Tracking 2016-2017 Youth Commission Business


Tracking 2016-2017 Youth Commission Business

The Youth Commission typically takes action as a full body in 3 different ways: through responding to pending legislation proposed by the Board of Supervisors, by adopting resolutions advising the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors on issues related to San Francisco's children and youth, and by passing motions subsequent to presentations the Commission hears from community organizations and/or other City agencies. 

This regularly updated document tracks all 3 of these actions for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. 

Date Item Type

Origin & File no.

Item Name


YC Action & Date
9/8/16 YC Business  

Adoption of 16-17 YC Bylaws

  Approved with amendments upon first reading 9/8/16 (PDF)
9/8/16 Presentation   Overview of SF Dept of Elections Outreach to Young Votters Jill Fox, Outreach Manager and Aileen Villegas, SF Dept of Elections No action taken.
9/8/16 YC Business     Election of 16-17 YC Executive Officers Commissioner Matz elected chair; Commissioner Juarez elected Vice Chair; Commissioner Plunkett elected Legislative Affairs Officer; Commissioners Lind and Vargas elected Communications & Outreach officers  
9/19/16 Presentation  

Overview of DCYF Programs, Services and Budget

Maria Su, Executive Director, DCYF


No action taken

9/19/16 Presentation   Overview of DCYF Community Needs Assessment Laura Moye, Deputy Director, DCYF


General motion of support (PDF)

9/19/16 Legislation Referred from BOS BOS File No. 160892 Administrative Code - San Francisco City College Enrollment Fee Assistance Fund Alisa Messer, AFT 2121 Support with comment and recommendation 1617-RBM-01 (PDF)
10/3/16 Youth Commission Business   Election of 2016-17 Youth Commission Representative to Our Children, Our Families Council   Commissioner Cecilia Galeano elected representative 10/3/16
10/3/16 Presentation   Presentation on Transitional Age Youth SF History and Accomplishments Presenter: Mia Satya, Director, TAY SF  
10/17/16 Presentation   Presentation on Recreation and Parks Department Equity Metrics and Strategic Plan Presenter: Phil Ginsburg, General Manager, Recreation and Parks Department  
10/17/16 Presentation   Presentation on the Overview of Office of Labor Standards and Enforcement and Implementation of Formula Retail Employee Rights Ordinances Presenters: Seema Patel, Deputy Director, Office of Labor Standards Enforcement and Community Partners  
10/17/16 Presentation   Presentation on Adverse Childhood Experiences and Toxic Stress Presenters: Jaquez Donaldson and Joseph Reagans, Leadership High School students  
11/7/16 Legislation Referred BOS File No. 161108 [Administrative Code - Library Fines and Fees] Sponsor: Mayor Lee Presenter: Michelle Jeffers, Chief of Community Program and Partnerships, SF Public Library Support 1617-RBM-02 (PDF)
11/7/16 Legislation Referred BOS File No. 161114 [Library Fee Amnesty Program - January 3 through February 14, 2017] Sponsor: Mayor Lee Presenter: Michelle Jeffers, Chief of Community Program and Partnerships, SF Public Library Support 1617-RBM-03 (PDF)
11/7/16 Youth Commission Business YC Motion 1617-AL-01 [Youth Commission Priorities for Improving Youth-Police Relations Under a New Police Chief] Presenter: Immigration, Justice and Employment Committee Adopted and approved (1617-AL-01)
11/7/16 Youth Commission Business   Proposed 2016-2017 Youth Commission Bylaw Amendment Regarding Cell Phone Usage Sponsor: Commissioner Juarez Adopted as amended (PDF)
11/21/16 Legislation Referred BOS File No. 160019 [Planning Code – Designated Child Care Units] Sponsor: Supervisor Norman Yee; Presenter: Erika Maybaum, Legislative Aide Support 1617-RBM-04 (PDF)
11/21/16 Presentation   Presentation on Mental Health Resources for Youth Presenters: Christine Hardiman, Program Administrator, SF Wellness Initiative, School Health Programs Fenicia Jacks, Central Community Health Outreach Worker, School Health Programs Mira Feess, Mentor Wellness Coordinator, School Health Programs General motion of support for initiative
11/21/16 Presentation   Presentation on Strategic Priorities for Re-Envisioning the Jail Replacement Project at Hall of Justice Presenter: Roma Guy, Co-Chair of Work Group to Re-envision the Jail Replacement Project, Tax Payers for Public Safety No action taken
12/5/16 Legislation Referred BOS File No. 161288 Appropriation - General Reserve - Establishing a Legal Unit to Defend Immigrants from Deportation in FYs 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 - $6,945,965 Sponsor: David Campos Presenter: Carolyn Goossen, Legislative Aide Support 12/5/16 1617-RBM-05 (PDF)
12/5/16 Legislation Referred BOS File No. 161289 Public Employment - Amendment to the Annual Salary Ordinance for the Office of Public Defender - Legal Unit to Defend Immigrants from Deportation - FYs 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 Sponsor: David Campos Presenter: Carolyn Goossen, Legislative Aide Support 12/5/16 1617-RBM-05 (PDF)
12/5/16 Presentation   Updates on Free City College Funding Presenter: Win-Mon Kyi, Student Advocate, City College of San Francisco No action taken
1/3/17 YC Business 1617-RC-01 Commending Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin Sponsor: Commissioner Plunkett Passed on first reading 1/4/17 1617-RC-01 (PDF)
1/3/17 YC Business   Youth Commission Application 2017-18 Sponsor: Staff Motion to approve 1/4/17
1/3/17 Presentation   Presentation on the Library Fine Amnesty Program Presenter: Mary Abler and Katherine Jardine, SFPL No action taken
1/3/17 Presentation   Presentation on SF Fellow Program Tanea Lunsford, SF Fellow No action taken








Presentation on Youth Leader Opportunity and Request for Sponsorship of Youth Advocacy Day



Wahid Ahmed, Youth Empowerment Fund

Motion to co-sponsor 1/4/17



2/6/17 Presentation    Presentation on Youth-Funded Youth-Led Projects Breanne Harris, Associate Director, Youth Empowerment Fund with Community Funders No action taken
2/6/17 Presentation   Presentation on Close Up Eleanor Vogelsgang, Community Relations Manager, Close Up No action taken
2/6/17 Presentation   Presentation on the Appeal of Sharp Park Golf Course Redevelopment Hannah Sawyer No action taken
2/21/17 Presentation   Presentation on Return to Work Services for Youth with Disabilities  Christine Randolph, M.S., CRC, Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Vocational & Rehabilitation Department No action taken
2/21/17 Presentation   Presentation on New Generation Health Center Presenter: Nataly Ortiz, Violence Prevention Group Facilitator, Mission Girls No action taken
2/21/17 Youth Commission Business YC Motion 1617-AL-03 Motion Urging the Board of Supervisors to Remove Sharp Park Golf Course Redevelopment Project from the Natural Resource Areas Management Plan Environmental Impact Report  Presenter: Executive Committee Adopted and approved (1617-AL-03)
3/6/17 Presentation  

Presentation on Our Children, Our Families Services Inventory

Luis M. Aroche, MPA, Family Support Navigator, and Alecia Barillas, MPA, Council Coordinator, Our Children, Our Families Council No official action taken.
3/6/17 Presentation  

Presentation on ConnectSF Transit Priorities

Amnon Ben-Pazi, Planner, San Francisco Planning Department and Bradley Dunn, Public Information Officer, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency

Motion to support 3/6/17
3/6/17 YC Business 1617-RC-02 Resolution commending Mary Abler, Youth Development Coordinator, San Francisco Public Library Commissioner Mao Passed on first reading 3/6/17 1617-RC-02 (PDF)
3/6/17 YC Business  

Motion to allow Commissioner Vargas to step down from executive officer role for remainder of 2016-17 term and reopen Executive Officer Elections

Commissioners Vargas and Lind Passed; Commissioner Yu elected as Outreach Officer 3/6/17
3/20/17 Presentation  

Presentation on Planning Department’s January 2017 Report “Housing for Families with Children"

Presenter: Supervisor Norman Yee No official action taken. (PDF)
3/20/17 Presentation  

Presentation on the Scholar Card (ConnectED) initiative between SFPL and SFUSD

Presenter: Katherine Jardine, Public Relations Officer, San Francisco Public Library Motion to support the program passed 3/20/17 (PDF)
3/20/17 Presentation  

Presentation on Community Action Model Youth Leadership Project: Creating Positive Change in Communities

Presenters: Anastasia Mallillin, Program Coordinator, and Jessica Escober and Jennifer Martinez, Youth Leadership Institute Motion to support the initiative passed 3/20/17 (PDF)
3/20/17 Presentation  

Presentation on San Francisco Prevention Coalition: Alcohol Density Impacts in SF

Presenters: Elijah Chum, Gerber Barmaca, Angie Moscoso, Youth Leadership Institute No official action taken.
3/20/17 Presentation  

Presentation by Breathe California:  “Flavored Tobacco, Youth Health, and Social Jusice"

Presenters: Randy Uang, Director of Tobacco Prevention and Control Services and Linsay Christelle Etienne, Policy Advocate, Breathe California Motion to support the initiative passed 3/20/17  (PDF)
3/2017 YC Business  

Training on Voter Pre-Registration of 16 & 17 Year Olds

Commissoner Noah David No official action taken.
3/20/17 YC Business  

Leave of Absence Request for March 13-April 5, 2017 for Commissioner Cris Plunkett

  Approved 3/22/17
4/3/17 YC Business Resolution 1617-AL-02

Resolution Responding to Donald Trump’s Election and Executive Actions

Commissioners Plunkett and E. David

Adopted upon second reading 4/3/17

1617-AL-02 (PDF)

4/3/17 YC Business Motion 1617-AL-07

Youth Commission Support for Petra DeJesus’ Reappointment to the Police Commission

Commissioner Matz Passed 4/3/17 1617-AL-07 (PDF)
4/3/17 YC Business Motion 1617-AL- 04

Motion Urging the Board of Supervisors to hold a hearing on alternatives to incarceration for 18-25 year olds

Commissioners Galeano and Mesler Passed 4/3/17 1617-AL-04 (PDF)
4/3/17 YC Business  

Certifying Resignation of Commissioner Tsia Blacksher

  Commissioner Blacksher's resignation certified 4/3/17 (PDF)
4/17/17 Presentation   Presentation on U.S. Department of Justice Collaborative Report Presenter: Michael P. Connolly, MS, Deputy Chief of Police, Professional Standard & Principled Policing Bureau No action taken. (PDF)
4/17/17 YC Business Resolution 1617-AL-05 Resolution Requesting Support for Assembly Constitutional Amendment 10 Sponsors: Civic Engagement Committee Passed on second reading 4/17/17 1617-AL-05 (PDF)
4/17/17 YC Business Resolution 1617-AL-06 Resolution Urging the Mayor and Board of Supervisors to Support Efforts to Pre-Register 16 and 17 year olds to Vote Sponsors: Civic Engagement Committee Passed on second reading 4/17/17 1617-AL-06 (PDF)
5/8/17 YC Business Resolution 1617-AL-08 Resolution Supporting the Implementation of the Retail Workers' Bill of Rights Sponsors: Commissioners Krause and Matz Passed on second reading 4/17/17 1617-AL-08 (PDF)
5/8/17 Legislation Referred BOS File No. 170420 [Admin Code - Relocation Assistance for Lawful Occupants Regardless of Age] Sponsor: Supervisors Ronen; Co-sponsors: Supervisors Yee, Breed, Sheehy, Fewer, Peskin, Safai; Presenter: Carolyn Goossen, Aide to Supervisor Ronen Support 5/8/17 1617-RBM-06 (PDF)
5/8/17 Presentation   Summer Stride, SFPL's Summer Learning Program Presenter: Ileana Pulu, SFPL Youth Development Coordinator No official action taken
5/15/17 Presentation   CHALK Power Youth Movement Conference Presenter: Andrea Juarez, Director, Youth Funding Youth Ideas Motion to co-sponsor and support 5/15/17
5/15/17 Legislation Referred BOS File No. 170441 [Health Code - Banning the Sale of Flavored Tobacco Products] Sponsor: Supervisor Cohen; Presenter: Brittni Chicuata, Legislative Aide to Supervisor Cohen Support 5/15/17 1617-RBM-07 (PDF)
5/15/17 YC Business Resolution 1617-AL-09 Resolution to Highlight the Societal and Economic Impacts of Alcohol Density in San Francisco Sponsor: Civic Engagement Committee Adopted upon second reading 5/15/17 1617-AL-09 (PDF)
5/15/17 YC Business Resolution 1617-AL-10 Resolution urging the Mayor and Board of Supervisors to investigate the reproductive health service needs of young San Franciscans in light of the impending closure of New Generation Health Center Sponsor: Civic Engagement Committee Adopted upon second reading 5/15/17 1617-AL-10 (PDF)
5/15/17 YC Business Resolution 1617-AL-13 Resolution Urging the Mayor and Board of Supervisors to Adopt a Formal Definition of Family Housing Sponsor: Commissioner Emma David Adopted upon second reading 5/15/17 1617-AL-13 (PDF)
5/15/17 YC Business Resolution 1617-AL-12 Resolution urging the Mayor and Board of Supervisors to ensure the implementation of the Sunlight Ordinance Sponsor: Commissioner Lisa Yu Adopted upon second reading 5/15/17 1617-AL-12 (PDF)
5/15/17 YC Business Resolution 1617-AL-14 Resolution Urging the Mayor and Board of Supervisors to Adopt Legislation That Incentivize and Promotes the Construction of Family Housing and Prioritizes Families with Dependents in the Inclusionary Housing Selection Process Sponsor: Commissioner Emma David Adopted upon second reading 5/15/17 1617-AL-14 (PDF)
5/15/17 YC Business Annual Budget & Policy Priorities YC Budget & Policy Priorities for FY's 17-18 and 18-19 Full Youth Commission Adopted upon second reading 5/15/17 (PDF)
6/5/17 Presentation   Presentation on the Beat Within Presenters: : David Inocencio, Director and Founder, and Lisa Lavaysse, Program Director and Volunteer Coordinator, The Beat Within General motion of support passed 5/15/17
6/5/17 Presentation   Presentation on Organ & Tissue Donation Presenter: Kristina Ruiz-Healy, Community Development Liaison, Donor Network West No official action taken
6/5/17 YC Business YC Motion 1617-AL-15 Motion to Issue a Letter supporting San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency's (SFMTA) application for the Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) federal grant Sponsor: Housing, Recreation and Transit Committee Presenter: William Tyner, SFMTA Passed on first reading 6/5/17 1617-AL-15 (PDF)
6/5/17 YC Business YC Resolution 1617-AL-11 Youth Commission Recommendations for the 2018-2023 Youth Empowerment Allocation Sponsors: Commissioners Amable and Matz Adopted upon second reading 6/5/17 1617-AL-11 (PDF)
6/19/17 YC Business YC Motion 1617-AL-16 Motion to Support the Designation of Funds for a TAY Navigation Center and Urge the City to Fund Homeless Youth Services Proportional to the Homeless Population Executive Committee & Housing, Recreation and Transit Committee Adopted upon first reading 6/19/17 1617-AL-16 (PDF)
6/19/17 YC Business YC Motion 1617-AL-16 [Declaring A Year of Youth Experiencing Homelessness in San Francisco] Commissioner Plunkett Adopted upon first reading 6/19/17 1617-AL-17 (PDF)