Youth Commission Intern

youth smiles at camera

Lavender Chen 

YouthWorks Intern


School: Ruth Asawa SOTA; World Music Department 

Grade: Junior 

Involvements: President of Red Cross Club (started this year), Secretary of Diversity Leadership Institute Club, Public Relations Director of CSF (California Scholarship Federation), Environmental Club , SF Taiko Dojo "Rising Stars" class since 2014, FOG Library tutor for dyslexic children (2017), SF GLIDE Foundation volunteer, Fleet Week Volunteer, SFPL volunteer

What issues affecting youth in SF are you passionate about or do you look forward to working on at the YC? 
I'm most passionate in learning about the gun control issue worldwide. I'd like to be more educated on initiatives that counteract it and continue participating in protests in the Bay Area. Marches and protests were the first time I felt empowered enough to get my voice heard and make change in the world. 

What do you hope to learn about while being an intern at the YC? 
In YC, I hope to learn more about the legislative process. I feel like students don't get enough opportunities in schools to be educated on different propositions and people up for election every yeaar. It is important to have that information when we are eligible to vote later.

Interests / Hobbies / Fun Fact:

I love Taiko Drumming. I also really like rhythms and tap dancing which was what I originally started with before taiko. My favorite food is instant noodles. I was moved to audition for World Music after watching the department's taiko show and then looked up taiko drumming classes to gain experience before auditioning and have been a part of SF Taiko Dojo ever since! My dream is to open up my own Taiko Dojo in Taiwan, which is where I was born.