the commissioners arrive ten minutes before the meeting is starts to review the agenda packet.

Mr. Pilpel asked when the committee will begin discussing their budget and policy priorities for the 2015-16 commission term. Staff informed that the committee will work on their priorities in depth at the Mid-Year Retreat, held the weekend of January 16-17, 2016.

There was no further staff report.

8. Adjournment

Chair Soto adjourned the meeting at 6:30pm.